The uncle pulling the cart said: "This is a hot spring street, Miss Priest. If tourists are not allowed to bathe in the hot springs, how can the business continue?"

"Yes, yes, besides, why did the Demon King's army poison this place!"

Other spectators also echoed.

Ye Kai and Shokuhou looked at each other, both feeling a little funny.

No matter what kind of poison he casts, with Akuya around, it won't be a problem.

Ye Kai is not a professional in this kind of thing, let him kill people, purify water and so on, he can't.

"That's to cut off the city's tourism revenue and smash the Axis Cult's source of income! Yes, the Demon King Army fears all Axis Cultists! I'm definitely not jealous of everyone because I can't enter the hot springs. Trouble everyone! Please devout Axis believers!" Akuya said loudly.

At this moment, the owner of a hot spring somewhere ran over, and the boss stared at Akua from a position away from the spectators, and shouted: "Ah! So you are here! Hey, what did you do to my hot spring? What! Why did it turn into hot water!"

Not only him, but a group of people stared at her fiercely.

"Ah, that's right, it's her! She's actually wandering around here! Hey, everyone! Hurry up and catch this guy! This guy has turned the hot springs in the city into hot water. This kind of behavior is too bad!"

"Hmm, maybe it's a lackey of the Demon King Army sent by the Demon King Army to destroy the hot springs in the base of the Axis Cult!"

What an expansion.

That guy kept saying that he wanted to protect the hot spring, but he destroyed the hot spring first.

"No, that's not right! There's a reason for this! Listen, let me explain! Actually, the hot springs I purify are poisonous! I admit that maybe some of the normal hot springs were also purified by me, but this is all For everyone's sake..." Aqua explained.

"If this is the case, you can just tell us no! Besides, even if it is to purify the hot spring, it is impossible to purify such a large amount of hot spring at once! You sneaked into the hot spring when no one was watching! Sure! Seeing this opportunity, the hot spring was taken away and replaced with warm water for washing the body, right!"

"No, no! Because, if the scene where I purify the water is seen, my real body will be exposed! This will definitely cause a big commotion!" Aqua explained.

"Do you want to clean up the mess?" Shokuhou asked Ye Kai.

Ye Kai shook his head and said with a smile: "Look, let me clean up. I don't know how to clean up. I can only take them away."

At this time, a certain hot spring owner shouted: "You can only say some alarmist words! The situation is serious enough now! Besides, who are you! Could it be that you are really the devil's minion! "

"Huh? I'm not! Darkness, don't just stand there stupidly, hurry up and say a few words for me! Also, hurry up and say the line that you discussed earlier. 'Axis teaches, Axis teaches! I'm counting on you!' Come on, don't be shy, come on!" Akuya said anxiously.

Ye Kai and Shokuhou were very satisfied with this wave of operations, and were immediately dumbfounded.

"Ah, the Axis Cult... just... please..." Under the watchful eyes of a large number of onlookers, Darkness muttered blushingly.

"Ahhh, really! Well, I will tell you who I am! All devout Axis believers! My name is Akuya, yes, it is the object of your belief, the goddess of water Akuya! My dear disciples! I came down to save you!" Akuya, who was standing on the wooden box, finally said this.

The audience, who were just watching the development of the situation before, fell silent at this moment.

"Stop kidding, you big disrespect!"

A roar stirred up people's emotions!

"Don't think that you can impersonate Aqua-sama just because you have blue hair and blue eyes! You will suffer retribution!"

"Death penalty! Tie her into a ball and throw her into the lake! Since she claims to be Aqua-sama, she won't die if you throw her into the water!"

"Wow! Don't! I'm serious, I'm really Akua herself!" Akua's expression was almost crying.

"Ah! No, don't throw stones! No, don't! Akuya, get behind me!" Darkness said excitedly.

Countless stones, eggs, and the like all flew towards the two of them.

Seeing Darkness's expression of enjoyment, Ye Kai hesitated.

If she saved them, Darkness would definitely hate herself to death, definitely!

"Ye Kai, don't you want to help?" Shokuhou couldn't bear it.

"No need..." Ye Kai said with some confusion.

Why did he feel that Akuya deserved what she did?

Chapter 561 Akuya's Journey

Hey, hey, hey.

There was a knock on the door.

"Here we come." Ye Kai yawned and opened the door.

Akua, Sato Kazuma, Darkness, all stood at his door.

Ye Kai was stunned for a moment, not knowing what these guys were here for.

The group of people seemed to have left after venting, and they didn't do anything to Akua, or they were planning something more extreme.

"I'm here to ask you for help!" Akuya said energetically.

From the way she looked, it seemed that she had just cried.

"Huh?" Ye Kai was stunned for a moment.

In addition to Hezhen asking him to learn skills, this group of people also asked him for help for the first time.

"Anyway, there is no doubt that some kind of sabotage is going on. Among the hot springs I have been to, many have been seriously polluted. If guests go to those hot springs, they will definitely be sick." Akuya He said anxiously: "If we don't deal with it seriously, this city will disappear."

Ye Kai and Shokuhou Huihui looked at each other, and said in unison: "Isn't that a good thing?"

He Zhen gave Ye Kai a thumbs up.

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