Otherwise, she must remember those white hair and cold red pupils.


Ye Kai pulled out Liu Guang and began to dance with his sword.

Naturally, it is not Ligui swordsmanship, but how to do it in a way that shows off, how difficult it is, the speed is just enough for everyone to see clearly, but there is a feeling that this person is so powerful.

The beauty at the counter before was stupefied. How did an unregistered adventurer cultivate so well?

He doesn't have any skill points?Haven't upgraded yet?how is this possible?

"it is good!"


"strong enough!"


Swipe, a wine glass flew towards Ye Kai, it was full of wine.

But that adventurer also had two brushes, and the wine glass flying in the air came flat.

Ye Kai's streamer swept away, and the wine glass stood quietly on the streamer, and with a flick of his wrist, the wine fell from the sky.

Ye Kai opened his mouth and drank the wine down to the last drop.


The wine glass went back the same way and came into the hands of the adventurer.

After doing all this, Ye Kai lifted Liu Guang upside down, making an expression of being as lonely as snow in his life.

"Okay, that's amazing!" Sato Kazuma's eyes lit up.

"Strange, this person obviously has red eyes, but he doesn't look like a Crimson Demon." Akua said curiously.

Immediately, she sighed, it's a pity that she followed an abandoned house.

She never thought about job hopping...

But Ye Kai didn't have any feelings for her, one Qi Lunuo of this level is enough, one more can't stand it!

As for the relationship between men and women?Do humans fall in love with monkeys?

Well, maybe there is such a thing, but Ye Kai is not.

Gensokyo has a lot of beauties, and all of them are beautiful.

"Collect money..." Ye Kai squeezed out a few words between his teeth that only Shokuhou could hear.

Shokuhou couldn't laugh or cry, so he had to follow suit.

She opened the bag on her body, and walked to the nearest table of guests with a face of shame and indignation.

The guest took out a gold coin casually.

The currency unit here is Alice, which is about the same purchasing power as the Japanese yen.

Ten Alices are copper coins, one hundred Alices are silver coins, one thousand Alices are gold coins, and ten thousand... are paper notes.

Although these coins are called copper coins, silver coins, and gold coins, the materials inside are not at all, they are just painted with a special layer of paint.It would be naive to think that it is real gold and silver.

Shokuhou's eyes widened, she really never thought that someone would give money.

After the first one was given, she walked through every table and collected a lot of money.

Whether those guests are generous or stingy, rich or poor, they give more or less.

One is Jing Yekai's peerless swordsmanship, and the other is that it is not a bad thing to have one more person who is willing to crusade against the Demon King.

While Shokuhou was collecting the money, Ye Kai kept his life as lonely as snow, while Rumia looked at the money and smiled happily.

As long as she has money, she can eat delicious food!

Shokuhou's small satchel was already full, so he returned to Ye Kai and said excitedly, "We can register as adventurers."

Ye Kai cupped his hands to everyone, and said calmly: "Thank you everyone!"

"You're welcome."

"Who hasn't had a problem yet."

"Come on, look after you."

Sato Kazuma and Aqua looked at each other, Sato Kazuma said softly, "Are you rich?"

Akuya shook her head resolutely and said, "You came out in such a hurry, how could you bring money?"

Sato Kazuma was speechless, he didn't do what Ye Kai did!How can you be an adventurer without money?How to protect Arad?Wait, what is Arad?

Ye Kai brought Shokuhou and Rumia to the counter again.

This time, Alice made a total of about [-] yuan, which is more than [-] yuan if it is equivalent to the purchasing power of RMB, which is enough to solve the urgent need.

The beauty at the counter came out from behind and said with a smile: "Just call me Luna, the registration fee is [-] Alice per person.

Since the two said they want to be adventurers, they should have some understanding, but I'll explain it again.

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