Although the camp is also very tight in terms of food, it can still be done with dozens of people squeezed out.

Even if his appetite is about the same as that of a barbarian, he can still supply it.

"Then there is no problem. I will set off in two days to find a way to break the curse."

Afterwards, Akara arranged a tent for Ye Kai to rest, and then delivered some dinner.

These are black bread, some hard and ugly jerky, and some water.

Ye Kai didn't have anything to choose, it's good to have something to eat in this kind of place.

He generously gave the more than forty gold coins to Akara as the accommodation fee for these few days.

This little money is only enough to make one or two bottles of potion, and Akara doesn't dislike it, it's better than nothing.

Moreover, Ye Kai seemed to be full of confidence, so it shouldn't be difficult to solve the problem.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have kept the money. This kind of common currency can be used even in Lu Gaoyin.

At night, Ye Kai opened the tent.

"Hey, little brother, are you in there?" A wild female voice rang out.

Ye Kai was wiping his sword in the tent, when he heard this, he opened the tent and went out.

A woman in tights stood at the entrance of the tent, with strange tattoos on her face, two thighs exposed to the air, a healthy wheaten complexion, and a dozen javelins on her back.

The skin is not as delicate as that of ordinary women, not only a little rough, but also full of muscles.

This kind of muscle is not produced by bodybuilding. It should be trained with high intensity all year round to make the muscles very tight.

Behind her were brother and sister Robert who had been rescued during the day, and a bald and strong man over two meters tall.

The brawny man was bare-chested, with more tattoos than women, and explosive muscles all over his body, which made him look fierce.

He carried a huge long sword on his back, and the blood on it was not yet thirsty.

"Hi, my name is Lai Wei, I'm an Amazon, thank you for saving Robert and Ida during the day." Lai Wei crossed her arms and said with a hearty smile.

"Hello, my name is Dach, and I'm a barbarian warrior. Remember to call me when you have something to do in the future." Dach said in a low voice.

Well, all four professionals are here.

And all of them, none of them were over twenty years old. Although the strong man looked strong, he was definitely not big.

"Hello, my name is Ye Kai, Ghost Swordsman, and my name is destined to spread throughout the continent." Ye Kai said with a smile.

Chapter 65 Surrounding

Tents in Akara two days later.

In the past two days, Ye Kai spent money during the day and slept at night, as long as he walked not far, those mobs were no match for him at all.

It's just a pity that the money is getting less and less. It is said that it is a new monster, and there will be no magic gold coins on it.

Now Ye Kai, the money in his pocket has officially reached 3000, very rich.

All the change and so on were given to Akara, and Akara also gave Ye Kai a lot of potions that he couldn't use himself.

During a drill, the team of four had formally accepted Ye Kai as the captain.

Even if Ye Kai is weak now, after a night's rest, he has recovered half of his strength, so he shouldn't take it too easy against the four rookies.

They all left their homes and came here to join their relatives in Lu Gaoyin.

As long as they are sixteen years old, they will start traveling, their parents just leave a little later.

They were all brought up by their own people, ready to supplement Lu Gaoyin's combat power.

Unfortunately, all of this was stopped by Andariel.

If there was no Ye Kai, they would probably have to practice for another year or two, and fight steadily, or wait for Lu Gaoyin to find out that there is a problem here. Fortunately, Ye Kai appeared now.

Lai Wei's personality is wild and generous, and she doesn't stick to trifles. Last night, she wanted to attack Ye Kai at night, but she was subdued by Ye Kai. He doesn't like girls who are not tender enough.Her position is at the back, not only for her long-range attack accuracy, but also for the role of the rear.

Daqi has a simple and honest personality, but when he encounters an enemy, he is always the first to rush forward to fight for the victory for his teammates.

Robert has a cheerful personality and has always stood at the center of the team. Although he only has one skill, this skill can slowly recover from injuries and has a rare effect.

And Ada was standing beside Robert, slowly setting off her fire bombs.Her character is too shy, no one can protect her.

Ye Kai ran through the audience, leading them to level up.

It's a pity that the level of monsters in the bloody wasteland is too low, and one point of experience is not much for four people. If you want to upgrade, you don't know when it will take. This is why Lai Wei only brought Daqi before. She wants to bring them to level six one by one.

The first act of Diablo 2 is very different from the later ones. Whether it is the kingdom in the second act or the port in the third act, it will involve some dark sides and power struggles, as well as the intrigue of professionals.

But the first scene is different. The people in the camp just want to survive.

And those managers separated professionals from ordinary people to protect their pure beliefs from being polluted by the dark world. Only then can they hope to live together and get rescued by Lu Gaoyin.

The five sat in Akara's tent, waiting for Akara to release a mission.

The Luoge camp has already believed in Ye Kai. After all, this camp basically has nothing good except the population.

"According to your investigation, those newly born monsters should all come from the Evil Cave, where magic energy has been being produced. If you want to stop this situation, I'm afraid you have to kill all the monsters in the Evil Cave. Only you can do this. Here I am There is a skill book that can improve the proficiency of a skill, if you really do it, this book will be given to you." Akara said softly.

This book is her treasure, the only one left in the entire congregation of nuns.

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