Seeing Heitu clenching his fists and gesticulating, constantly changing his expression and trying to argue, the boy nodded as if in agreement.

"Although I'm really sorry to entrust everything to you...But, can I trouble you to meet them?"

"Wrap it on someone else."

Boom!Black Rabbit jumped off the chair.

When she reached out to open the door of the "Workshop", the boy asked in an uneasy tone:

"Can their visit... save our community?"

"I don't know. But the 'Sponsor' says one thing is guaranteed."

Speaking of this, Heitu turned around abruptly, causing the hem of his skirt to dance along with it.Then she showed a mischievous smile like a prank: "That is... among the four of them, three are the highest-level 'gift' owners among human beings. As for the remaining one, it is the 'main world' 'The reincarnation of the artifact, the strength is hard to guess."

Those who appeared in this world were not only the three of Ye Kai, but also a man and two women. They looked young, and they all came from different worlds...

The six people's field of vision immediately expanded abruptly.The situation took a turn for the worse, and they were thrown about [-] meters into the air.

The three people on the other side were suffering from the pressure from the fall, but at the same time they all had the same feeling, and they spoke in unison: "This...where is this?"

In front of you is a landscape that has never been seen before.

The horizon that stretches out in front of the line of sight is a cliff that reminds people of the end of the world.

Looking down, it is an unknown city, shrouded in a huge curtain that can make people mistake the scale.

The world that unfolded before their eyes was a perfect and different world.

Remi and Fulan were very calm, one left and one right flew to Ye Kai's side, each grabbed Ye Kai's hand, and flew with Ye Kai.

Although Ye Kai didn't know the other three people, it didn't stop him from laughing at each other: "Haha! You are stupid, my eldest lady and second lady can fly!"

"Hey, you spectator, come and help!" one of the girls shouted to Ye Kai.

She was wearing a white shirt with a yellow bow tie at the neckline, high heels on her feet, and a skirt that reached her calves.

There is also a petite beautiful girl with short shoulder-length hair, wearing a shirt and windbreaker with shorts that are not feminine.

The last one was wearing the uniform of the island country high school, sneakers, and a yellow T-shirt inside. It was a man.

"Ye Kai, where is this?" Lei Mi asked Ye Kai.

"Big brother, take us to play?" Fulan asked Ye Kai.

"Well, the new world, the power level here is a bit high." Ye Kai thought for a while.

"Well, I found out." Remy frowned and said, "Fate told me that it's best not to cause trouble in this world."

This world is full of gods and buddhas everywhere, and there are countless strong people. With the strength of Ye Kai and the other three, it is impossible to run rampant here.

Their fighting power is divided according to several digits.

Single digit: unfinished or unproven cosmic truth, stands for: wind of decadence.In terms of status, it is comparable to Hongjun.

Two digits: full power domain, representative: Sakyamuni, the white yaksha who returned the godhead.Shiroyasha himself was the total mass of the entire universe at his peak.

Three digits: Almighty field, representative: Di Shitian.More than three digits are the level of the main god, the king of the gods, and the supreme god. As the god of war, Di Shitian can smash the Milky Way with a single blow.

Four digits: Shenyu level (natural god level), ordinary people can smash stars.

Five digits: no clear boundaries, personally think: the highest level of species.

Six figures: no clear boundaries, personally think: beyond human.

Seven digits: no clear boundaries, personally think: human level.

Otherwise, Grandpa would not have given Xuanyuan Sword to Ye Kai for self-defense.

Although the way of heaven in this world is not as good as the way of heaven in Ye Kai's previous world, it is not a joke.

If there were no doors to multiple worlds opened by Ye Kai, the former Gensokyo might not even be qualified to fight against this world.

Even the current Gensokyo may not be able to hold on.

The fighting power of the ghost god Ye Kai before was only at the peak of four figures, and the same was true for Remy and Fulan.Ye Kai, who is not a ghost, is equivalent to just entering the four-digit range.

Although the deification of ghosts is powerful and Mo Zhan Wushuang is easy to use, it cannot make the quantitative change reach the level of qualitative change.

The current Ye Kai's combat strength, if the Kunlun Mirror's penetrating power through the past and the present and the Xuanyuan Sword's strongest power, are almost three-digit combat power, which is similar to that of Emperor Shitian in this world.

"Hey, can't you give us a hand?" the young man said to Ye Kai dissatisfied.

"For the sake of you coming here in the same way, I will give you a hand." Ye Kai spread his undulating wings behind his back.

His eyes turned from scarlet to pitch black.

"Eldest Miss, Second Miss, you hold on to those two girls, and leave this man to me." Ye Kai said.

Although he really wanted to go up and hug the girl, but this would create discordant factors.

As soon as Ye Kai finished speaking, the three of them grabbed one, and Ye Kai even grabbed a cat.

Although the three of them were in the air, they didn't look too nervous before.

Moreover, there is a lake below, and they will not die if they fall into it.

But since there are flying ones, why do they have to get wet?

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