This is King Arthur, King Arthur who shoulders everything.Pull out the sword in the stone, and you will no longer be a mortal, but a king.Use your own hands to pacify the war-torn Britain, and let all the people call her the King of Knights!

The spirit of chivalry flourished in her hands, and the golden luster was the best proof of her feats!

Now, in the past, in the future, all the soldiers who have disappeared on the battlefield have a sad but noble dream in their arms at the end of their lives. Such a will is worth boasting, and such a faith must be carried out!

My king's aura instantly reached its peak, his eyes slowly opened, he took two steps forward, and shouted loudly: "Excalibur!"

In the seawater that evaporated instantly, every constituent element of the demonic troll who manifested as terror was exposed to the scorching shock, and the sea demon let out a shrill scream.

But Giles, who was in the thick flesh and blood fortress of the unburned Sea Demon Center, just silently watched this disappearing moment, as if his body and mind were taken away by the blinding brilliance.

Yes he had seen the light in the distant past.

Wasn't he also chasing this light as a knight before?

That particularly vivid memory brought him back to the distant past.

During the long-awaited coronation of King Charles in the city of Lys, a light shone through the stained glass of the cathedral.

The pure white radiance was like a blessing, gently enveloping Joan of Arc, Jill and everyone who were present as heroes of national salvation, and everyone was immersed in the melody of joy.

Ah, that's right, it's the light.

He can still recall clearly now.Even today when I fall into the way of ghosts and animals and do all kinds of harmful things, the memory of that day has not faded at all, and it is still deeply engraved in my heart.

Even if the ending is full of humiliation and hatred, and is spurned by thousands of people, no one can deny the glory of the past, no one can subvert it, and it is still hidden deep in my chest.

Neither gods nor destiny, something that can never be taken away, cannot be defiled

A line of tears ran down his cheeks, and he was a little at a loss.

What are you confused about and what are you missing?

Isn't it enough to just look back and admit you were wrong?

Her eyes, through the golden light, looked at a girl holding a battle flag.

That's Zhen...

Before this low voice without an audience could be uttered, the white light brought everything to another world.

Seeing that the sea monster disappeared, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

That huge creature can be regarded as being dealt with.

Ye Kai had a feeling that what he killed was not a character in the game, but his body, which was chopped off by Ye Kai's sword.

Ye Kai slowly flew to Hui Ye's side, facing the crowd, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he said softly: "Well, this is PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, not a happy boss game. Now, whoever wants to go ashore, just Ask about the sword in my hand."

Chapter 584

Everyone was shocked...

Former teammates, current opponents.

That's right, this is the true meaning of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds!

In other words, why is this PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds played as the Holy Grail War?

None of the people present had the idea of ​​searching or searching for things.

No one has a gun that has been brushed out, even if it is touched.

However, fighting these perverts, not to mention giving guns to ordinary people, even giving them Italian guns is useless...


At this moment, a cute fist hit Ye Kaikou.

"Hey, what are you doing, Hui Ye." Ye Kai muttered dissatisfied.

"Everyone has put in so much effort, and you want to take advantage of it in the end? This is a battle with two four-person teams, and they are out of bullets. What's the difference if you go up and take advantage of it?" Hui Ye said.

"There's no difference! But when playing games, it's a fool not to take advantage of this situation!" Ye Kai scratched his head and said.

Hui Ye thought about it, what Ye Kai said made sense, she was a little speechless.

In fact, she also wanted to kill these people here, but she was a bit reluctant.

With so many live one-to-one live-action figures, is it really okay to let them leave the stage without hugging them?

Ye Kai said that it's okay to hug them, but it's not okay to hug them...

But Kaguya doesn't like Touma's type of protagonist very much, she prefers Lu Luxiu's type, or Yagami's type.

"Come on, kill them, I will forgive you for throwing me away before!" Tohsaka Rin pointed at the opposite humanity full of vitality.

Huihui had already eaten half a catty of mushrooms at this time, and had returned to blue.

She got up and said to Shokuhou: "Do I want to open and burst the leaves?"

"He won't, even we want to kill him?" Shokuhou said helplessly.

She and Huihui signed up, but they still signed up at Pachina.

Originally wanted to learn more, but who knew that Ye Kai wanted to kill them.

This is equivalent to spending money to buy a ticket, just come in to see the scenery and then leave.

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