Akuya's magic reacted violently with the barrier of the mobile fortress. Seeing this, Akua immediately output all her magic power, the light of the magic became golden green, and the scale was larger, directly dispelling the barrier of the mobile fortress!

"Huihui, it's now!" Lin Shi said.

"Huihui, let's shoot magic together," Wiz said.

Seeing that Huihui was so nervous that he even forgot to chant the spell, Lin Shi deliberately provoked: "Hey, do you really love explosion magic? You always talk about explosion magic. It would be too embarrassing if you lose to Wiz ! Is your explosion magic just a useless magic that can't even destroy that thing!"

This trick is quite useful! "You, what are you talking about! You actually said something more unforgivable than mocking my name!" Huihui's mouth twitched angrily, and she stood up suddenly, and the nervousness just now flew to nowhere.

"That's right! Huihui, activate the gloves with magic power!" Lin Shi hurriedly said to Huihui, the big guy was getting closer.

"Activate the magic power!" Hui Hui hurriedly activated the glove according to Lin Shi's words, only to see the red jade on the glove lit up, and red light continued to emit.

The two quickly chanted a spell, "【Explosion】!"

The magic released by the two at the same time crushed all the legs of the Mobile Fortress!It's just that Huihui's magic movement is much stronger, and it directly turns the mobile fortress' feet into molten iron!

The mobile fortress, which suddenly lost its legs, fell to the ground in the middle of the plain with a huge earthquake and roaring sound. It obeyed the law of inertia and slid towards the direction of the town. He almost touched the tip of Darkness's nose at the forefront!

"Successful! What, I gave such an exaggerated name as [Destroyer], it's not banned at all. Go back and drink and celebrate! After all, you are the bounty target for destroying a country, how much can you earn? !!" Aku was very excited and set up an incredible flag, making Lin Shi and Kazuma look at her resentfully, they couldn't stop it!

"You bastard! Are you an idiot? Why do you like the lines of raising the flag so much! If the fakes come true..." Kazuma desperately tried to prevent Aqua from saying unnecessary words, but it seemed that it was over!

The whole body of the mobile fortress is glowing red and emitting white steam, "This body has stopped functioning. This body has stopped functioning. The exhaust heat and power energy are insufficient. Please leave the body immediately for evacuation. This body... "The electronic sound from the inside of the mobile fortress was repeated again and again.

"Hey, what's the warning? It's dangerous to stay here, right?" said an adventurer.

"Very likely. In this case, there should be a bang soon, a big explosion!"

Hearing Lin Shi's words, the adventurers around him froze.

If such a huge fortress explodes, I don't know how much disaster it will cause!

"Hey, Darkness seems to be charging!" Terra said in surprise.

"What?" Lin Shi, Kazuma and Akuya looked confused, this stubborn knight!As for Megumi, she rested under a tree after casting her magic.

In the constant warning sound from the loudspeaker, someone stammered, "I won't run away!"

"And me. I remembered why I have surpassed level [-] and why I am still staying in this novice city."

"The only advantage here is..." Daxter took out a coupon for a succubus shop, causing Rin to look at him speechlessly.

"Attack!" Someone shouted, and all the adventurers rushed into the Mobile Fortress!

"Wow, wow... Hey, Lin Shi, the atmosphere over there scares me... Seeing that, they should be fully responsible for the next thing. Go back ? Go back first, and work hard tomorrow, shall we?" Seeing the unusually passionate adventurers, Aqua was a little scared and wanted to go back.

"Go back to the wool! You are a goddess! Now is the time for you to work! Hurry up and use your abilities to heal everyone later!" Lin Shi grabbed Akuya and rushed into the mobile fortress.

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Chapter 556 Camping

"No problem, guest. Like lizard runners, spring is the breeding season for those guys. During the breeding season, these birds will compete with males in a courtship called a race against the brat in order to attract females. That's A strange act of courtship in which a hard object appears to crash into a catastrophic accident, and then dodges in the nick of time. There are often cases of running too hard and killing it. But it is said that these guys will instinctively seek out the hard object Objects. It will definitely hit the nearby trees or stones." The uncle laughed.

That's the case, so don't worry.

Then look at the smoke and dust... It's getting closer, it's obviously closer than before, and the cloud of smoke and dust is heading straight here.

"Sorry, excuse me, it feels like those creatures are rushing towards them with great momentum, is that really all right?" Ye Kai said with black lines all over his head.

Hearing what he said, the uncle driver pulled the rein to slow the horse, and looked intently at the cloud of smoke...

"Well, that's running ostriches. Yes, there's nothing wrong with it. But, they're coming this way, it's not right, guest, maybe someone in this caravan is carrying hard ore such as hard steel ore. Those guys will chase hard objects, and other caravan people seem to have noticed it, please don't worry. It seems to be coming this way, or rather, towards this carriage, or..." The uncle said with a confused face .

"Fuck? This is coming after me!" Ye Kai said with a confused face.

His body is harder than ore.

Even Darkness, who has been pointing defenses, is not as strong as Ye Kaijian, who is wearing a heritage suit.

"Guest, I'll stop first! In this way, the adventurers serving as guards in other carriages will protect this carriage and the guests!" the uncle said in a panic.

the other side……

"Kazuma! Creatures running very fast are rushing straight here! Rather...it feels like they are staring at me! Hey, what a passionate gaze! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh Kazuma , Oops! If this continues, will I collide with that group rushing at high speed and be trampled..." Darkness blushed and said while tugging on Kazuma.

"Hey, no matter how you look at it, these guys are not here for you! You erotic knight!" He Zhen said with a headache.

"How is it possible? In these carriages, there will be no ore harder than my armor!" Darkness said dissatisfied.

For defense, she has always been very confident.

Ye Kai jumped out of the carriage, and pulled out the Meteorite Knife.

If these things were directed at him, he would naturally have to deal with them.

"Guests! You didn't serve as guards, you paid the fare to take the carriage! So please hide in a safe place!" the uncle said anxiously.

"Master adventurers! Please!"

Following someone's voice as a signal, the adventurers who accepted the escort request of the carriage picked up their weapons and jumped out of the carriage one after another!

Unfortunately, they came in vain...


A semicircular sword light spread towards the ostriches, like ripples in water.

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