"Dang Ma, go, kill that guy!" Index pointed at Ye Kai.

The corner of Dang Ma's mouth twitched, if Index could use the Dragon King's complaints, she would still be able to fight.

But let him go by himself, how can he go?Sailing or swimming?He went, it was just to deliver food!

At this time, you should bow your head and wait for the boss to finish.

If you want to get the bonus to raise Index, you must dog it!Good country!

My king choked for a moment. She thought Ye Kai was also a proud knight, but she never expected him to say such shameless words...

What about trust between people?

Comrades who fight side by side are about to draw their swords in the blink of an eye, this...

Is history destined to repeat itself?

It doesn't matter, she is King Arthur, and she is very confident in her martial arts.

She picked up the sword in her hand and said coldly, "Come on!"

"Oh? Then you don't mind if we go to bed together?" Kanzaki sneered.

She is still brooding over what happened before, she is really narrow-minded.

Anyway, Ye Kai was not herself, she helped King Arthur fight without any burden in her heart.

"You are?" My king said to God.

"My lord, Kanzaki Kaori, who belongs to the Necessary Evil Church of the British Puritan Special Forces and is the former Pope of the Amakusa-style Cross Church, has met His Majesty King Arthur." Kanzaki bowed to the king.

One of the two is on the boat and the other is at sea, there is no sense of disobedience.

"Very good." My king nodded in satisfaction.

When she met a person from another country, her complexion was still very good.

Joan of Arc waved the battle flag, and said calmly: "Although I was ready to give my life before, but now that the crisis is over and the offenders have been eliminated, I still want to see the truth of this game."

Although Joan of Arc didn't want to join hands with my king, but at this time she had to.

Otherwise, let Ye Kai break through one by one, she will still exit.

"My mother is the strongest!" Qi Lunuo put her hands on her hips and glared at Ye Kai.

Rumia stood beside Cirno and shouted: "Cirno, come on, kill big brother!"

Bang, bang.

Mikoto and Kuroko landed on the boat at the same time.

Meiqin took out a coin, flicked her hair, and said with a smile: "Although I am not your opponent, let me exit here, and I will not be caught without a fight."

Alice Feier shouted to the king: "Leave your back to me! My healing magic can also work in this place."

"Then I'll leave it to you, Ellie." There was a smile on the corner of my king's mouth.

Ye Kai's eyes widened immediately.

He originally wanted the opponent to fight with each other, but he could support it until the end of the fight and sweep these guys.

But now?How about a one-on-one fight?What about chivalry?

My king doesn't think there's anything wrong, there are so many ship girls behind Ye Kai, and Hui Ye is beside him, he has companions, and he has one too, it's normal!

She has already understood the duel as two armies confronting each other.

"Admiral, we have no ammunition." Bismarck frowned slightly.

Ship girls don't need to replenish resources in this world, but it will take time for them to recover.

The way to recover is not difficult, just eat.

Although this world is injured, it will not really bleed, and it will not hurt if it explodes.

But if you are full, your stomach will still swell, if you are drunk, your head will still be dizzy, and some people will vomit, just like the negative BUFF in the game.

If you are hungry for a long time, there will also be negative BUFF.

For example, my king, before she came, she ate up all the things that could be found in a city, and now she is so energetic.

Although many monsters don't need to eat, they are a minority after all.

"That, I was joking before, hahaha..." Ye Kai scratched his head and smiled awkwardly.

Facing anyone present, even my king and Joan of Arc, he is sure to win.

But the other party doesn't play cards according to the routine!

My king, Joan of Arc, Kanzaki, Mikoto, plus Kamijou Touma who can resist supernatural powers, especially the two variables of Cirno and Rumia, if they transform, even I have to Only by deifying ghosts can we win.

In the face of so many strong men, even he dare not say that he is sure to win.

As for Hui Hui and Shokuhou, he didn't count as combat power at all.

"Everyone is so tired from fighting just now, can you make a joke to relieve your mood! Also, there are so many great heroes and old friends here, let's have a meal together, cook a barbecue, have a hot pot, and drink a little wine , How good, why do you want to beat him to death?" Ye Kai said with a smile.

My king and Joan were even more speechless, so they decided to stop fighting if they couldn't win?There are such brazen people in the world?

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