Yakumo Zi glanced at Jin Jin and said, "Would you like to cash it out for you?"

Ye Kai nodded and said: "Well, after all, it is not appropriate to use all gold bricks."

Yakumo Zi looked at Shokuhou again, handed her a card, and said with a smile: "This is your property, a total of [-] million, not much change, take it."

Shokuhou quickly took the card, this is the capital for her to settle down in Gensokyo.

"Eh? You still need money to live here?" Huihui asked with a confused face.

She has always spent Ye Kai's money on food, lodging and shopping, and she has forgotten the concept of money. It's really sad, sad!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

Countless gold disappeared in an instant.

In Ye Kai's hand, there was a new card.

Yakumo Zi smiled and said, "A little over [-] million, as expected of Ye Kaisang."

"Cut!" Ye Kai didn't bother to talk to Yakumo Zi, but said to Huihui: "Don't worry, I will find you a good job when the time comes, and guarantee that you can explode every day."

Only then did Huihui feel relieved.

Ye Kai handed the card to Lexington, yawned and said: "Help pay back the money, I'm so sleepy, I'm going to sleep. These two little guys, put them in the guest room."

He is not physically tired, but mentally tired...

When he came home, what greeted him was not a hot meal, not a warm embrace from his wife, but a huge pile of bills...

As for handing it over to Lexington, he didn't feel sorry at all. It's okay for the secretary to do it... Isn't this common sense?

"Don't worry, Admiral." Lexington nodded.

She also breathed a sigh of relief. These creditors put too much pressure on people.

Ye Kai thought for a while, pulled Youyouzi out, tugged at her beautiful face, and said viciously: "Go, see if I don't deal with you well."

After holding back in another world for so long, if I don't vent, I will die.

He owed so much money again, so prepare to pay!

Hmm... though undead don't have meat.

PS: This may be the last volume of Ghost Sword, I am very reluctant.

However, the main story has been finished, and what I want to write is almost finished.

I hope that Ye Kai's story will continue after the book is finished.

I created a coward who is afraid of even little monsters, and now a big monster who is fearless.

The stories of Gensokyo, Ghost Swordsman, and Arad will not end because of my completion.

The pits that need to be filled will be filled in this volume, and the stories that need to be written will be written.

Ye Kai already knew his own life experience, and he had already completed the history of Gensokyo and his own history.

The main line is long gone.

As for the power system, once ghosts and gods come out, they no longer exist.

After all, the deification of ghosts is too strong, and it can be explained clearly no matter how you want to explain it.

I feel that if I continue to write, I will trick readers into subscribing.

Anyone who has followed my book knows that if the power system or the main line collapses, I will never force my life to continue, and Ghost Sword itself is already an exception.

This account is my trumpet. I originally wanted to do whatever I want without readers, but now this book is set at [-], which means that [-] people are reading my book. I have to be responsible to my readers and not write meaninglessly. go down.

I believe many people can see that the front and back are not the same style at all.

No way, I was influenced by another book of mine...

I don't know how long this volume will be written, and I don't know how many words will be written.

Personally, I really don't want to end it, I want to continue writing.

However, it feels like water injection when writing, and an author's pursuit does not allow it.

It's strange, I didn't set it up at the beginning.

A game article, inexplicably written as a two-dimensional comprehensive style.

In this volume, the relationship between Gensokyo and Ye Kai will be finished, each heroic spirit of the Holy Grail War will write, the follow-up of the forbidden world will be settled, and the parallel promotion of the dark world will be explained.

Most importantly, I, Arad, will live forever, and Ye Kaihui will continue to fight for Arad.

This number is likely to rewrite the story of Gensokyo in the future, but it will be a long time later.

Well, I'm not selling feelings, and I don't need current readers to follow up.

If you think the book is good, you will always read it.

I just want to prove that the East will never be out of breath, as long as there is Gensokyo in my heart, Gensokyo will always exist.

Ghost Swordsman is the same, it will never become a memory.

Even if I write the Oriental series on the game channel, I have proved myself.

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