"Didn't you get a lot of money just now?" Shokuhou asked curiously.

"You don't believe in Youyouzi's debt-paying strength?" Ye Kai looked helpless.

"Uh... alright." Shokuhou spread his hands, expressing helplessness.

"Is that Youyouzi your companion or something, you always say you are saving money for her." Huihui said curiously.

"Let's put it this way, we are from another world." Ye Kai said to Huihui: "I don't know if you have heard some rumors. Some adventurers are not from this world, but suddenly appeared. Powerful magic or equipment."

"Eh? I've heard of it before, but isn't this a legend?" Hui Hui asked curiously, "Aside from me, who else has the strength to defeat the Demon King? What's the use of summoning people from another world!"

pull, pull...

"I'm tired from rubbing..." Hui Hui's face was torn into a big cake by Ye Kai, and she resolutely confessed.

"Isn't Kazuma's clothes very strange? He is actually a person from another world. Me, Shokuhou, Rumia, we are all." Ye Kai said with a smile: "Thank you for being able to endure until now. You didn't realize , are we different from normal adventurers?"

"People other than the Crimson Demons are very strange, I'm used to it." Huihui said indifferently.

Uh... The Crimson Demons are indeed a very powerful race.

In other words, many customs of the Crimson Demons are different from the outside world, no matter how you look at it, you are all surprised!

"Hey, what's the matter with your impolite eyes!" Huihui said dissatisfied with Ye Kai.

"Tch, speaking, we will leave in the future, what will you do then?" Ye Kai said to Hui Hui.

"Eh? Leave? I'll just follow you wherever you go." Huihui said with a puzzled expression.

Ye Kai's eyes widened, and he looked at Huihui in disbelief.

Are you sure you want us?

"The place we are going to can be said to be another world!" Shokuhou said with a smile: "I won't play in this world anymore."

"Can you explode? Can you come back?" Hui Hui asked two key questions.

"Yes." Ye Kai nodded.

The sky and the land of Gensokyo are often baptized by Marisa's magic cannon, and everyone often "friends each other", so how could she be the only one who exploded?

To put it bluntly, her burst is basically useless except for the good light and shadow effects.

The lethality is similar to that of Marisa, but she is highly mobile, and she will rush to the street as soon as she uses it.

By the way, how strong are those monsters now?

The power of monsters comes from fear and other factors. Now that Gensokyo is connected to so many worlds, Ye Kai doesn't even know how strong those top big monsters are. They fight lazily and never use their full strength.

But yes, full strength is the trump card of monsters. If you use your full strength to fight, you will lie dead like Megumin later...

I believe those monsters can't do it.

Ye Kai can barely be regarded as a full-line ghost sword of level [-] now. The gap between equipped and unequipped is simply a world of difference!

At least he is more durable now than before...

Besides, Ye Kai's real full strength is no longer a ghost, it's just that he has been too lazy to use that kind of power.

Head-to-head is the romance of a man!

"Then I'll go with you guys!" Hui Hui said while eating, "Anyway, it's just bursting everywhere, what's the difference?"

"Your life is really bursting..." Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.

If she goes to Gensokyo, who will take care of her?Or Marisa, I believe the two of them will become friends.

It should be said that Marisa can be friends with anyone, after all, she is the harem king of Gensokyo!

Did I find another harem for Marisa in another world?tsk tsk...

"Nonsense!" Hui Hui waved her little hand and shouted, "And give that demon king a little color, let him know that the word 'devil king' is not something he can call!"

Ye Kai rolled his eyes.

Not to mention the devil king, as long as two undead creatures are scattered, she can be properly tortured to death.

"Rumia wants to defeat the devil too!" Rumia followed Megumin's example and stood on the chair.

"Hey, it's impolite to stand on a chair." Ye Kai took Rumia off and hugged her in his arms.

If Rumia went, the success rate would be much higher than Megumin's.

In the heyday of Rumia, Ye Kai couldn't even say that she could suppress her.

Don't look at her small one now, that's because of the ribbon on her head.

"Ye Kai, do you think I will have so many opportunities to take risks in the future?" Shokuhou asked with hope.

Even if she could only stand behind and call 666, she still yearned for it.

She is now level 20, holding her thighs all the way up.

Even Huihui followed the team from level six to level nineteen.

This kind of upgrade speed like riding a rocket makes people feel like a high C, which makes people want to stop...

"Hey, don't you want stability when you settle in Gensokyo?" Ye Kai said while eating: "If you go to a dangerous world, I may not be able to protect you."

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