Chris' pretty face suddenly turned red.

She is the god of this world, and Alice came down to earth.

She often comes to play below, and her identity below is a thief. She has dealt with Ye Kai several times, and she always asks Ye Kai to steal things for her.

Ye Kai also found it exciting, so he played with her a few times.

"It's disgusting, how do I know that guy's stealing is so... H..." Chris said coyly.

"Ha." Ye Kai rolled his eyes.

"Well, do you have a way to deal with the monster coming to town?" Chris asked with hope.

"There's nothing I can't solve!" Ye Kai patted his chest and proudly said, "Even if it's a god, I'll kill you!"

"Hey, I'm a god!" Chris pouted dissatisfiedly.

After getting along for a long time, I found that Ye Kai is not as dangerous as the gods said, but he is easy to talk to.

As long as you act cute to him, he will help...

"Then let's start. Let me explain the current situation first!...Well, does anyone need to know what the Mobile Fortress Destroyer is?"

Hearing the staff's inquiries, several adventurers including Ye Kai raised their hands.

When the staff saw it, they nodded and said, "Mobile Fortress Destroyer was originally a super-large golem made by Neuz, a power of magic technology, as a weapon against the Demon King's army. It was manufactured with a huge investment from the national budget. It is a giant golem with the appearance of a spider. It is about the size of a small castle and uses a lot of magic metal, so its weight is much lighter than it looks on the outside. Its eight huge legs can move faster than a horse."

Perhaps the Destroyer is indeed very famous, most of the adventurers seem to have known about this situation, and kept nodding.

"It is worth noting its huge size and attack speed. Its movements are agile, and if it is stepped on by its eight feet, even a large monster will be turned into a pulp. In addition, its body benefits from the Neutz The essence of the country's sorcery technology has always been protected by a powerful magic barrier. Therefore, magic attacks are ineffective against it."

When the adventurers heard this, their expressions gradually darkened.Because they are more and more aware of how unwise their choice of participating in the battle is.

"Magic is invalid, you can only use physical attacks...but you will be crushed if you get close. So you need to use bows, throwing stones, etc. for long-range attacks...but its body is only made of magic metal. First, the bow and arrow will be bounced. To maneuver The speed of the fortress, the catapults used for siege are also difficult to do. Moreover, in order to guard against monster attacks from the sky, there are independent medium-sized golems in the body of the golem, which can shoot down flying things with a ballista. Or, the body parts are also equipped with combat golems."

"I also need to explain why the mobile fortress destroyer went berserk... It is said that the person in charge of research and development hijacked the mobile fortress. Therefore, the researcher is now in the central part of the mobile fortress, giving instructions to the golem... Its speed is so fast that there is no place on this continent that it cannot set foot on. No matter how dangerous the road is, its spider-shaped feet can travel. This is the mobile fortress destroyer that can ravage humans and monsters at the same time. Facing its approach, Only by abandoning the town and rebuilding it after it passes through will it be regarded as a natural disaster.”

The noisy adventurers just now are now completely silent.

"Mobile Fortress Destroyers are attacking straight from the northwest of this city... Please express your opinions freely!"

At this time, an adventurer raised his hand and said, "What's wrong with the country of Neuz, a country with great magic technology? Since you can create that guy, you must be able to create weapons comparable to it? Besides, maybe you will know The weakness of the Mobile Fortress."

"Destroyed. It was the first country to be destroyed by the rampage of the destroyers. Anyone else?"

Another adventurer raised his hand and said, "For example, dig a huge sinkhole around the city."

"I've tried it. Gathering a large number of elementalists to control the spirits of the earth, they immediately dug out the sinkhole, and the destroyer fell down. So far, everything went smoothly... But its mobility is not a joke. Jumped out on eight legs. A rock fell from above to bury it alive, but there wasn't enough time."

It was quiet all around.

"Anyone else?"

Another adventurer said: "How will the Demon King's army deal with it? The Demon King's City has not been destroyed, right? How do they protect themselves from the destroyers? Don't they feel a headache?"

The staff said calmly: "The Demon King's City has a powerful magic barrier, and its scale cannot be realized by human power. Now the Demon King's City has not been harmed, so they have never thought of destroying the destroyers. For them, wild monsters are ravaged. It's not worth mentioning."

Not this, not that, the meeting got bogged down.

Someone proposed to use a rope or something to enter the interior of the mobile fortress, but it was rejected because the fortress was too fast.

Someone proposed to build a barricade bigger than the saboteurs. When the staff mentioned that the saboteurs had a precedent of bypassing the barricades and attacking, the scene returned to silence.

"Are you sure, magic really doesn't work?"

At this moment, Ye Kai's voice sounded.

Chapter 555 Departing for a trip

"The persuasion failed. At least in order to protect that stubborn pervert, you must work hard!" Hezhen said to Huihui.

"Yes, yes, yes...! Must, must succeed! I, I, I absolutely want to kill it!" Huihui trembled nervously.

"Hey, Hezhen, don't put more pressure on Huihui! Calm down, Huihui, if anything happens, Hezhen and I will definitely drag her back!" Lin Shi said.

Now, adventurers are gathering around Lin Shi with heavy hammers and other striking weapons that have an effect on golems. In addition, the archers have changed their arrows into hooks, with thin and strong ropes hanging from their tails. , put the arrow on the bow, and made preparations to invade the inside of the mobile fortress that stopped moving at any time. Everyone quietly waited for the order without saying a word.

"Adventurers, the mobile fortress is about to appear! Residents of the city, please leave the city and take refuge immediately! Adventurers, prepare for battle!" Luna's voice amplified by magic resounded across the vast plain.

"[Create Earthgolem]!" The creators used the soil on the ground to make earth golems, and the born earth golems stood behind Darkness, who was guarding the city, in a row. The reason for this can only be called at this moment when the war is about to start.

"It's so big! And so fast! It's more terrifying than imagined!" The approaching huge figure caused the adventurers to panic. It depends on whether the battle between Akua and Megumin can be successful.

"Hey, Wiz, is it okay? Is this really okay?" Aqua kept confirming to Wiz when she saw the Mobile Fortress.

"It's fine, please leave it to me, Aqua-sama. After all, I am also a lich, one of the highest undead races. As long as Aqua-sama breaks the magic barrier, leave it to me! … ·If you fail, it’s just a happy return to the dust with your friends!” Wiz replied with a smile.

"Don't be joking! Now is not the time to be joking!" Akua panicked a little.

"Calm down, Huihui, even if you don't succeed, there is still me!" Lin Shi comforted Huihui.

"No, no, no problem! Me, me, my explosion magic will blow it up!" Hui Hui faltered and threatened.

Unknowingly, Destroyer is already approaching, and the overwhelming presence on the top can hardly be seen, this guy is so big!The huge mobile fortress, which was big enough to rival a small castle, ignored the many traps set up, and roared as it stepped on the ground.

"Even now, Akuya, do it!" Lin Shi shouted when he saw that the Mobile Fortress had entered the ambush site.

"[Sacred Spellbreak]!" Akua released magic under Lin Shi's instruction, and after a complex magic circle appeared around Akua, an emanating arrow appeared at the front of her staff. The huge golden light rushed directly to the Mobile Fortress, colliding violently with the magic barrier.

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