"Thank you very much." Hezhen couldn't see any joy on his face...

Afterwards, Ye Kai taught him how to use these moves, and how to create some special effects.

Everyone uses magic power, but it works the same way.

And Kazuma felt that when using these tricks, he was unexpectedly moved.

Especially the Collapsing Mountain Strike, with his size, can also play a lot of confusing role...

"Urgent mission! Urgent mission! All adventurers staying in the town, please gather at the west gate immediately! Repeat, urgent mission! Urgent mission! All adventurers staying in the town, please gather at the west gate immediately!"

The loud announcement resounded throughout the town, probably by magic or something.

What is the urgent task?Are there monsters coming to attack the town?

Ye Kai and Sato Kazuma came up with this idea at the same time.

But the reactions of the two were completely opposite, He Zhen was nervous, Ye Kai was excited...

Chapter 545 Large-scale mission

The sky was covered with dark clouds, a scene of doom.

He Zhen followed Ye Kai to the west gate anxiously.

While on the road, the residents were discussing this. Everyone seemed to be facing an enemy, closing the doors and windows one by one, and not letting the children go out. It seemed that something big was going to happen.

The three Shokuhou had already been waiting here.

"Ye Kai, do you know what's going on?" Shokuhou ran to Ye Kai's side.

Ye Kai, the big killer, is on their side, even if all the demon king's army comes to fight, they will not be afraid.

"I don't know, but there is something coming from a distance." Ye Kai pointed to the distance.

Shokuhou looked up and saw a group of green things flying towards this side.

"What is this?" Kazuma took a step back.

"Everyone leave it to me to protect, and Kazuma don't leave my side!" Darkness said indifferently.

"What is the urgent task?" Kazumi Darkness seemed to know the truth, so she couldn't help asking.

"It's cabbage, cabbage!" Akua walked behind Kazuma holding a huge basket.

"What?" He Zhen looked confused.

He has already seen the creature flying over, it's really a cabbage!

"The cabbage in this world can fly. It is said that once the taste begins to condense and it is time to harvest, they will gallop across towns and grasslands, across continents, across oceans, and finally in unknown places. The secret territory dies quietly, without being eaten by anything. In this case, we should grab as many cabbages as possible and eat them while they are delicious." Akuya said seriously.

"May I go back to the stables and sleep?" Kazuma looked unmotivated.

I came to this world to fight against the devil, but why did you tell me about cabbage?What mood should I use to fight against cabbages?

While Sato Kazuma was contemplating, the brave adventurers gathered up their momentum and rushed out.

It's a pity that there is no room for them to play here.

"Everyone, the cabbage harvest season is finally here! This year's cabbage is growing very well, and you can get [-] Alice for one harvest! We have already asked the residents of the town to go home and take refuge. So, please as many people as possible Grab some cabbages and bring them back here! Please pay attention to your own safety, and don’t be injured by the counterattack of the cabbages!” Luna shouted with a horn in her hand.

"Ten thousand a piece?" Ye Kai's eyes lit up.

It seems that there are no other adventurers this year.

Ye Kai stood in front, and before the adventurers touched the cabbage army, they felt a strong suction.

In the beginning, the suction was an indiscriminate attack, but under Ye Kai's fine-tuning, they were let go.

Tens of thousands of cabbages, without exception, all flew towards Ye Kai!Not only cabbage, but some lettuce seems to be mixed in...

It's all the same, no one can escape!

A red spiral halo appeared in Ye Kai's hand, as if he was sucking these cabbages.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

Before anyone else could react, cabbages were all in front of Ye Kai. They seemed to be bound by an invisible net, and then due to Ye Kai's skills, they piled up into a conical shape with a length of [-] meters. .

Soul-thirsty Sealing Demon Slash!


A bloody sword qi slashed across, all the cabbages and lettuces had their souls cut off by Ye Kai, and fell to the ground alone, without hurting any leaves!

Ye Kai carried Yilong Sword Choice back to the ground, and faced the adventurers... with weird gazes, he said to Luna: "Now, these are all mine, and none of them have escaped."

"Eh..." Luna had a speechless expression on her face.

What kind of existence is this guy!

Ye Kai looked at the lost adventurers, and couldn't help laughing: "There are about fifty adventurers here, right? I will give ten cabbages to each person, and I will pay for the wine tonight! Well, there is only one bucket per table. Oh!"

For him who just made [-] million yuan, giving away more than [-] million yuan is just a small amount of money.

Otherwise, if he monopolizes all of them based on his strength, those adventurers will be particularly upset.

Although he is not afraid of stumbling him or something, but that is too troublesome, isn't it?

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