Now the amusement park has the style of a food festival, and you can see dishes from all over the world here.

Ye Kai picked up a bun, ate it and said, "Forget it, don't worry about Yuyuko anymore. How are your resources, are they enough?"

"It's enough for a month of exercises." Lexington smiled and said, "Except for Tirpitz and Utopian Island Wind, they have all been raised to about forty levels."

Ye Kai nodded.

Tirpitz's back is Kaguya, and Shimakaze's backer is Youxiang, and it's okay for them to be lazy and Bismarck.

In Bei Zhai's words, being with the mistress is more important than anything else.

Regarding the salted fish, Bismarck was speechless. She felt that the girl in Beizhai was hopeless.

"Then is there anything I need to deal with?" Ye Kai asked.

"As long as you don't owe any debts, the admiral doesn't need to worry about anything." Lexington smiled.

In fact, she really wants some ship girls to take on some expedition missions, but she has a disagreement with her reputation in this regard.

In the eyes of Shengfu, the admiral's order is above all else, what he cares about is the safety of the ship girls, not letting them risk their lives like other ship girls.

And what Lexington wants is the presence of the ship girls and their role.

In fact, not all the ship girls are fighting mad like Bismarck, most of them just want the admiral to be happy and can make them happy, that's enough.

Ye Kai nodded and said: "Tell me when the resources are running out, and I will go on an expedition to earn resources. By the way, have there been attacks from the deep sea recently?"

"No. After the Admiral captured Yamato and Yukikaze last time, Shen Hai didn't dare to approach the route related to Gensokyo." Lexington smiled and said: "Actually, you can visit the Scarlet Devil Mansion and Eternal Pavilion, maybe there will be What a pleasant surprise."

"Well, let me take care of Huihui and Shokuhou first. No matter what, they came with me. We can't let them go down." Ye Kai stood up, stretched his waist, and walked out of the admiral's mansion.

In other words, this is the life an admiral should have!Molesting and molesting the ship's mother every day, giving orders randomly.

Isn't that what you do when you play games?

It's just that my ship girl is guarded by me!

Chapter 567 Crusade against Ye Kai

Outside the Admiral's Mansion, Hui Hui and Shokuhou were sitting on the steps, talking in a low voice.

It seems that Ye Kai just went in and they were waiting here.

Ye Kai walked behind the two of them and patted their shoulders.

The two girls turned their heads and saw Ye Kai, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

To be honest, the two of them didn't feel safe at all in Gensokyo.

Except for Ye Kai who seemed easy to talk to, the rest of the monsters didn't dare to get close.

Whether it was the second young lady who was playing with the sand on the beach, or Rumia who was now jumping around alive and well, neither of them dared to look too much.

The abilities of Gensokyo monsters must not be determined by their appearance, the cuter and cuter they are, the stronger their fighting power will be.

Just like Kazami Yuka, who sent Shimakaze and Yugen back last night, that is one of the most brutal in Gensokyo.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the commercial street. Shokuhou should build a business first. As for Huihui, I'll find you a friend. He's a nice guy." Ye laughed.

"Well, I haven't released the explosion today." Huihui stared at Ye Kai and said.

"Uh... then I'll let you use Burst to fight that guy. Remember, in Fantasy Township, don't randomly place Burst, otherwise..." Ye Kai pointed to the drunken face that had just come out of the dormitory. Cuixiang said: "Did you see that loli? Her biggest hobby in the past was to defeat the enemy, then capture the enemy, and drink with her every day."

Huihui shuddered.

"Ibuki Suika still has this hobby?" Shokuhou asked doubtfully.

"Of course, who do you think Cuixiang is? They ghosts are like that, they will take each other as a trophy when they defeat them, and then take them away." Ye Kai spread his hands and said: "When to let go, whether to let go, depends on their mood."

"I've learned a lot..." Shokuhou said weakly.

When she arrived in Gensokyo, this girl was a lot more honest, at least she didn't dare to tease Ye Kai.

Calculated by level, she is now a magician of around thirtieth level. Although she is not enough to look at in Gensokyo, it is enough for self-protection.

The three of them wandered around and came to the commercial street of the ghost playground. Ye Kai said: "The hot spring hotel and the bow and arrow dojo are my business. Shokuhou, look at which store has a purple letter on the bottom of the sign, you can do it." If you buy it, it will be official property, and if you have enough money, you will sell it.”

"This one is good, it suits me very well." Shokuhou pointed to a coffee shop.

"The land, decoration, and goods of this store will be packaged and sold to you for four million."

Suddenly, a gap appeared here, it was the elusive Yakumo Zi...

Huihui took a step back in fright, but Shokuhou was already mentally prepared.

"Okay." Shokuhou smiled.

Immediately afterwards, she swipe the card to pay the bill, give her the land deed and business license, and the transaction is completed.

"Fuck, you guys are too efficient, aren't you?" Ye Kai said with black lines all over his head.

"There are too few shops to choose from. Most of those restaurants are contracted by individuals." Shokuhou pointed to the street and said: "The only ones you can buy are McDonald's, a mobile phone store, an electrical appliance store, and a coffee shop , a barbecue restaurant, so the most suitable for me is the cafe."

Ye Kai glanced at it, and it was true, Shokuhou is an electrical idiot, not very used to electrical appliances, barbecue restaurants and McDonald's do not match her personality, so she can only buy cafes.

In other words, the land here is very valuable, and what Yakumo Zi sold to Shokuhou is already a conscience price.

"By the way, I still need a place to live." Shokuhou said to Ye.

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