He threw Tohsaka Rin to Kaguya, and said loudly, "Kaguya, take care of me!"

"Hey, bastard, don't throw it away!" Tohsaka Rin shouted in the air, baring his teeth and claws.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

Countless tentacles rushed towards Rin Tohsaka!

Joan of Arc and my king's expressions changed, they were too late to rescue them!

Joan of Arc's skills were interrupted, and my king is still slowing down the CD!

But those who knew Ye Kai were very calm.

"Ah! It's scary..." Tohsaka Rin covered his eyes directly in the air, not wanting to see himself being swallowed by tentacles.


A sharp sword light pierced the sky, and all the tentacles reaching Tohsaka Rin were cut off by the middle.

"Well, I... Artoria, I will cut off most of his tentacles, and then you will make up the final blow." Ye Kailang said.

Ye Kai almost called out a pet name just now, but luckily he stopped.

In fact, he can instantly kill this tentacle with Dabeng or Buraxiu, but he just wants to see my king's EX big pineapple.

Seeing it in anime and seeing it in reality are two completely different concepts!

"Leave it to me!" Seeing that there is still a chance for him to perform, my king couldn't help but burn up.

Kamijou Touma is even more confused, saying that this is a game, why are you all on fire!

Even if I die, I will not die!It's game over!

When playing Super Mario, will you feel lost because you accidentally fell into the pit, and will your blood boil because of customs clearance?

However, this game is too real, and he is too weak, so he can't feel the fun in it.

Even if you die, you just quit the game. You can play LOL, and when you are playing chicken, you yell excitedly, and smash the keyboard and monitor angrily.

Especially this game is so real that you can see everyone's expressions and feelings, this is the sharpest.

Joan of Arc, my king, Kanzaki and others have long unconsciously substituted this place into reality instead of treating it as a game.

Although the injury will only bleed, not pain, but the feelings they give are true.

The must-kill list in this game is different from the death of normal people. The death on the must-kill list is a real death.

Those who lose blood bars like them will not die, this is the biggest difference.

Brush, brush, brush...

The sword in Ye Kai's hand, accompanied by the projection of some swords, covered the sea monster!

Ye Kai stretched out his palm towards Sea Demon, and slowly opened his eyes.Those eyes are empty and lifeless, but there is a trace of violent power!


Twelve swords are stuck in the sea, and twelve swords are suspended in the air!

The sea demon discovered a strong binding force, no matter how it moves, it cannot leave this range!

In other words, he couldn't move at all!

"What's going on?" Gilles asked in a daze.

Ye started to move.

Brush, brush, brush...

Ye Kai's speed is much faster than the sound.

Tohsaka Rin was in Kaguya's arms, watching from a distance, and murmured: "Is this five kilometers per second?"

"He's teasing you." Kaguya pinched Tohsaka Rin's face and said.

Such a cute 1:1 diamond version of the real figure, I really want to take it home and raise it!

Or let Ye Kai kill Shi Chen and take this little loli away?

Killing his father and taking his daughter, it's very touching to think about it.

Every time Ye Kai's figure flickered, a part of Sea Demon's body would be lost, which was evaporated by Zi Yan and blood energy.

Compared with Ye Kai in the world of ancient scrolls, is he more than a step stronger now?

bang, bang, bang...

Ye Kai's figure finally came back in front of it, and saw his Yilong sword stuck in the sea, and he pulled it out fiercely.


The sea monster was blasted out by the berserk energy!

The last sea monster is only tens of meters in size from the core.

My king once again raised her holy sword with both hands, and the sword glowed with golden luster, showing the honor and magnificence of the master!

My king closed her beautiful eyes, and countless golden light spots all around gathered towards her sword.My king seems to have heard the call of the people, shouldering all the heavy responsibilities, and turning all hopes into her strength!

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