"My sis doesn't bring gifts, only food. Misaka 10032 looks enviously at the guata pendant on my sister's mobile phone, and looks forward to my sis giving it to Misaka."

"Onee-sama is so stingy, she won't give it to me. Misaka 10031 used words to run on sister-sama, hoping she can give Misaka the quack."

Meiqin clutched her phone, looking warily at the four versions of herself dressed like her, wearing goggles.

When I came here for the first time, all the little things on my body were taken away as gifts, and they were especially good at picking, and the ones they picked were all their favorite croaks.

While picking and returning, she ridiculed that the things she liked were too childish, leaving Miqin speechless.

"I feel a little dizzy in my head." Ye Kai rubbed his temples and said.

He didn't feel anything when he saw one, and he didn't feel anything when he saw four sleeping ones, but he was a little uncomfortable seeing four identical, living Misaka sisters.

If there were tens of thousands, Ye Kai shivered...

Fortunately, he was prepared and took out four high-quality and cheap... BT version of Huarong Road from the space backpack.

There is a Youyouzi in the family, and it is already hard to open the pot. If you send food, Master Youyouzi can chop himself.

In the afternoon, I will watch anime with Yuyuko, he went back after not staying here for too long, Accelerator has not woken up yet, the last work is accompanying Accelerator.

I don't know what's going on, Miqin comes every day, but she has never come across the last work, so it can only be said that it is metaphysics.

In the next few days, Ye Kai helped Leizi awaken her magic power, and felt that when she graduated from junior high school, she could almost reach the eighteenth level.

The master led the door in, the practice is up to the individual, and Ye Kai is very proficient in throwing the pot.

After he took care of the tears, he ushered in a return.

Well, this is an abnormal return, he was cheated...

"You mean, you looted all those associations, the British Royal Family, the Knights, the Roman Orthodox Church, and the Russian Puritan Church?" Ye Kai looked at Yakumo Zi with black lines all over his head.

"That's right, all of them are Ye Kaisang's dolls. I didn't go to the Puritan Church in England because the chairman was taking care of them." Yakumozi said softly, "This time the harvest is not small."

"If we don't leave, the other party will call the door?" Ye Kai said helplessly.

"Yes. This world is not as simple as we imagined. The Roman Orthodox Church hides the method of angels coming, and there are demon gods and the like. It's really unfriendly." Yakumo Zi seemed to cry , wiped the corners of his eyes.

"Alas..." Ye Kai sighed, there was nothing he could do with Yakumo Zi.

"Anla Ye Kaisang, it's not that we can't come back." Zi Yakumo smiled and said, "When we come back next time, open the space channel directly. They are really willing to fight, so we will bring the army of Gensokyo, Youxiang and Cuixiang Yongyi will be happy."

"Are you going to conquer the world?" Ye Kai was speechless.

"Ann, how could it be, I am such a kind monster." Yakumo Zi waved her hand.

Ye Kai had no choice but to listen to what Yakumo Zi said.

She tossed around by herself, and ended up using her own identity...

Ye Kai dialed his cell phone and made a call.

"Hey, our Lord Youkai thinks of me, a poor weak woman?"

"Shokuho, we're leaving, it's best to come to my house quickly." Ye Kai said helplessly.

"So suddenly?"

"Do you need to prepare? If so, wait until next time..."

"I'm coming now."

Ye Kai hung up the phone, lay down on Youyouzi's lap, and said helplessly, "Wait."

"It's really merciful, Ye Kaisang." Yakumozi rolled her eyes and said.

"It's just a poor child." Ye Kai waved his hand.

"It's okay, they don't know about our relationship with Academy City. I left five dolls behind, and I can't find anything here. It's just that we can't stay here." Yakumo Zi smiled.

"That chairman is really unlucky." Ye Kai said.

"Not sure, maybe, he needs me to divert his attention." Yakumo Zi said mysteriously.

Ye Kai said that he doesn't understand the world of smart people.

Hey, hey, hey.

Not long after, there was a knock on Ye Kai's door.

Unexpectedly, Shokuhou came so quickly. Behind her were two big men with a large backpack on their backs.

"Put things down, you can leave." Shokuhou smiled.

bang, bang...

The two backpacks were placed on the ground, and the big man left.

It can be seen that it is manipulative.

She exchanged everything into gold, lest she get Ye Kai from Gensokyo and no longer care about her board and lodging.

It's not that she doesn't believe in Ye Kai, it's that Ye Kai is horribly poor except for fixed assets, as long as he has money, Youyouzi will let go of eating and drinking.

In this world, she no longer has any relatives or friends, so she left without any worries.

And those factions are only used for fighting, and they have nothing to do with them.

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