If there is no Ye Kai, she originally planned to give it to them, but since there is strong support, it is not bad as a reward.

"No problem, it's just a cave." Ye Kai knew that there was a dark gold monster in the evil cave, and he wanted to see if he could use these powerful monsters to upgrade.

"Don't worry, Aunt Akara, with the boss here, we will be able to do it!" Robert said heartily.

"Well, the experience of the four of us is growing slowly, and I have also reached a peak. This may be an opportunity." Lai Wei's eyes lit up.

"Then I'll leave it to you." Akara said softly.

She can't help a few people now, but with Ye Kai here, she believes that nothing will happen to the children.

Ye Kai is different from them, their space backpacks are very small, and the upgrade after upgrading is not that big.

However, Ye Kai also has something inferior to them, that is, they can wear magic-enhanced clothes, which are condensed from those magic powers, and Ye Kai doesn't understand the reason.

In fact, fighting monsters in reality will cost money, which has surpassed Ye Kai's understanding of reality.

Under the envious eyes of those Rogge, the five opened the gate of Rogge's camp and walked out.

They are the hope of the Rogue camp, not like those ordinary Rogues who can only patrol and defend the camp.

The location of the evil cave has already been checked out by several people, and the fallen monsters and other mobs on the road can't stop them at all.

The Fallen Demon is a red-skinned monster. It is not tall and timid. Sometimes it will run away. It looks like a standard monster.

There is also a kind of fallen devil wizard, who can shoot fire bombs and resurrect nearby fallen devils, which are the key targets.It looks similar to Shen Shenmo, except that it wears the hat of an Indian chief and holds something like a spirit pan, which is easy to identify.

Hard-skinned mice, like hedgehogs, are white in body and have a large proportion of tails like mice, and are about the same size as large dogs.Use the thorns on its body to shoot it out for long-range attacks, and several people often encounter it.

Several people were well prepared this time and walked into the cave slowly.

There are stalactites everywhere in the cave, the ground is very flat, and steps can even be seen in some places.

This is an artificial cave.

It should be a magician who became a corpse after death, and then his experiments made monsters in the cave.

This is Ye Kai's guess based on the previous Diablo games.

There are many man-made traces in the cave, such as some torches, it is not known whether they were made by monsters or people who came to investigate before.

However, the existence of this cave should not exceed half a month.

"Boss, what is that?" Not long after walking, Robert saw a huge monster, at least [-] meters tall, with brown skin, like a gorilla.

"I will lead the charge!" Dach held his two-handed sword, shouted the lines Ye Kai told him, and rushed towards the monster.

"A huge beast, right?" Ada said weakly.

She has read the monster literature here, which records some basic monsters, this should be a huge beast.

"Let's kill it." Lai Wei took out a javelin and threw it at the monster.



The monster roared and caught Levi's javelin in one eye.

The javelin went through the back of its head, and it couldn't be more dead.

"Wow, wow..."


But at this time, the mutation happened.

More than half of the torches in the cave were suddenly extinguished, and countless green eyes stared at everyone.

"Da Qi, return to the team."

Ye Kai shouted loudly.

Dach quickly ran back to the team's position.

Fortunately, Robert was carrying a torch, otherwise everyone would have no vision at all.

However, this also left him with no means of attack. He had to use the shield in his other hand to help his sister resist the attack.

Da da da……

Countless footsteps, some light, some heavy.

"Eight is, eight is..."


The cries of the fallen demon, the cries of huge beasts, and the footsteps of zombies that did not belong to them slowly appeared in the cave.

The echo echoed through the entire cave, and everyone was surrounded.

Ye Kai was stunned for a moment, he was misled by the game, these monsters, they are organized, not at the mercy of others!

Chapter 66 Group Battle

"Shrink the formation."

Ye Kai frowned.

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