Only now did they see the appearance of Ye Kai and the three of them, and they couldn't help being stunned.

Are these two lolis vampires?

And that guy, what happened to his left arm?

And his wings, no matter how you look at them, they don't look like a good person...

Chapter 593: Secretly Observing

"I really... I can't believe it! I didn't expect not only to forcibly drag people here, but also throw them into the air in the end! Maybe I will die on the spot." The girl in the white shirt said.

"That's right, but it will be a gameover on the spot! It's kinder to be summoned into the stone. By the way, who are you?" said the boy wearing earphones.

"That's my line, classmate with vicious eyes." The girl in the white shirt frowned and said, "Also, these three don't look like human beings, do they?"

"I'm a monster." Ye Kai said casually.

"Fran and I are great blood clans!" Remi said proudly.

"Huh? A vampire?" The girl in the white shirt asked in surprise.


A little Hanmang arrived first, and then the gun shot out like a dragon.

The tip of Gungnir's gun was only one centimeter away from the girl's neck.

Remy said coldly: "It's a blood race!"

Ever since Gensokyo merged into the big world, Remy has been against the term vampire, after all, it doesn't sound good.

Moreover, none of the vampires I encountered before were powerful.

"Okay, it's a blood race." The girl rolled her eyes, as if she was too lazy to be familiar with children.

She should have her own support, otherwise it would be impossible to be so confident.

"Unexpectedly, the legendary creatures actually exist." The young man looked at Ye Kai and the others with strange eyes, excited, fighting, and confused.

Even the girl holding the cat with a blank face was very curious about the existence of Ye Kai and others.

Vampires, monsters, these are all legends!

The girls in shirts didn't think too much, they were summoned to this world inexplicably, and they wouldn't be too entangled if something weirder happened.

Seeing that several people quickly adjusted their status and accepted the settings of monsters and vampires, Ye Kai couldn't help nodding secretly.

"This is... where is it?" The girl with the cat asked with a puzzled look on her face.

"Who knows. But since you can see a place like the end of the world, maybe it's on the back of some big tortoise?" The young man said casually: "Although I think it's absolutely right, let's make sure. You five guys don't You also received a strange letter, right?"

"That's right, but first you have to change the tone of addressing others with 'guy'. My name is Jiuyuan Asuka, and I should be more careful in the future. So, who is the one holding the cat over there, and the three of you?" Asuka frowned.

"My name is Yao Kasukabe, the following is the same as the previous article." Kasukabe said indifferently.

"My sister and I came with big brother, and we didn't receive any strange letters." Fran tilted her head and said.

Ye Kai picked Fulan up in his arms, and then Remy also put away her weapon and rode on Ye Kai's neck.

A few people looked at this combination with weird faces, this guy is a lolicon, right?

"In that case, let me introduce myself too. My name is Ye Kai, Ghost Swordsman. This is my eldest lady, Remilia Scarlet, and this is my second lady, Flandre Scarlett. " Ye Kai said, digging his ears.

"Really, please give me some advice, Kasukabe-san, Ye Kai-san, Remy-san, Fulan-san. In the end, who seems to be very brutal and violent?" Asuka asked.

"Thank you for your proud self-introduction. As you can see, I am the savage and ferocious Reverse Izayoi. Since I am a rude, vicious and all-round cripple who believes in hedonism, please follow the usage and dosage. Treat me with an appropriate attitude." Sixteen Nights said.

"Really? If you can give me the instruction manual, I'll think about it, Izayoi-san." Asuka rolled his eyes.

"Haha, really? I will make a copy next time, you have to be mentally prepared, miss." Sixteen nights laughed.

"Huh?" Remy, Fulan, and Ye Kai were all stunned for a moment.

In other words, I actually met a man named Shizaiye here.

Does this guy have the talent of a maid?

Ye Kai thought about Shizayoi's appearance in a maid outfit, and couldn't help feeling that the picture was too beautiful.

"Hey, I think you guys are thinking something very impolite." Izayoi said with black lines all over his head.

"No, absolutely not!" Ye Kai shook his head with a suppressed smile.

Laughing out loud from the bottom of my heart, I went back to Izayoi.

Kuyuan Asuka who turned her face away with arrogance.

Kasukabe Yō, who pretends to have nothing to do with himself and is not interested.

Ye Kai was not nervous at all.

Also, Remi and Fran appeared out of nowhere.

By the way, where did these two vampires come from?Seeing that they were with Ye Kai, could it be that they summoned one and gifted two?

The black rabbit who hid in the dark and observed them thought to himself: Wow...why do they seem to be problem children...

Although it's a little weird to say such things as the culprit who summoned them...but it's impossible to objectively imagine how they cooperate with each other.

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