"Then let's live in the dormitory building of Gensokyo, where all the employees who work in this playground live. Zi, is there any extra?" Ye Kai said to Yakumo Zi.

"There are more than a dozen bachelor apartments left, how many do you want?" Yakumo Zi smiled.

"Is one room enough?" Shokuhou thought for a while.

As for Hui Hui, she stared at Shokuhou firmly, and grabbed Shokuhou's clothes with her small hand.

The corner of Shokuhou's mouth twitched, this girl was relying on him.

Shokuhou said helplessly: "Then two rooms are fine, Huihui, you can come to my shop to help, and I will hire you."

"I wish you a happy time in Gensokyo." Yakumo Zi said to Ye Kai again: "After you came back yesterday, you didn't seem to see your wife. I hope you don't suffer too much."

Ye Kai's face suddenly changed, yesterday he patronized "punishing" Youyouzi and forgot about Tifa.

The guard house.

"Where's Ye Kai?" Tifa asked Lexington with black lines all over her head.

Yuffie came yesterday, and she took Yuffie to live in a hot spring hotel for a day, just in time to soak in the hot spring and talk privately.

In the end, Ye Kai didn't look for her when he came back?

She went to Hui Ye just now and found that Ye Kai was not there. Bei Zhai told her that there was a strange voice last night.

Although the sound insulation here is good, it can't stand Ye Kai and Youyouzi's loud voice, which was heard by Bei Zhai and Hui Ye.

When Tifa found out, she became very angry.

You went out for so long, and you went to find a new love without even giving me a look when you came back?Is this okay?

Although I was mentally prepared for Ye Kai and Youyouzi Tifa, this situation is unbearable now!

When she went to block the door, Ye Kai had already left, just missing with Tifa.

And although Youyouzi looks cute all day long, she is still the princess of the dead, and she still has to go back to Baiyulou to handle official business.

Naturally, Tifa missed it.

"The admiral said to arrange for Miss Shokuhou and Miss Hui Hui." Lexington smiled.

"Shokuhou? Huihui? Who is that?" Tifa asked in confusion.

"Eh? Shokuhou? Shokuhou Misaki? Megumin? These two names are so familiar." Kaguya with a fairy face followed behind Tifa.

Although Yuyuko came first, she was also a little upset.

When Ye Kai went back last night, she didn't say hello to her, and she followed Tifa to fight against the scumbag Ye Kai...

As for Bei Zhai, she stayed at home and continued playing games.

"Huh? You know?" Tifa asked puzzled.

"I read the catalog of forbidden books on magic and a certain scientific railgun a while ago, and there was Shokuhou in it. Megumin said it was a character in Blessing for a Beautiful World. Speaking of which, Shokuhou likes Kamijo Touma, Megumin Do you also like Sato Kazuma? Why did he bring you back?" Kaguya pondered: "Could it be that it's a matter of the timeline you cut into?"

"How about the two of them...?" Tifa's fists creaked.

"A girl type, a loli type." Hui Ye said straightforwardly: "Ye Kai...he is a lolicon!"

Tifa narrowed her eyes.

Not only did he hang out with Yuyuko all night, but he also brought back two girls from another world?

This is not the same as the case of Calamus. Calamus came back with a man, so it didn't have much impact.

"It seems that we need to have a good talk with him about life." Tifa squeezed his fist and said: "Bring back two girls, and went out with them early in the morning, did you take us seriously?"

Lexington was oppressed by Tifa's aura and dared not make a sound.

"Did he say where he's going?" Tifa frowned.

"He said he would introduce a friend to Ms. Hui Hui, and take Shokuhou to buy a few houses. Then I suggested to the admiral that he could go to the Scarlet Devil Mansion and the Eternal Pavilion." Lexington sold Ye Kai decisively.

Anyway, he is the admiral himself, and he will not sell it for nothing.

And Tifa and Kaguya walked aggressively towards the magic forest...

According to Kaguya's understanding of Huihui, if Ye Kai introduces her a friend, it must be Marisa, don't think about it!

Chapter 568 Megumi vs Marisa

Ye Kai doesn't dare to go back to the tutelary mansion now, he is really afraid of being abused by the family!

Although he has to face it sooner or later, he has a bit of an ostrich mentality. If he can face it later, he will face it later.

Shokuhou could have gone directly to take over the coffee shop instead of following Ye Kai.

However, she felt that if she knew more people in Gensokyo, her safety would be more secure.

Ye Kai brought two girls to the magic forest.

"Marisa, are you home?" Ye Kai knocked on the door of a broken house.

This is a wooden house that seems to be falling down, with a crooked sign hanging on it, which says Fog and Rain Magic Shop.


Ye Kai knocked on the door.

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