"What's the matter with this kind of value? All parameters are MAX, unprecedented! Who are you?" Luna asked in surprise.

Muscle strength MAX, vitality MAX, magic power MAX, flexibility MAX, agility MAX.



grade:? ? ?

A born professional!The level is displayed like this, which means that it has exceeded the highest level of 99.

There are still levels of experience points, and there is no way to continue to improve.

As for those attributes showing MAX, it is because the crystal cannot be measured!

Except that his intelligence is only a little higher than normal people, he is completely an unprecedented perverted adventurer.

Is this machine broken?

Probably not, the movements of his sword dancing just now are not something ordinary people can do.

Well, let time tell!

"Amazing, isn't it?" Ye Kai said with a smile.

"This is beyond description. It's no problem for you to go to the front line now!" Luna said decisively.

The people behind all looked at Ye Kai in surprise, did he lose his previous card?Could it be a hidden powerhouse?

No, he looks like just a young man!

"Ha, I think this kid is not an ordinary person." That Moxi smiled dryly, then took a sip of wine, and said loudly: "Welcome to the beginning of hell!"

The tavern suddenly erupted, they cheered and shouted, as if they were the ones with that strength...

What they didn't notice was that Rumia also stretched out her little hand.

buzz, buzz, buzz...

Muscle strength MAX, vitality MAX, magic power MAX, flexibility MAX, agility MAX.



grade:? ? ?

As for intelligence, ⑩...

Well, it's a little lower than normal people, but the impact is not very big.

Anyway, he's smarter than Cirno, if Cirno comes, it's all right⑨.

Rumia looked at her card curiously, but didn't know what it was useful for, so she put it in the pocket of her little skirt.

When Luna saw Ye Kai's attributes, she didn't bother to look at Lumia's attributes anymore. She was just a child. What kind of occupation is different?It is estimated that it can only be the most common adventurer, a versatile profession.

"Okay, welcome to the Adventurer's Guild, Master Ye Kai, all the staff in our guild are looking forward to your future performance!"

All the employees bowed to Ye Kai, but unfortunately, Ye Kai didn't see anything even if he didn't have a bra.

He smiled and waved to everyone, then picked up Rumia, and took Shokuhou to the side to eat.

And Akuya seemed to ask for some money from an old priest, and took Sato Kazuma to take the test.

At first, Sato Kazuma wanted to borrow money from Ye Kai, but Ye Kai's ability was too good, and his skin was not thick enough, so he didn't go to Ye Kai.

After the test, Sato Kazuma had a tragedy.

Although he fantasizes that he is a person with extraordinary abilities, he has nothing special except intelligence and luck.

Well suited for the merchant, he chose the adventurer instead.

On the other hand, Akua, except for the IQ of ⑨, which requires high intelligence value of the magician profession, she can choose most of the advanced professions.

She decisively chose the high priest.

In the original book, the honor belongs to Aqua.

It's a pity, now there is an extra perverted Ye Kai...

Chapter 531 The first day in another world


"Fuck, this hotel is so expensive?" Ye Kai said with a confused face.

It cost [-] Alice for dinner just now, but now the accommodation costs [-] Alice per room!

"The initial town is like this. The rewards are very generous, but the consumption is also high." The front desk of the hotel said with a smile.

"Okay, open a room for me." Ye Kai said helplessly.

Shokuhou took out all her family property and went to Gensokyo with herself, but she came to another world first, so she couldn't take her to live in the wild.

Ye Kai and Lumia are used to living in the wild, but she, a young lady, is not used to it.

"Thank you for coming, the room is at [-]." The receptionist smiled and said, "It doesn't matter the meal."

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