The faces of the boy and the girl were gray, and they looked like they had suffered a lot. They had standard Western faces, and they couldn't arouse Ye Kai's interest.

"I... My name is Robert Green. This is my sister Ada Green. This is the bloody wasteland. My sister and I are the only paladins and mages in the entire Rogue camp. We came out to look for magic gold coins. May I ask where you are from the east?" A powerful professional here?" Jack asked with hope.

Ada hid behind Robert and looked at Ye Kai weakly. She was the one who yelled for help just now.

She was already in despair, but she didn't expect that someone really came.

"Me? Where is the east? I can't tell the difference between the east, the south, and the north... I don't know how I got here. I'm not a professional, but a swordsman. I'm practicing, and I came from the west." Ye Kai spoke nonsense seriously.

The job system in the dark world is perfect, he doesn't look like any job, and he doesn't know what to make up.

However, the plots of the past dynasties all go east. Anyway, it’s right not to go west. If you go west all the way, you will be harmonious.

"So that's the case, sir, you are so powerful, you are even stronger than us professionals." The young man looked at Ye Kai with admiration.

As for doubting Ye Kai, he didn't think about it. One is that he is young, and the other is that all human beings have united after the catastrophe. Even if they are tempted by hell monsters, they will become similar to monsters, but Ye Kai There is no magic energy on him.

"Can you take me to your camp? It's not safe outside now. I haven't rested for a long time. If it's inconvenient, forget it."

Ye Kai thought for a while and said this sentence.

There is only one resting place for the first act of Diablo 2: Camp Rogue.

He wouldn't naively think that Rogge's camp was too easy to enter, and with his ghostly hands, people might not let them go.

He just needs a place where he can rest safely for two days, and then it's time to test the experience points.

It's pretty sure that the zombies don't give any experience at all.

"Of course, the whole world is being corrupted by monsters, we need to unite!" Robert nodded vigorously.

Immediately, he helped his sister up, and said to Ye Kai, "Well, there are still about two hours away from our camp, and we will rely on Mr. on the way."

The two of them don't have much fighting power anymore, even if Ye Kai doesn't say anything, they will ask Ye Kai to escort them.

"No problem, I might as well notice these little monsters, let's go."

After speaking, the three of them set out on the road.

Ye Kai questioned the two of them during the process, and found that Diablo 2's worldview was indeed very different.

The Luoge camp is a camp with more than [-] people, basically there are not many professionals, including Robert and Ada brothers and sisters, there are only four professionals.

The most powerful one is an Amazon, which is only level six.

Their occupations actually show their abilities in their names. Amazon's main abilities are spears, javelins, and bows.

Equivalent to a physical remote attacker.

The last one is a barbarian, level [-], learning combat skills, a simple and rude warrior.

Since the route heading east into Lu Gaoyin was cut off, everyone lost contact with the outside world. Lu Gaoyin didn't know that this place had become like this, otherwise he could send a few professionals to get through the route.

You know, the first act is on normal difficulty, but Lu Gaoyin's people are all on nightmare difficulty.

Basically, the strong are evenly distributed in places where there are demon gods, and Lu Gaoyin's are just ordinary professionals.

They themselves don't know why the world has suddenly become like this.

It is already very difficult for those professionals to keep their own homes. They can only send newcomers to explore when the newly promoted professionals are rich. However, those people have disappeared, and few can bring back useful information.

But now he's here.

Ghost swordsman, a profession that no one understands, came to this world.

"Look, the Rogue camp is ahead!"

Chapter 63 Rogue Camp

This camp is huge, at least not a camp that can be described.

There are more than [-] Rogue archers in the entire camp, a few guard the gate and the city wall, and most guard the civilians behind.

The city wall of Rogge Camp is made of wood, and it seems to be at least five meters long.

The entire Luoge camp is separated from the front and back, and the civilians live in the back, providing some supplies and handicrafts.

In front are some scattered Rogue archer tents, and some shops for combatants.

The Robert brothers and sisters live in the front.

They are just travelers, not permanent professionals. They originally wanted to go to Lu Gaoyin to join their relatives, but they didn't expect that the road had been blocked. In desperation, they could only live here.

If you count the time, it has been about half a month.

They went out this time not for anything else, but to find powerful magic weapons, otherwise they would not be able to practice at all.

The entire Luoge camp can only cast ordinary equipment, which cannot allow them to go further.

Countless Rogue archers had been killed before, and some had fallen into darkness. The camp couldn't help them too much.

Moreover, countless monsters emerged from a cave, and the highest-level Amazons and barbarians had already gone out to clean them up, otherwise they would threaten the Rogue camp in the future.

Even if they are at the sixth level, they can't get out of the bloody wasteland, because they don't know, so they cherish their lives very much.

For low-level monsters, their level can be capped at level six, unless you go to a place where the monster is stronger, you can increase the level.

The level cap of this world is thirty.

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