First of all, the so-called adventurers are those who are responsible for hunting down monsters that live outside the town, that is, those who are harmful to the people.

That being said, it's basically no different than a jack-of-all-trades.

The general term for people who make a living from these jobs is adventurers.Then, among the adventurers, they are divided into various professions. "

She took out two cards and handed them to Ye Kai and Shokuhou.

About the size of an ID card, looks like an ID card or something.

"Look here, is there an item called level? As the two of you know, all things in this world have souls hidden in their bodies.

No matter what kind of existence it is, as long as it eats or kills a creature, that is, if it terminates a certain life activity, it can absorb part of the memory of the existence's soul.

That is what is commonly called "experience points".These experience points are generally not things that can be seen with the naked eye.but……"

Luna pointed to a part of the card and said: "As long as you hold this card, the experience points absorbed by the adventurer will be displayed on it.

At the same time, the corresponding level will also be displayed.This is the strength standard of adventurers, and how many targets have been hunted down will also be recorded here.

With the accumulation of experience points, all kinds of creatures will suddenly grow rapidly one day.

This is the so-called level-up barrier... In short, as long as you level up, you can get various benefits, such as points to learn new skills, etc., so please work hard to level up . "

There are indeed things like life, attributes, and skills on it. This is an Rpg game...

No wonder it's a world suitable for swiping money. If you keep doing tasks, don't you always have money?

Without Yuyuko, no one would prodigal.

"Wait, there is one card missing, right?" Ye Kai pointed to Rumia and said, "She also wants to be an adventurer!"

1 second to remember Aishang: ..Mobile version reading URL: m.

Chapter 530 Abnormal Level

"You want to let such a cute little girl go on an adventure?" Luna said with her eyes widened.

"The adventure starts with the baby, as long as she makes up the knife, she can also gain experience?" Ye Kai didn't bother to explain.

"Rumia is very powerful." Rumia puffed up.

Luna is not entangled, there should be other resettlement methods by then, right?

"First of all, please fill in the height, weight, age, physical characteristics and other items on this document." Luna said.

Remember that in the anime, you just swipe it and it will come out?Sure enough, it is unreasonable to have those data appear when you touch the crystal, the most unreasonable thing is the name.

Ye Kai picked up Lumia so that she could go to the counter, and the three of them started writing.

Ye Kai: [-] cm tall, [-] kg in weight, [-] years old, white hair, red eyes...

Shokuhou Misaki: Height [-] cm, weight [-] kg, [-] years old, hair color and eyes are golden...

Rumia: Height is [-] centimeters, weight is [-] kilograms, twelve years old, hair color is golden, eyes are red...

Well, he wrote Ye Kai's age casually, after all, the author also forgot how old he is.

Rumia was told by Huiyin that she will always be twelve years old.

"Okay, that's it. Then, please put your hands on the crystal, and then put the card under the crystal. In this way, you can know the parameters of the two abilities, and then ask the two to Choose the occupation you want by numerical value. After accumulating experience, you can learn different special skills according to the occupation you choose, which is also one of the basis when choosing an occupation." Luna smiled.

It was a beautiful lake blue crystal ball, surrounded by some metal devices, I don't know what it was for.

The crystal ball is suspended in the air, it should be the magic power brought by the metal device to make it suspended in the air.

Ye Kai waved at Shokuhou: "Ladies first."

"Yo, you still know that women are the priority?" Shokuhou pouted, and couldn't help but glance at Luna's chest, feeling a sense of defeat.

She suspended her hand above the crystal ball, a blue halo appeared from the crystal ball, and countless tiny particles appeared inside.

The metal device next to it rotated, and slowly, a large pile of blue powder decomposed from it, passed through three funnels, and then turned into a beam of light, which was engraved on the card.

After finishing, Luna picked up the card and said with a smile: "Okay, thank you. You are Ms. Shokuhou Misaki, right.

Let me see... Muscle strength, vitality, magic power, as well as flexibility and agility... Except for magic power and intelligence, they are all ordinary, or in other words, they are all weak.But your magic power and intelligence are too high, there is nothing wrong with being a great magician, it is an advanced profession! "

Luna's eyes lit up, unexpectedly she found a treasure, this guy is a piece of rough jade!Will there be another great magician in the future?

"Then I'll choose the great magician." Shokuhou said excitedly.

Being able to become LV5 already explained a lot of problems.

Unlike Ye Kai, her own system is not affected by any world. When she came to this world, her calculation ability was unconsciously transformed into magic power.

Shokuhou Misaki's intelligence level is very high, otherwise she wouldn't have flourished in Tokiwadai, fighting with those who wanted to study her in Academy City for so many years and hadn't been caught yet.


Shokuhou Misaki has added the profession of great magician, and now there are no skill points, and no one to teach skills.

When it was Ye Kai's turn, he put his hand on it.

click click...

The crystal ball moved unnaturally, and Ye Kai's card was quickly played.

Luna was stunned when she saw it.

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