Sincerely, Ye Kai is speechless, it's too reasonable, is there any?

Even if there is a penguin wearing a scarf standing in front of him, he has no money to recharge...


When can I become a local tyrant?

Wait, injury.

He touched the position of his heart and sensed it again. The flying knife on his back was gone, and the fatal wound was also gone.

My physical fitness is like the first time I crossed the sword with Wilby for the first time, I feel a lot weaker.

Not only that, even if it is magical power, it seems that there is not much.

At least, Ghost Slash can be used at most twice. What kind of rhythm is this?

The power of weakness is really astonishing. It would be fine if it recovered slowly like in the game, but if it recovers together after 48 hours, it would be a mess.

He knows the weakness in dnf, and he also knows about spending money to relieve the weakness, but [-] gold coins, should it be so black?Is this the price set by Socia or is it set by the system? It's a black book!

But one thing is certain, he can't buy the recovery weakness at any time like in the game, after all, there is no such option.

As for using potions to forcibly restore the state, for example, the secret potion of strength, the secret potion of intelligence, drinking blood, drinking mana, and forcibly accumulating attributes...

These can be sold, and the attributes can be piled up in the weak state.

But now, he can't solve it.

The main reason is that I can’t afford it. If the same price is 250 yuan, four bottles will cost 1000 yuan. Let’s be weak first, and then use it if it doesn’t work.

He couldn't bear to look at the specific price...

Leaving aside the sad topic, this time travel is very strange.

Feel the host's mood swings are strong, and he is very eager for strength?

At that time, I had this idea. After all, the boss is going to be attacked by surprise, but can this trigger time travel?

Ye Kai frowned tightly, the amount of information was a bit large, he had to think about it.

If it was that simple, he could even control time travel in the future.

He casually set the time ratio to one second, so that at least it wouldn't be too out of touch, and maybe he could save Meihong.

Of course, he felt that he was thinking too much. If he was less than level [-], he would not be able to participate in that battle at all. In this world, it was stipulated that in the first act, he could only take one turn at most.

And after one turn, he is at most similar to a little monster, that is, torturing Rumia.

The Juggernaut's Army Breaking Dragon Strike, or the Raptor's Severing Dragon Slash, and Asura's Evil Light Wave Formation, these are the only ways to rush over at the nick of time, or forcibly control the opponent.

For the remaining skills, either the level is too high, or the distance is not enough.

As long as you help Meihong for a second or two, you should be able to turn the tide of the battle.

Although she will be resurrected after death, Ye Kai really doesn't want to watch her die, even if it's only temporarily.

The world he transferred to is the first act of Diablo 2, not the continent of Arad. It is difficult for him to gain too much experience.

He is now in the wild, the same as the last time he crossed, with no one around him, but this time his mentality is completely different from last time.

At least, he not only learned to think, but also gained more knowledge, and more importantly, he became stronger.

First glance at the story missions to see what to do.

[Name: Ye Kai, Race: Ghost God (self-proclaimed), Occupation: Almighty Ghost Swordsman, Level: 10. 】

[Status: weak (47 hours remaining)]

The mission channel is...

[Professional transfer task: kill Andariel]

[Reward: job change, return]

[Note: Even if the level is sufficient, using professional skills forcibly before killing Andariel may cause unpredictable errors, such as space-time disorder]

[Optional task 1: Kill the blacksmith]

[Reward: Blade of the Cracking Soul]

[Note: In the entire Diablo series, only one aborigine can be taken away, and Kasha's mission needs to be completed]

[Note: The weapons and equipment in this world cannot be used by the host to obtain bonuses]

[Note: Diablo 2 is the real world, not a game, the first act is normal difficulty, the second act is nightmare difficulty, related to the three demon gods of hell, it is hell difficulty]

Ye Kai was stunned, this world doesn't even give experience value tasks?

However, this weapon, I am determined to get it!

If he beats some powerful guys, he should also get experience points.

However, he didn't want to get money by plundering treasures or robbing. In the last world, all the money he got was obtained through formal channels, so he could get a lot of gold coins.

How much did you get in exchange for so many treasures before?It is estimated that it is not enough for one-fifth of the amount of gold coins.

Forget it, think about the task first, this is the big head.

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