About Diablo 2's world view...

The battle between heaven and hell started before the appearance of human beings, and lasted for thousands of years. There are many heroes among angels and demons here.

Among them, Diablo, Barr, and Mephisto are the supreme rulers of hell, the trinity of demon gods, mastering the power of fear, destruction and hatred.

But Ye Kai doesn't know much about these things. His understanding of Diablo is to brush equipment, brush equipment, and use a trumpet to brush equipment.

In particular, he doesn't know whether this Diablo is the same as in the game, and he also has experience in fighting mobs, or only in bosses. The reality and the game should have changed a lot.

And Diablo 2 is because the production cost is not so high, and it was not allowed to do too much in that era, so the map looks very small. If he thinks that there are really so many people in a city, then he will admire that world...

Besides, in the world of Diablo 2, he doesn't remember much about the general plot. He only remembers the small bug of Kamephisto, who is the end boss, and the rest of the specific tasks. Who remembers them in such detail? Can you know? Probably the process is pretty good.

However, the use of skills is a bit ambiguous, so it is very likely that he will reach level [-] or exceed level [-] before meeting Andariel.

And this task warning is obviously the reason for this.

Space-time chaos...what the hell will happen?

The second act is on the difficulty of nightmare, and the difficulty of the three demon gods is on the difficulty of hell. How is this set?

On the contrary, he has played these three difficulties in the game, the difference is in the level...

As for the plot, the three worlds are exactly the same.

But it would be naive to think that there are still three worlds at this time, at least there is no first scene of pure hell difficulty.

Forget it, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge, and he has more important things to consider now.

At least find a place where humans live, and then understand whether this world is the same as the world he knows.


Chapter 62 A Different Diablo

Ye Kai frowned slightly, what happened?

I rushed towards the source of the sound, and saw three or five zombie-like guys besieging a boy and a girl.

The girl was wearing a witch's cloak, which was purple in color, and she was holding a small staff with a gem on it.

How should I put it, this staff looks like a defective product.

She is not bad, about [-] meters tall.

bang, bang, bang...

She has been rubbing the fireball, but the fireball is so small that it can be seen that she is about to cry.

And in front of her was a boy in a leather jacket.

He wore a leather shield on his left arm, and a rusty iron sword on his right arm, struggling to resist the attack of zombies.

He is not very old and looks like a girl.

The three zombies are not very fast, but they are not much slower than normal people. Logically speaking, such a guy can chop melons and vegetables.

But Ye Kai could see that the battle between the two was very simple, the most important thing was that the monsters were not afraid of death, and they played with injury for injury.

The boy and girl should have experienced battles before, their bodies were already stained with blood, and their physical strength was exhausted, otherwise they would not be unable to deal with the three zombies.

Ye Kai pulled out his sword from the space and rushed towards the three zombies.

He is now wearing ordinary civilian clothes, his left hand is wrapped with a bandage, and he is wearing gloves, so he is not afraid of being caught by ghosts.

"Back off!"

The zombie was about to hit the boy, Ye Kai quickly shouted.

The boy was startled, and quickly took a step back, only to narrowly escape the attack.

At this moment, Ye Kai's sword arrived.

Although he is only at the first level now, and his physique is similar to that of ordinary people, but he uses a divine weapon!


With one strike of the sword, the heads of the three zombies were chopped off and flew out.

He felt the obstruction of the sword. It seems that this level of artifact is not invincible here.

Hey, hey, hey.

The bodies of the three zombies fell to the ground and did not move.

Then, under Ye Kai's unbelievable eyes, some black aura appeared on one of the three zombies, and then slowly condensed into three gold coins in mid-air, and fell to the ground.

Nima, is this okay?

"Who are you? Where are you? Where are your adults? Why did you let the two children out?" Ye Kai set his sights on the two people who were still in shock, picked up the gold coin, and found that it could be used as gold coin for him .

This made him overjoyed, this kind of gold coin...

If he sweeps through this dark world, won't he make a fortune?

At that time, Wuying will use one to throw, and the sky will wear one and throw another. This is an invincible rhythm!

After returning home, I took care of a Reimu and another Yuyuko, and fed them milk every day, completely stress-free.

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