"So much money!" Ye Kai was about to make a move, but saw that two gaps dropped the gap between the backpacks.

"I will calculate the money for this child. If it is in your hands, the money will be embezzled." Yakumo Zi said softly.

This is the first time Shokuhou has seen Yakumo Zi, so he is a little nervous.

But she is desperate now, and it is too late to regret.I only hope that Ye Kai can protect himself...

Such a long-term favorability should not be in vain?

Ye Kai is quite familiar with Yakumo Zi, she will not embezzle this kind of money.

He brought Shokuhou into the house, and said softly, "Return."

[The host task is not completed, the reward is cancelled]

Why do you want that croak?Do you want to attack junior high school students?

[The host has an unfulfilled wish in this world: to make money]

[Choose the right world, you can go there or not]

[Support Soldier Yakumo Zi, Support Soldier Yuyuko, cannot travel with the host due to one more person]

[The host can re-select one or two support soldiers]

Ye Kai was stunned for a moment, and explained the situation.

"That is to say, should we go back to Gensokyo first?" Yakumo Zi murmured.

"Why is Ye Kaisang's wish to make money?" Youyouzi tilted his head and asked.

Ye Kai and Yakumo Zi looked at Youyuko at the same time, why are you confused?

She still owes nearly [-] million foreign debts in Gensokyo!If you don't bring any money back, should you sell the hot spring hotel or the ship's mother?

Those equipments are worthless if they are sold again, and Remi doesn't know if she will help Ye Kai build them.

"Okay, Yuyuko and I will go back first." Yakumo Zi said softly.

"Let's go." Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said to Shokuhou: "I want to travel to another world with me, do you mind? If you mind, I will return the money to you first, and you wait here first. I have set After setting the ratio of the time flow rate, I will be back at the end of the month."

"Will Ye Kaiden protect me?" Shokuhou asked pitifully.

"Of course." Ye Kai patted his chest.

"Then let's go together, I also want to see another world." Shokuhou showed a beautiful smile.

"Okay." Ye Kai nodded.

A golden light appeared on the bodies of Yakumo Zi and Yuyuko, and then they disappeared slowly.

Before disappearing, Youyouzi blew a kiss to Ye Kai, and said softly: "Ye Kaisang, Master Youyouzi's debt is entrusted to you."

Ye Kai rolled his eyes, sent a group text message that he went on a trip, and then grabbed Shokuhou Misaki.

As for the choice of support troops?Just pick that guy. 8)

Chapter 527 The First Arrival

In a seemingly pitch-black space, Ye Kai, Shokuhou, and Rumia appeared here.

The reason why I brought Rumia is because she already has a good impression of me, and I seem to lack a little affection for her, so let's make up for it.

And the big monster that everyone was afraid of can only act coquettishly in his arms now, don't you think it's very touching?

If Rumia recovers, she will die of shame and indignation if she finds out about this, right?

As for why Tifa and the others were not chosen...

Let my girlfriend help me make money together to pay off debts for other women?

What a ghostly feeling.

If you have this thought, please face the wall and confess to your girlfriend.

If you don't have a girlfriend, please confess to your right hand like me.

【Blessings to a beautiful world】

[Task: Kill two cadres of the Demon King Army]

[Reward: Norton's Skilled HP Potion*2]

Looking at such fresh and refined rewards, how high is the fighting power in this world?Is it necessary to bring a big killer?So Youxiang and the others were also excluded.

There were two seasons of the anime, but Ye Kai only watched more than one episode, and just saw that they wanted to recruit companions, and Yakumo Zi came back.

Although I haven't seen much, the strength of the monsters has been revealed almost, and it is completely a world of rewarding points.

If Youxiang came, those monsters would not be enough for him to beat.

If Meihong comes, Ye Kai will have to enjoy Teacher Huiyin's love when he goes back.

If the eldest lady and the second lady come...they will definitely be regarded as the devil king's army, right?

Zack...why bring a guy?Gender male loves female, would rather bend than bend is Ye Kai.

Of course, Ye Kai's purpose is not to kill the final boss, but to collect money, at least enough money to pay Youyouzi's debt.

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