Ye Kai ignored the cute young lady, but put her in his arms. [with_dream]ā

He looked around for a moment, then asked in a daze, "Where's the headset?"

"Why do you need a headset?" the eldest lady asked in confusion.

Ye Kai was sweating like crazy!To play this kind of game, turning on the stereo and using the headset are completely two concepts, okay?

The same goes for the keyboard and mouse of the eldest lady. I only buy the expensive ones and not the right ones. The configurations are all top-notch. The problem is that it may not be suitable for playing games!

Forget it, let Sakuya change one for Missy when you have time.

As for paying out of pocket or something, Ye Kai never thought about it, and the landlord's family has no surplus food either!

He switched back to the game and clicked PLA.

Then the title screen appeared, and in a blink of an eye we arrived at a square.

No one else spoke, it should be the eldest lady who blocked the voice.

Well, it’s okay, the quality of this kind of place is generally not too high.

It's not that the players are not good, but that as long as there are a few rhythmic ones, many people will scold and vent.

There are also direct distribution of seeds here, or selling cheats.

This kind of game is not fun if you use cheats.

Slowly, the plane took off and flew towards a small island.

The video he watched just now was aimed at novices, and he understood where to go in most places.

"Miss, do you think it's better to fly if you don't have a gun?" Ye Kai asked Lei Mi.

"What's the point of not having a gun?" Remi said contemptuously.

"I'm not at the level of the eldest lady, I'm a newbie!" Ye Kai said helplessly.

"Okay, fly here." Remy pointed to a place with her finger.

Ye Kai nodded, pressed F, and the manipulating character flew there.

Here you can only choose a male or female role, and you can't adjust your body shape. After all, it's a loli's body shape, unless it's the treatment of TX agent Xinyue 2.

Ye Kai manipulated the parachute and slowly flew towards a room.

There are only three rooms here, which is not enough!It's time to find a car to go wild.

But before he finished thinking, he was helpless.

I really underestimated the lady's random finger, three rooms, he found a third-level head, a second-level A, fully equipped with M4, 200 rounds of 5mm bullets, and a full set of SKS, 7.62 rounds of [-] bullets.

One medical kit, three medical kits, two bottles of energy drinks, and four bottles of painkillers.

A quadruple mirror, a hologram.

He searched three rooms, all of them were installed, and there were still five grenades. No matter how you look at it, you don't need to go out, right?

"Miss, have you bought it? Why are there so many good things?" Ye Kai said in a cold sweat.

"No, fate told me that it's best to fly." Remi said disdainfully: "Seeing that you are a newcomer, I will use the power of fate to help you, and I won't allow it in the future."

Ye Kai nodded heavily.

How can I help?This is a proper game of fate!

Ye Kai and Remy became bored.

The number of people in the upper right corner of the screen began to decrease rapidly.

After the first circle was shrunk, it had changed from one hundred people to fifty-four people.

Poison circle is a name, the screen should be something like electromagnetic, but the video is said to be poison, so let's treat it as poison.

And Ye Kai's character is still in the safe zone.

He suddenly realized that it was a mistake to ask Remy where he should fly. If this continues, he will have no game experience at all!

There were gunshots in the distance, and he really wanted to take a shot, but this was to teach Remy the correct way to play the game. If he went out and just took a shot, wouldn't he lose his meaning?

Helpless, continue to wait.

Remy suddenly pressed M to open the map, and said to Ye Kai, "Run here."

This location is not far from Ye Kai, Ye Kai nodded and ran over.

As soon as he got there, an airdrop landed right in his vicinity.

Ye Kai: ...

He licked the airdrop, took the auspicious suit, the third-level armor, and was indifferent to the AM inside, but took the Magnum inside.

Magnum is a special bullet for AM. AM without bullets is just a decoration.

Ye Kai only tried the M4 and UMP pressure guns in the square at the beginning, but did not try the AM. He said that he would not use the high-power mirror control headshot or something.

Although his eyesight and hand control ability are astonishing, the game setting is not easy to learn.

"Someone!" Remy said to Ye Kai.

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