Shokuhou lowered his head sadly, sure enough, this simple life will end sooner or later.

Hope it's not just a memory.

When Yakumo Zi opened countless plane passages, she also wanted to go and see more.

Well, tomorrow will be better, come on!

Chapter 549 Lich

late at night.

Going out at this time is naturally not to go tailgating or something, but to do a good crusade mission.

"It's getting cold. Ye Kai, our mission is to defeat the zombie maker, right? I have a hunch that it's not the small ones that will appear, but the bigger undead." Huihui hit With a shudder, he opened the way to Ye.

"Hey, don't say such things, what if your crow's mouth comes true? Today's task is to crusade against a zombie maker, let the zombies around it return to dust, and then we will go back immediately Go to sleep." Shokuhou said a little unhappy.

Going out at night is enough to be uncomfortable, if you encounter something powerful and make a big noise, then you don't need to sleep tonight.

As for safety or something, she wasn't worried.

They walked towards the cemetery, Ye Kai naturally walked in the front, and Lumia protected the two weak chickens.

Anyway, Rumia is very energetic, even if she doesn't sleep for a few days, it doesn't matter, she just wants to rest when she is tired from playing.

I heard that there are fun things to do, and I am happy to go out in the middle of the night.

"This one, two...three, four?" Ye Kai was a little surprised.

He heard that there are at most two or three zombies following the zombie maker, but at this level, it can still be counted within the margin of error...

It doesn't matter if you kill one more or one less.

Just as he was thinking this, a blue-white light burst out from the center of the cemetery.

The blue light looked eerie and dreamy.The burst of blue light that can be seen from a distance is a huge circular magic circle.Beside the magic circle, there was a figure in a black robe.

Huihui said with some uncertainty: "Huh? I don't think that seems to be a zombie maker..."

Beside the figure in black robe, there were several figures that could not stop fluttering.

"Do you want to fight? Even if they are not zombie makers, those who will stay in the cemetery at this time are probably undead." Shokuhou said to Ye Kai.

" a Lich, right?" Ye Kai asked with some doubts.

Liches and vampires, the mainstream undead monsters, are the highest level of undead in this world.

The great magician who has practiced magic to a high degree of proficiency, abandoned the human body through the profound meaning of the magic way, and became the king of the undead known as the king of the lifeless.

Unlike those monsters who naturally become undead due to strong regret and resentment, they reverse the laws of nature with their own will and become hostile to gods.

Ye Kai doesn't care what the other party is, although this guy is very strong, but Buraxiu is not picky!


Guiyinzhu rushed towards that guy with Ziyan of Devil May Cry and Ye Kai's blood.


"Ah..." A soft and cute voice sounded.

Ye Kai rushed into the magic circle, and found that many blue and white objects that looked like wildfires floated into the magic circle, and then were sucked into the sky by the blue light of the magic circle.

Ye Kai frowned slightly, what the hell is this?

Forget it, just destroy the magic circle.

Thinking of this, he raised the Meteorite Knife.

"Stop, stop, stop, stop quickly! Who are you? It's fine to attack me suddenly, why are you destroying my magic circle? Stop quickly! Please stop, please?" The lich didn't know where it was coming from With all the strength, he rushed over and hugged Ye Kai.

Ye Kai was stunned for a moment, he didn't look at it after he knocked it flying just now, he thought she was dead.

Unexpectedly, he was still alive after taking one of his tricks, Ghost Yinzhu?

Well, the Lich's magic resistance is good, and the ones she used just now were mostly dark attributes, which made her survive.

Wait, why is the fluctuation on this guy similar to that of the undead knight during the day?

The undead servants beside the Lich didn't stop the Lich, let alone Ye Kai, they just stared blankly at them.

Ye Kai has no way to fight back now, or it is not easy to fight back.

Ye Kai saw her face when she rushed over, she was a good-looking girl, and she was a very promising girl, being hugged by her, Ye Kai felt that he was about to sublimate...

"Are you a lich? Be good, tell me about your crimes. If the crimes are not serious enough, I can ask Lord Siji to give you a lighter sentence. It's okay not to kill you."

Said, Ye Kai patted her head.

As for her magic circle, Ye Kai didn't care at all.

In other words, does this magic circle really have offensive power?

"The function of this magic circle is to bring souls who have not yet become Buddhas and are still wandering in this world back to heaven! Look, so many souls have floated to the sky from the magic circle, haven't they?" the Lich said anxiously.

Only then did Ye Kai take a closer look at those will-o'-the-wisps, and it seemed to be true as she said.

In this case, she is a good person?

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