There are garbage everywhere, or the treasures that Marisa stole from the youkai.

For example, there are more than a dozen of Paqiuli's magic books on the ground, and there are several Alice dolls.

Wait, that's the fan Yakumo Zi gave to Cheng.

Also, how come there are extra chains for Cuixiang?That big wine bowl, no matter how you look at it, was used by Hoshigma Yuki before.

There are also a lot of tableware from Remy's house on the floor.

By the way, is that the initial cannon of Bei Zhai?She also stole it?

The that the one that Wenwen eliminated?

This Marisa really doesn't stop.

That’s all there is to it, there are still a lot of chest wraps, underwear, rotten apples, leftover poisonous mushrooms, etc. on the ground.

" a girl's room?" Shokuhou asked in amazement.

Isn't this Marisa too sloppy?

Ye Kai probed inside and found that although the inside was very dirty and sloppy, there was no peculiar smell, but a faint fragrance.

It seems that Paqiuli set up a magic circle here to remove the smell and change the air.

"Who are you going to introduce to me!" Huihui said with a confused face.

"A good man." Ye Kai turned around, but did not find Marisa.

Forget it, let's go to Alice's house, the two of them are neighbors, and Marisa often goes to Alice's house to live.

After finishing speaking, they walked for a while and arrived at Alice's house.

This tall bungalow is completely different from Marisa's thatched cottage!

Boom, boom, boom...

"Alice, are you home? I'm looking for Marisa!" Ye Kai said while knocking on the door.

"Come, come, DA☆ZA!"


Marisa opened the door disheveled.

The magic hat is crooked, and some of the clothes buttons are not fastened.

"Ah, brother Ye Kai, why did you come to find me DA☆ZA?" Marisa laughed.

It was not obvious at all that she went to Ye Kai's house to collect debts yesterday.


At this moment, Alice's voice sounded.

She was much more presentable, at least neatly dressed.

The corner of Ye Kai's mouth twitched, Marisa really went farther and farther on the road of Lily!

However, he believed that Marisa was here simply to sleep.

The one who wants to take her down should be Alice...

"I'll introduce you to a friend." Ye Kai pushed Huihui to the front.

She pulled down the cloak with one hand and waved it vigorously, supported the magic hat with the other hand, and said loudly: "I am Huihui! My profession is an archmage, and I use the strongest attack magic, explosion magic! It's red magic!" The strongest magician of the demon clan!"

It seems that she entered the state very quickly.

Shokuhou burst out laughing, Megumin is so cute.

Well, it seems that she is also very dangerous...

Marisa looked Huihui up and down, did not dislike her name at all, but showed her white teeth, and said with a smile: "Yo, hello, my name is Marisa, I am an ordinary magician, since you claim to be the strongest, Do you want a shot DA☆ZA?"

"Come on, let's have a shot?" Huihui asked doubtfully.

"Come and explode!" Ye Kai patted her on the head and said.

"Okay! Where are you going to fry?" Hui Hui asked excitedly.

Marisa wiped her nose with her fingers, grabbed Huihui's hand, and shouted into the house: "Alice, I'm going to play with this guy, you can eat by yourself first!"


Alice's indifferent voice sounded inside.

She calmly picked up the teacup and took a sip of the black tea.

However, Ye Kai felt that the way she looked at him was a bit dangerous, is this an illusion?

It seemed to be warning himself that if he gave Marisa a harem, he would be dead.

Ye Kai gave her a thumbs up, saying that Huihui had absolutely no threat to her.

Alice just nodded.

Marisa dragged Huihui and ran for several hundred meters, Ye Kai and Shokuhou hurriedly followed.

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