"Put her here. Are the two behind you your new harem?" Xian Dai looked at Ye Kai with the expression of looking at a stallion.

"Uh... no, it's a friend I met in another world, and I just brought it back now." Ye Kai said decisively.

If this makes Youyouzi and the others misunderstand that he is making a fuss in another world, why not kill him?

You know, dying once means going to report to Lord Siji once, and you will be lectured for three days and three nights!

Compared with Master Siji's preaching, death is actually not that terrible.

After finishing speaking, Ye Kai put Rumia in the form of Yujie and the ribbon in her hand on the ground.

"Compared to this, you'd better go home and have a look." Xiandai smiled and said: "Your house is full of creditors now, I hope you have made enough money."

Ye Kai said that he now has [-] million worth of gold in his pocket, so he is afraid that they will fail?

"Then I'll go first, and I'll see you at the banquet when I have a chance." Ye Kai waved to Xiandai with a smile.

"Hey, Ye Kai, is this the ancestor of Hakurei?" Shokuhou whispered.

"Well, it's her." Ye Kai nodded.

"The clothes these people wear are so strange, and so are the houses. And what are those things for?" Hui Hui asked with a confused expression.

She felt as if she had made a mistake in coming here.

"Don't get entangled." Ye Kai patted Huihui's little head and said, "I'll introduce you to a friend, let her take you to familiarize yourself with Gensokyo."

After speaking, Ye Kai took the two girls away.

Xiandai looked at Ye Kai's back and shook his head helplessly.

It was this guy who connected all the monsters like a thread.

Hopefully, Gensokyo will always be like this.

Not long after, he returned to his tutelary mansion to meet the strange eyes of a large group of people.

He finally knew why Xiandai said that.

I saw hundreds of people sitting quietly in front of Ye Kai's house, most of them were holding signs in their hands, and a few were shouting something.

"Down with the vampire Ye Kai! Return my hard-earned money!"

"All the food in my family has been eaten up!"

"Hand over Yuyuko and pay back the money!"

"My child is going to school next month, how can you do this..."

"My wife is about to jump off the building now, hurry up and pay back the money and save her life!"

"Ye Kai, is this your home?" Hui Hui asked curiously.

In her impression, Ye Kai is very rich!Why so many creditors.

Could it be that he owed all the money?

Shokuhou couldn't hold it back, and burst out laughing, no wonder Ye Kai is called one of the three poor Bs in Fantasy Township...

Ye Kai rolled his eyes.

Although those people yelled too much, none of them dared to really yell, or rush into Ye Kai's tutelary mansion.

Like a soldier, Bismarck stood at the gate of the Admiral's Mansion with his hands behind his back.

Her ship outfit has been fully activated!

There was a deep red line in front of those people. Ye Kai firmly believed that as long as those people dared to cross the red line, Bismarck would dare to fire.

Ye Kai took his two sisters and walked helplessly to the gate of the Admiral's Mansion.

Those people were silent for a moment, even though Ye Kai seemed easy to talk, the fact that he was a big monster couldn't be avoided.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

Countless gold bricks appeared on both sides of Ye Kai, piled up at the entrance of the Admiral's Mansion.

Lexington seemed to notice that Ye Kai was back, trotted all the way down, bowed to Ye Kai and said: "Admiral, you are back."

"Bastard Ye Kai, pay back our hard-earned money!" At this moment, two voices rang out.

Don't think about it, only Reimu and Marisa dare to shout like that.

I don't know how much favor Lingmeng received from the other party before he came to collect the debt.

In other words, Lingmeng also knew that the culprit was not Ye Kai, otherwise she would not have sat obediently behind the line.

"One counts as one, take the IOU to get the money." Ye Kai said weakly.

"Yo, our great lover is back?"

At this moment, Yakumo Zi's face appeared in the gap.

Ye Kai pushed her face away, and said helplessly, "Why don't you come out when people collect debts?"


Youyouzi squeezed out, covered his face with a fan, and said with a smile: "Ala, Ye Kaisang is so kind, you really made a lot of money, Master Youyouzi will reward you well.

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