After all, the world is full of hopeless people.Yoshikawa Kikyo who is innocent but not kind, Akai Yaxiong who shot and killed the man guarding others without hesitation, and Accelerator who advocated that human life is precious after killing [-] people.

It is simply inexcusable for people living in this corrupt world to seek help from others today.Trying to save someone is the stupidest thing in the world.

Accelerator knew it very well.

Just because he is a person from this world, he has personal experience.

"But..." He said in a tone that seemed to cut everything off: "This child is innocent. Even if we are the most corrupt scum, scum and waste who don't even have the qualifications to save others..."

The blood from his forehead seeped into Accelerator's left eye, and he continued, "But there's no reason for this little brat to be treated like death, right? Is it because we are human scum that we can trample on this little brat? Everything you have?"

He knew how disproportionate such behavior was to him, and how thick-skinned he was. Every word he said could be turned around and stabbed in his chest.

Shouldn't people be saved if they don't have the right to save people?The little hand stretched out by the girl should be thrown away as a matter of course?

"Damn it, isn't this... a very simple truth?" He muttered to himself, as if he was telling himself.

The Last Work must be rescued.Unlike Fang Accelerator, Tianjing Yaxiong and others, she still has a chance to be redeemed.

In short, someone must lend a helping hand to her, no matter who it is, otherwise she will really die, it is such a simple matter.

No matter how reluctant, how overreaching, and how brazen, you must use your own hands to protect the most cherished things.

The world is ruthless, and there are no inherent heroes.Therefore, the person who happens to be next to him can only come on stage and play a heroic scene.

"That's right, I killed [-] sisters, but that doesn't mean I should leave the remaining [-] sisters dead. I know it's hypocritical, and I know I'm not qualified to say That's the case! But it's not right! No matter how rotten scum we are, no matter how many reasons we have, it doesn't mean that this brat should be killed!"

Accelerator lowered his body, jumped up at the speed of a cannonball, and flew towards Tianjing Yaxiong.It seems that Accelerator has an overwhelming advantage, but in fact the person in crisis is himself.

The battle must not be prolonged, if this blow did not end the battle, Accelerator would lose consciousness.

Moreover, he clearly knew that he had to fight quickly, but he didn't have the energy to use powerful moves.As a last resort, Accelerator could only choose the simplest method of attack, which was to advance in a straight line with the shortest distance.

Unfortunately, his feet went limp and his whole body lost his balance.

Accelerator hurriedly tried to stand firm, but his legs were no longer in control.

The pain from the wound on the forehead suddenly intensified, and the next moment, the pain disappeared completely.He heard a snap in his ears, and only then did he realize that he had fallen to the ground.

The horizontal field of vision reflected the shadow of the girl, the girl he desperately wanted to protect.

He seemed to be thinking about something in his heart, but his consciousness had been engulfed by the deep darkness.

"I'm...alive...haha, I survived..." Yaxiong Tianjing said in disbelief.

He smiled weakly, and then lightly poked Accelerator on the head with his fingertips.

Now, you are the one to die!

"Unfortunately, you don't seem to be able to survive." A cold voice sounded behind him.

Immediately, he only felt a pain in his chest, and a scarlet knife tip appeared at the position of his heart.

Why, no blood?These are his last thoughts.

Chapter 524 Take You To Fly

Ye Kai casually stabbed this weird guy to death, he came a bit late, when Accelerator just stood up, he wanted to see what happened.

From the conversation between the two, it can be seen that Accelerator wanted to protect the little girl, and Yaxiong Tianjing wanted to kill the two of them.

That little girl is a bit like Miss Misaka, but not the same.

Know who is right and who is wrong, and the rest is much simpler.

Tianjing Yaxiong does not look like Fang Accelerator, he is a knife being used, he is the evil itself.

Then, kill and kill.

"That, can I take it off?" Renzi's body trembled a little.

Her eyes were covered with a white cloth, which looked like Ye Kai's masterpiece.

This little girl hasn't seen any corpses yet, so don't let her touch them.

Although she couldn't see it, Ye Kai's cold voice just now scared her.

Only then did she remember that Ye Kai was a thousand-year-old monster who had killed countless times in his life.

"Now? No." Ye Kai said.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed Huang Quanchuan's number.

"It's rare that you are free to call me, and it's still so late."

"What about working overtime?" Ye Kai asked casually.


"I'll send you the coordinates. Come here and wash the ground. The incident with Misaka sister is not over yet. I killed a researcher who didn't look like a good person."

"You didn't seem to kill Accelerator before, did you? Why did you attack the researchers? Also, it seems that we can't kill people at will, right? This kind of person should be handed over to the security team."

"No matter how evil and bad Fang Xing is, it's just a knife, and he's under the age of [-]. Now this guy has a complete view of good and evil, so he should be responsible for his own actions. As for killing him, it's just my hand." Itchy, I believe those above will not mind." Ye Kai said with a smile.

He has always been very tolerant towards children, at most he would beat him up until he doubted his life.

"Okay, I'll bring someone over here right now." Huang Quanchuan was a little speechless towards Ye Kai, thinking that he hadn't received formal security training, he was also a little relieved.

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