Yakumo Zi told him it was [-] million, but Ye Kai always felt that Yakumo Zi had reservations, and it didn't even count the money Ye Kai owed when he was working hard to make money in another world.

Closer to home.

In addition to nothingness here, few people can see the people around them clearly.

The ground is visible tiles to a certain extent, if it weren't for the fluctuation of nothingness around, Ye Kai would have thought it was a prank.

Behind him was a chair, and across from him was a chair and a small chest of drawers.

A girl who looked only sixteen or seventeen years old sat across from her.

Her hair is as white as Ye Kai's, reaching her ankles. She wears a blue turban on her head, a blue tights on her body, a white skirt on her lower body, and beautiful feathers on both sides of her shoulders.

"Is this another world?" Shokuhou asked suspiciously.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like a small black room, or a small black room where young girls are imprisoned.

"Well, it's another world." Ye Kai said.

After answering Shokuhou's question, Ye Kai looked at the girl opposite.

Wait, this goddess doesn't seem to be Akua. Akua has blue hair, not white hair. Could it be that what I watched was a pirated version?

"Huh? Where's Akuya?" Ye Kai asked in surprise.

"Hello, traveler from another time and space, my name is Alice, and I welcome you on behalf of the gods." Alice said softly.

Ye Kai was stunned for a moment, isn't the script right?Could it be something like time period?Akuya wasn't born yet?

"Akuya was taken away by a boy named Kazuma Sato two minutes ago." Alice said softly.

She received instructions from the gods. The person who came this time was not an ordinary person, but a guy who could easily kill gods with full firepower.

The signal sent by the other party is to go to the world full of 'crisis'.

As for whether he will be the savior, the gods are not sure.

It's not uncommon for such a terrifying guy who doesn't know the details to know about Aqua's existence, Alice said very calmly.

There is also the saying of thousands of worlds, and the gods also have it, otherwise they would not control many worlds.It's just that I didn't expect that there are other worlds that the gods can't take care of.

Fortunately, the other party looked very kind, did not show any intention of attacking them, and did not make too many demands.

Hmm... In fact, if you think about it carefully, among the group of gods, Akuya has been the god for so many years, which shows that they are also very lazy, unwilling to take care of things, and not very intelligent...

It's not surprising that Ye Kai didn't delve too deeply into how he came here.

"Big brother, where is this?" Rumia asked suspiciously.

She was playing a barrage game with Qi Lunuo, and the two of them played in a dark, evenly matched game, but she appeared here just after the game was over.

Fortunately, Ye Kai was by his side.

"This is...a transfer station, right? Big Brother will take you to play?" Ye Kai thought for a while.

"Okay, okay!" Rumia said happily, she likes to play the most.

"This is Rumia?" Shokuhou asked in surprise.

You know, Rumia in Ye Kai's biography was the first echelon of Gensokyo in its heyday, and no one was willing to provoke, or there were few big monsters who dared to provoke.

It's a pity that after being sealed, she can only act cute now.

It seems that there is no danger in this world, otherwise Ye Kai would definitely choose to come with strong fighting power.

Ye Kai nodded, hugged Rumia in his arms, and rubbed her little head with his chin.

Shokuhou couldn't help but feel a little funny, Ye Kai is a lolicon, the manga is indeed true.

"Excuse me, what do you need to bring? I'm afraid you don't need magic. There are many artifacts here, which can be brought down." Alice took out a few pieces of paper and wrote down the uses of those artifacts very professionally.

This is the best one to pick out, otherwise I am afraid that Ye Kai will not like it.

Ye Kai curled his lips, these artifacts may not be able to survive his own crack...

"Is it okay to bring you?" Ye Kai said to Alice.

"Huh?" Alice froze for a moment.

It's not that Ye Kai has any thoughts about Alice, but that it's new.Others carry weapons or magic, but the protagonist actually took away a goddess.If everyone chooses this way, those gods will all descend to the realm!

In the sky, a group of golden light suddenly appeared, forming a golden magic circle.A pink-haired angel flew out from inside. She had no safety pants or bloomers under her skirt, which was very dazzling!

This angel Ye Kai has seen it in anime, could it be that he can also take away a god?

"I'm sorry, the strong man from different time and space." She bowed to Ye Kai and said softly: "Goddess Alice is busy with work, so don't go down to the realm."

Ye Kai narrowed his eyes.

Sure enough, Akuya went down to the lower world because she was disgusted. This Alice is very capable, and she is not an idiot, so the gods will not let her go to the lower world...

"Forget it, don't fool me with these defective products for newcomers, give me the most valuable one." Ye Kai thought for a while.

Alice nodded and walked to Ye Kai's side. A huge diamond appeared in her hand. She smiled and said, "This is the heart of the ocean. It is a diamond with a vivid deep blue color. It is a rare treasure. The big one is the only one in the world." a few.

The famous diamond 'Hope' is one of them.Legend has it that "Hope" is a diamond of doom. Its owners died in strange ways one after another. The bad luck was not stopped until it was donated to the Smithsonian Institution in the United States.

The more precious Heart of Africa, Xianxi Diamond, Koh-i-Noor Diamond, we do not have and cannot plunder from human beings. This one is still abandoned in the sea. I hope you don’t mind the bad luck above. "

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