Yes, it's not the ninety-nine level that Ye Kai knew, because after level thirty, they don't have any more skills. No matter how high the level is, it can only strengthen the skills learned before, as well as physical fitness and skills.

Games and reality are completely different.

In addition, the equipment in this world is hard to come by, and those powerful bosses simply cannot be piled up in quantity, and their little brothers are still stepping forward, and they can always be summoned.

It is very difficult to maintain the status quo and prevent human beings from becoming extinct.

Along the way, Ye Kai killed dozens of zombies, dozens of hard-skinned mice, and some fallen demons. The gold coins he harvested were not many, only more than [-].

I filled my backpack with three hundred, and put the remaining forty-six in a money bag I made.


Just as Ye Kai thought, as soon as he approached the moat of the camp, he was targeted by countless archers.

A middle-aged woman in tight chain armor, a bright red cloak, and a red headband called out to him.

In these dark times, anyone can be an enemy.

"Aunt Kasha, he is our savior." Robert quickly explained.

"Yes." Ada said weakly.

Ye Kai looked at the backs of the two people, and shook his head slightly. These two brats have told themselves everything they can tell along the way. down.

These two guys are still, way too young.

"I have no other opinion than to ask this gentleman to do a test."

Kasha's voice was hard, as if someone owed her money.

However, based on her experience, it can be understood that she led so many Rogue archers and countless civilians, and in the end only these people were left.

Kasha took out a stone, walked up to Ye Kai, looked at him vigilantly, and said to him, "Please hold this stone."

This is the characteristic of the Dark Continent, the level detection stone.

As long as they are not monsters, or people who take refuge in monsters, their level will be displayed, which is a gift from heaven for their self-defense.

Even for civilians, level 0 will be displayed.

Ye Kai smiled slightly, didn't care, and took the stone.


A burst of light lit up, and two numbers appeared on the round stone, exactly 1 and 0.

"Tenth level..." Kaxia frowned slightly.

This level is not high. Most of the strong men stationed in Lu Gaoyin are around level 20, but it is rare here.

If you take those children to practice, maybe you can get through the road to Lugaoyin.

"Come with me."

Kasha took back the stone, turned around and left, very rude.

But Ye Kai didn't mind at all, he just regarded the other party as menopausal.

"You two brats ran out secretly, didn't I tell you? Even if you go out, you have to be with Lai Wei and Dach! At least four of you must be at level six, and I will assign a few more archers. Only the bloody wasteland will emerge!"

Kasha yelled at the two children as she walked.

She was not good at entertaining outsiders, and a nun was responsible for all these.

The boy and girl lowered their heads and followed behind, not daring to refute at all.

After all, the morning when the two of them went out, they almost drove people crazy.

Professionals are the hope of the entire Rogue camp!

There are two of them, one is level 3 and the other is level 2, so there should be no danger.

But when Ye Kai found them, they had no magic power and physical strength because they had traveled too far, and their supplies were also used up, which was a fatal thing for professionals.

Slowly, a few people walked into the Luoge camp, and Ye Kai discovered that the wooden city wall was not only wood, but also a stone wall more than two meters high, but the sky was too dark, so he didn't notice it before.

"Hello, adventurer."

As soon as he entered the camp, a woman stopped Ye Kai.

She was wearing a purple cloak with a hood on her head, and she was dressed in a standard nun's dress, but the color was brighter than the black and white that Ye Kai knew.

This woman is Akara, right?

There are already some wrinkles on her face, and her eyes are closed, as if she is... blind.

"can I help you?"

Ye Kai wants to sleep well now, and sleep back his strength.

He discovered that in the two hours just now, his strength had recovered a little, and it was the same as in the game, and the weakness could be slowly relieved.

"Can I interrupt for a moment?"

Akara said softly.

"No problem, anyway, I want to continue my training, so I'm afraid I'll have to stay here for a while." Ye Kai shrugged and replied.

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