She will not hide this matter for Ye Kai, she will still report it if it should be reported, how to deal with it is the matter of the above.

"Well, I have to take Accelerator to the hospital, this guy was shot."

After speaking, Ye Kai hung up the phone and sent out his coordinates.

"Huh..." Laizi heaved a sigh of relief.

Ye Kai's phone call reassured her a lot.

buzz, buzz, buzz...

At this moment, a small car drove over.

There was a girl sitting on it, looking at the scene with a surprised face, as if she was a little confused.

Ye Kai standing with a knife on his back, carrying a girl on his back; Patio Yaxiong lying on the ground; Fang Tongxing lying on the ground; and the unconscious little girl in the car; no matter how you look at it, Ye Kai looks like a murderer.

Fortunately, the girl also came here in great wind and waves, and she knows the cause and effect.

Isn't that guy with the knife the rumored Gensokyo Ghost Swordsman?This is the man who ended the experiment.

If nothing else, he's not a bad guy.

Instead of leaving, she opened the door and got out of the car, walking up to Ye Kai.

"Who?" Laizi asked suspiciously.

"It's just a researcher." The woman said softly.

"I'm a special member of the security team." Ye Kai took the Meteorite Knife and said calmly, "This place is taken over by the security team, including you."

He didn't know if this woman was a good person or a bad person. If she just looked at her clothes, she and Yaxiong Tianjing should be in the same group, right?

"Yes." The woman nodded.

Ye Kai was stunned for a moment, he was caught so soon?Saved myself a lot of effort.


He took out two pairs of handcuffs and locked the woman in the car that looked like it was about to be scrapped, so that she would not be afraid of running away.

Ye Kai is very sure that she does not know magic, nor does she have any superpowers.

The woman didn't care about this, but looked at the last work, and found that the last work was breathing very smoothly, and the virus had disappeared, so she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It doesn't matter if he was taken to the guard or something.

Ye Kai squatted beside Accelerator and helped him up.

Blood flowed over his forehead, barely protecting the wound.

In the original book, he suffered a brain injury and was unable to perform calculations. Fortunately, he met Ye Kai now.

Like Index's previous wound was too big, Ye Kai couldn't do it, and couldn't heal it either.

In other words, he could only temporarily stop the bleeding and protect Accelerator's brain, but he couldn't heal completely.

If he was allowed to heal, he would at most stick two Band-Aids on one side, Accelerator.

Ye Kai was holding Accelerator in one hand, and the last work in the other, and found that the little girl was not wearing any clothes.

There was no way, so she tightened the rag on her body and picked it up.

The siren sounded in the distance.

Well, that guy got out of the police quite quickly.

Ye Kai scanned the surroundings with wave motion, and there was no danger, so he prepared to take the two of them away.

"If you want to go to the hospital, you'd better go to a university hospital in the seventh school district. There is a doctor named Netherland Chasing Soul." The woman said indifferently.

Immediately, she described the location and name of the hospital.

"Damn it? You still think about this after being locked in the car? Well, I don't know this hospital anyway, do you know, Leizi?" Ye Kai turned his head and said.

"Well, I know." Saenko nodded, she had been there several times before.

Ye Kai nodded and said, "Thank you for the recommendation."

He didn't relax his vigilance, he still left the woman in the car, and then... got into her car.

Well, temporary requisition!

After getting into the car, Ye Kai was stunned. He didn't put Leizi and others down, but said with a confused face: "Lienzi, can you drive?"

He has traveled so many worlds, except for the ancient boats and motorcycles, he has never driven a car.

In other words, he can't drive, and he didn't have a driver's license in his previous life.

Saten shook her head resolutely, she doesn't seem to be old enough to learn to drive, right?

Those two sick numbers couldn't be identified, Ye Kai felt a little headache.

"Hurry up." Ye Kai said to Leizi.

Renzi nodded and said, "Can you open your eyes now?"

"Okay, don't look back." Ye Kai said.

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