"Good boy!"

"Too atmospheric!"

"Although I want to rely on my own efforts to obtain..."

"Hey, my little brother is now the number one adventurer in our town, and I will vote for him when we elect the mayor in the future!"

"Yes, this is something we can do."

Ye Kai rolled his eyes, he has no interest in being mayor.Besides, is the mayor here elected by the people?

But with this [-] million, if it is converted into gold coins, he has the money to buy a set of cloth armor, and there is still [-] left!

This is how it feels to get rich overnight, right?

Everyone cheered and went back to town with Ye Kai.

Sato Kazuma scratched his head, and said helplessly: "How do I feel that the large-scale tasks in this town have become Ye Kai's performance alone."

And Darkness looked at Ye Kai who was going away with resentment, because of this guy, her wish to go up and help her teammates resist the attack was defeated.

Well, let's find a way to fool Kazuma to attack powerful monsters!

Kazuma seemed to feel her gaze, and couldn't help shivering.

Akuya was stunned. She thought that she would gain a lot this time, and even borrowed [-] yuan to update her equipment.

It's good now, just enough to pay back the money...

It's all Ye Kai's fault, if it wasn't for him, I would definitely be able to make a lot of money!At least one million!

If Kazuma knew what Aqua was thinking, he would tell her: You are definitely thinking too much...

Her luck is so low that it can even offset her high luck.

Shokuhou looked at Ye Kai enviously and said, "This time, you have money again."

"Well, it's only [-] yuan if I change it to me. Iris, who will earn in the future, should save it up and exchange it for gold, Yuyuko, alas..." Ye Kai said helplessly.

"Ye Kaidian really dotes on Yuyuko." Shokuhou said enviously.


At this time, Huihui stopped in front of Ye Kai, and saw her tears rolling in her eyes, and shouted to Ye Kai: "Why don't you let me burst it first! I can't seal mine!" Hand, I really want to explode! Such a dense monster is simply a bursting paradise!"

"Hey, I'll let you hit me after dinner." Ye Kai patted Huihui's little head, dumbfounded.

Only then did Huihui nodded in satisfaction and said, "Forget that you are sensible, otherwise I will release the demon sealed in my body, and let you be cursed for the rest of your life."

Is the soul of the second class attacking?

Ye Kai hugged Lumia and rubbed her little head with his chin.

Sure enough, loli or something is the best!

Chapter 546 Headless Horseman

Recently, Huihui discovered a nice ancient city, where she set up explosions every day for about a week.

There are rumors in the Adventurer's Guild that there are suspected officials of the Demon King's Army living nearby, so the weak monsters are hiding.

However, this didn't affect Ye Kai at all. He brushed up a wave of more difficult monsters every day, and then accompanied Huihui to explode a burst.

No way, Huihui especially likes to blast the castle with explosions.

However, he is very unfriendly to weaker adventurers like Kazuma. He has just changed into an alien-type clothes and a forgiving cloak, and there is no task to do...

News has come from the capital that there will be strong adventurers coming to crusade next month, and newcomer adventurers will have to wait for a month.

Ye Kai didn't look for that monster deliberately, he was already thinking about getting Tifa a decent light armor.

After leaving the world of Arad for so long, you can go back and have a look.

It just so happens that with Tifa to practice leveling, you can learn orthodox skills in the world of Arad, and strengthen them comprehensively.

Just when Ye Kai and the others had just finished their breakfast and were about to hunt down monsters...

"Emergency broadcast! Emergency broadcast! Attention all adventurers, please prepare your arms immediately and gather at the main gate of the town in a fighting state!"

The familiar emergency broadcast sounded throughout the town.

"It's not going to be a crusade against vegetables again." Shokuhou didn't seem motivated at all.

"It's all over..." Huihui said in a daze.

"Could it be that there are monsters attacking the city?" Ye Kai yawned lazily.

"If there are monsters attacking the city, leave it to me to explode!" Hui Hui raised his cloak and pointed at the city gate with a full face.

She thought for a while, and said to Ye Kai: "Wait until I release the explosion before you make a move!"

"No problem!" Ye Kai said grandly, "I'll leave it to you!"

The sky was very gloomy, as if a heavy rain could come at any moment.

Many adventurers were gathering in front of the main gate of the town. Ye Kai and others who arrived at the scene under such circumstances saw a monster that exuded an astonishing sense of oppression.

headless rider.It is a monster that declares death to people and brings despair.After incarnating as an undead, he gained a physical body and special abilities that surpassed those in life.

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