"Huh? Huh? Huh? Long time no see! It's me, it's me! How are you doing? I was in the same class as you in school, don't you remember? After all, I joined the Axis Cult, so the change is too big , it’s no wonder you don’t recognize me!”

In this world, Ye Kai never went to school, and never had a close relationship with any girl, so he walked past that girl wordlessly.

"What's going on with the city, it's better to talk about what's going on with the Axis Cult!" Ye Kai said with a confused face.

I only know that Akuya has a problem with IQ, but I don't think that all her followers have problems.

How should I put it, this city is too weird.

In front of Ye Kai who was about to go back, there appeared another girl who hurried over, about ten years old, she fell in front of Ye Kai.

Ye Kai walked to her side and said softly: "Are you okay, be careful in the future? Can you stand up?"

Saying that, Ye Kai stretched out his hand.

He has always been very caring for Lori.

"Ah... Thank you, big brother, big sister..." She smiled weakly while speaking, and Ye Kai's tortured heart was healed immediately.

"Hey, her name is big sister Rumia!" Rumia said happily.

The girl happily grabbed Ye Kai's hand, showing a pure and flawless smile.

Ah, what a cure.

"Well, I'm fine now! Thank you! Dear big brother, can you tell me your name?" the girl said softly.

"My name is Ye Kai, her name is Lumia!" Ye Kai smiled.

After hearing the name, the girl took out a pen and paper, and said softly, "ye, kai? How did you write it? Brother, come and write it!"

"Oh well, my name is..."

When I was about to write my name, I saw the header of the paper.

The Axis Cult joins the teaching!

Go to your uncle!

Ye Kai tore the piece of paper in half!

Axis, I am convinced!

Chapter 560

The Axis religion was hidden in the shadow of the national religion, the Alice religion, and outside of this city, the evaluation was very negative.

But its presence is very strong. I heard that if you are attacked by robbers and bandits while traveling, just say that you are an Axis cultist, and the villains will retreat one after another.

The Axis Cultists are so fearsome, it is said that even the Demon King Army respects them.

Not only Ye Kai, Sato Kazuma and Darkness, Megumi and Shokuhou also received the same treatment.

Unlike them, Darkness seems to enjoy it very much, and wants to settle here...

Because of the problem with the hot spring here, Ye Kai didn't plan to let Shokuhou and others take a bath.

It seems that this trip was a very wrong choice.

Ye Kai and the others had no intention of chatting at night, and fell asleep on the floor.

Noon the next day.

Ye Kai found a group of people gathered on the downtown street.

"What's going on? Is there any activity?" Ye Kai asked curiously.

"After all, it's a tourist city, shouldn't some artists be invited to perform to please tourists?" Shokuhou thought for a while.

Anyway, it is impossible to soak in hot springs, unless harmful substances in the water are removed.

Ye Kai is not afraid, Lumia is not afraid, but Shokuhou and Huihui are not like their bodies.

Just in time, if you have fun now, let's go and see the excitement.

In the center of the crowd was Aqua.She was standing on the wooden box, holding something like a megaphone in her hand, Darkness stood beside her shyly, blushing, what was she doing?

I remember that it seems to be a magic tool with wind magic, what is the intention?

At the same time, Aqua began to shout loudly: "My dear Axis believers! Now the Demon King's army is carrying out sabotage operations against this city!"

Hearing those words, Darkness on the side lowered her head shyly.

"The so-called sabotage action is to poison the hot springs in the city! I have confirmed that many hot springs have been destroyed!"

That guy, has he checked all the hot springs?

"I've never heard of such a thing? I just went to the hot spring over there, but there's nothing wrong with it?"

A bystander asks.

Akuya nodded in agreement and said: "That's because I have purified the toxins of these hot springs one by one. All the hot springs in this area have been purified by me. However, we can't take it lightly. I am here I wish you all! Before this incident is resolved, don't go in there again!"

People around began to waver.

At this moment, Aqua poked Darkness who was standing aside.

Darkness trembled for a while, showing an expression that might cry at any moment, but she still didn't say a word.

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