Ye Kai also saw that a car with four people was speeding towards this side.

The eyes of both of them are at the level of monsters, and they can't hide the slightest trouble from them.

"Wait, why are there four of them?" Ye Kai said in a cold sweat: "I happened to meet three friends in one round, and they all found each other? What is this, Kaihei?"

"I'm playing a four-player game!" Remy said disapprovingly, "It's just that I turned off the matching teammate."

Fuck, this is still a yarn!

Regarding Remy's thoughts, Ye Kai was speechless.

He was sure that these ninety-nine people together would not be Remy's opponent in reality.

The problem is that this is a game!In the game, Remi can't throw Gungnir either!

In the game, who cares if you are a big monster?

Ye Kai ran away resolutely, without the slightest desire to fight.

It seems that Lei Mi hasn't played for a long time, and the matches are all newcomers. Ye Kai is wearing an auspicious suit, and the gun on the back is an SKS, which has a great protective effect. They didn't see Ye Kai.

Ye Kai used his heels to figure out that they would definitely be furious when they opened the airdrop.The bullet was taken away, but the AM was left behind. Is this kind of thing done by humans?

But Ye Kai can do it.

According to Remy, he went to another place, this place only had grass and trees, no extra buildings, and he didn't say anything.

Pressed Z, lay down on the ground, and waited quietly.

He wanted to kill two people in the airdrop before, but now he has no idea at all.

Let's talk about murder or something.

After a while, it has almost shrunk to the last circle.

Ye Kai had an unlovely expression on his face, but Remi was in high spirits.

Ye Kai feels that the circle has been shrinking towards him, and he has never been outside the circle.

This was Remy's highest ranking, and also the closest to victory, which made Remy feel that it would be good to just give it a try.

In the distance, it seems that it is just more fun than coming up!

The number of people in the upper right corner is now seven, and Ye Kai has already found their positions.

The current situation is the one one two three camp.

If nothing else, the team of three should win.

However, Ye Kai itself was an accident.


98K gunshots sounded, and a person's head exploded.

Da da da da, another burst of shooting, and two more people died.

One one two camp?


Before Ye Kai finished thinking, the solo flyer died.

The last two people feel like they have won.

The problem is, they are really not that far away from Ye Kai, who has been facing their ass for a long time.

Get up and shoot!

Good luck, eat chicken tonight!

Ye Kai fired and the game was over.

In other words, why does Mao feel so empty?I really don't use plug-ins?

Chapter 572 Super PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Lost home.

"Lan, how are your preparations going?" Yakumo Zi asked calmly.

"Ready." Yakumo Lan nodded.

"What an interesting idea, I don't know, who will have the last laugh?" Zi Yakumo said with emotion.

"Isn't this the enhanced version of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds?" Yakumo Lan asked curiously.

"No, this is a test, a test of Gensokyo Myriad Realms Hub." Yakumo Zi said softly, "Gensokyo, how many people signed up?"

"A lot." Yakumo Lan said softly, "Do you want to tell them all?"

"No need. Have you explained the rules?" Yakumo Zi said.

"Well, as I said, it's just that the strong men of Gensokyo cannot enter the body, but they can exert more than half of the strength of those heroic spirits. Isn't it fair?" Yakumo said.

"We are the organizer, why do we care if it's fair or not? How many materials have you collected in total?" Yakumozi opened her fan and smiled lightly.

"It's enough to stabilize this world." Yakumo Lan showed a smile and said, "Thanks to everyone, otherwise, we wouldn't be able to do this."

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