If she was uglier, or if she was a man, Ye Kai probably thought she was a good person, and it would be because he was in a good mood not to make money.

Seeing that Ye Kai didn't move anymore, she couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and stood up with teary eyes.

"Well, you're right, I'm a lich, and my name is Wiz."

After speaking, she lifted the hood that was pulled down very low.Appearing under the moonlight was a human being in his twenties, a beautiful woman with brown hair.

Wearing a black robe, Wiz looks like an evil magician.

"Wiz? What are you doing in this kind of cemetery? You just said that you want to return the soul to the kingdom of heaven. This kind of thing shouldn't be something you should do as a lich?" Ye Kai asked suspiciously.

Even a beautiful woman cannot have all the privileges.

She admitted that she was a Lich, and Ye Kai naturally thought of the famous Wrath of the Lich King and Frostmourne...

As a Lich, it should be to establish the Burning Legion, right?

"Because, because... As you can see, I am a lich, the so-called king of the undead. Because as the king of the undead, I can hear the voices of souls wandering in this world. The souls of this public cemetery Many of them were unable to return to the kingdom of heaven because they had no money, and no one could even help with decent funerals, so they wandered around the cemetery every night. And I am also the king of the undead, so I will come here regularly to send those Children who want to return to heaven." Wiz said softly.

Ye Kai's nose is sore, this is a good man!

So, let's grab it and let Lord Four Seasons take a look, shall we?If he is really a good person, let him go back.

If you cheated on his feelings...

"I think it's really great to do this, and it's a good thing. But, wouldn't it be better to leave this kind of thing to the priests of this town?" Shokuhou and the others also came over at this time.

Wiz, on the other hand, showed an unspeakable expression.

Chapter 550 Wiz

"It's okay, let's talk!" Shokuhou smiled and said, "Don't worry, make it up slowly."

Shokuhou is not like Ye Kai, who will give each other privileges when she sees a beautiful woman, she has always been wary of anyone.

Although this girl looks innocent and weak on the outside, who knows if she is a dark guy?

"Because, because... the priests in this town are all money worshipers... no, it should be said... they will delay processing for those who have no money... and so on..." Weiss said a little embarrassed.

After all, she is undead, but she is talking about the living, and Ye Kai and others are also living.

Ye Kai and Shokuhou couldn't help but think of Akuya, her virtue is really good!

"That is to say, the priests in this town are almost all money-seeking guys. Like this public cemetery where a bunch of poor people are buried, let alone praying, they don't even want to get close?" Ye Kai frowned. .

He can't do anything about this kind of thing. If it weren't for this life in Gensokyo, in his previous life, many people would not be able to die!

How much is the cemetery per level and do you build it?How expensive is the urn? Do you make it?Who can't hold the coffin board? Did you make it?


Wiz nodded a little embarrassedly.

"Since that's the case, there's nothing we can do. But, can you not wake up the zombies? The reason why we came here is because we accepted the task of hunting down the zombie makers." Ye Kai said with some headaches.

"Ah... so that's how it is... But, I didn't wake them up, but as soon as I came here, the corpses that were still in good shape would respond to my magic power and wake up automatically... That, with my power From a standpoint, as long as the people buried in this cemetery can stop wandering and return to the kingdom of heaven, I have no reason to come here again... So how should I solve this?" Wiz asked a little embarrassed.

"Then don't care about that task." Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said: "But you have to be careful, there is an idle high priest in this city. Although she is not strong, she can deal with the undead. Combat capability is no joke."

Even Aqua's tears can purify the undead, which shows that her divinity is very strong.

It is also a sad thing to not be like a god, but have the power of a god!

"Hey?" Wiz was stunned for a moment and said, "Then will she come here to purify?"

Ye Kai was silent for a while, and then said with some uncertainty: "Well, I'll introduce you guys tomorrow! After all, I'm also her owner's benefactor, so I should give him some face."

For the time being, he chose to believe in this soft and cute girl. If there are other things, he will talk about them later.

Anyway, it's just a lich, not an undead of Yuyuko's level, so dealing with her is easy and enjoyable.

Shokuhou is going to go to those priests tomorrow to confirm and see if this is really the case.

The misunderstanding was solved, and the few people sent the girl home, which also meant to find out.

On the way, Ye Kai learned that she is the owner of a small magic prop shop in Axel City, but she has no business acumen. She is very simple, with a gentle and weak personality. sharp.

During the adventurer period, he was the leader of the famous adventurer team who was offered a high reward by the Demon King Army.

During a dungeon adventure, I accidentally ran into Barnir, the Duke of Hell who was hiding in a treasure chest waiting to taste the disappointment and negative emotions of the adventurer, and began to compete with Barnir over and over again.

Later, Wiz's team fought against the Headless Horseman. Although the Headless Horseman was severely injured, the whole team was cursed with death that could not be lifted.

Wiz then made up his mind to fight Barnier to a duel, almost killing Banir's life. Barnier was moved by him and taught Wiz the forbidden spell to become a lich.

At the same time, in exchange, if the forbidden spell is successful, Wiz will realize Barnir's wish to build a gorgeous dungeon.

Wiz, who successfully used the forbidden spell, later became a powerful lich. He tore open the barrier of the Demon King's City with the sword of light alone, and then froze the demon king's army cadres and poisonous Slime Hans who came to block him into ice slag. , using the Lich's unique skill life absorption to paralyze the head of the Demon King's army and the synthetic beast Sylvia, and finally severely injured the Headless Horseman who was still recuperating.

Afterwards, he met Barnier again, and said that he was no longer an adventurer, and came to fulfill the agreement with Barnier.

Later, he was begged by the devil to beg for nothing, and as compensation for the riots in the devil's city, he became one of the cadres of the devil's army who maintained the barrier.

Since very few people knew about becoming a lich, the human camp didn't know that Wiz was a lich, so Wiz returned to Akusel and opened the magic item shop.

The purpose of opening the store is to wait for the arrival of fellow adventurers who "come back to play anytime if you are tired", and to make money to help Barnier build the dungeon.

At the same time, Wiz in this period took many things very lightly, so his temperament gradually changed from the fiery temper of the adventurer period to mild.

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