Black Rabbit sighed heavily.

Izayo said irritably, "It doesn't matter if you're called here...but why is there no one? In this case, someone should come out and explain what the 'Little Garden' written on the invitation letter is?"

"Yes, without any explanation, I can't act even if I want to." Asuka replied casually with his hands folded around his chest.

"...I think it's strange to be so calm in such a situation." Kasukabe said indifferently.

That's right!

Heitu secretly complained in his heart: If they were more panicked, it would be easier for him to show up, but because the atmosphere at the scene was too calm, Heitu couldn't grasp the best time to show up.

Forget it, it's useless to continue to worry, let's make up our minds before they explode more dissatisfaction.

Seeing them whining about each other made Heitu feel almost frightened, but now he could only endure it.

At this time, Izayo suddenly sighed and muttered in a low voice: "No way, since this is the case, why don't you just ask the guy hiding there?"

The black rabbit hiding in the dark seemed to have its heart pinched.

"What, so you noticed it too?" Asuka snorted.

"Of course, I've never lost in hide-and-seek! I think the guy holding the cat and these three have already discovered it?" Shizaiye pointed to Ye Kai and the others who were silent .

Ye Kai has already determined that this should be the existence of the protagonist, and he is just waiting for the plot to happen.

"Stay downwind like that, even if you don't want to know, you will find out." Kasukabe said indifferently.

"Well, it seems quite difficult not to notice such obvious fluctuations." Ye Kai rubbed his nose.

"It seems to be a pretty strong guy." Remy nodded.

"Can Fran spoil her?" Fran asked.

"Uh, Second Miss, don't make trouble." Ye Kai patted Fulan's little head awkwardly.

Izayo smiled frivolously, but there was no smile in his eyes.In order to vent their grievances caused by being unreasonably summoned, the three of them turned their murderous cold gazes in the direction of the black rabbit.

Hei Tu flinched and thought: I missed the best time to play.

The three of Ye Kai are not as resentful as the other three, anyway Ye Kai has tried all kinds of time travel methods.

For Remy and Fulan, they are just playing with Ye Kailai.

Not to mention hiding from a rabbit, they wouldn't take it seriously even if they were hiding from Galen.

If it's an enemy, just defeat it.

"Hey, you understand, hurry up and come out obediently!" Shiliuye said coldly.

Chapter 594

"Don't... don't do this, you three! You will die if you are looked at by that terrifying expression like a wolf! That's right, that's right, loneliness and evil wolves have been the natural enemies of rabbits since ancient times. Look at those three How calm you are. It would be very gratifying if you could listen to him peacefully here because of his fragile heart!" Hei Tu stuck out his head and smiled with his eyes narrowed. road.

"Since you don't come out, there's nothing you can do." Shizaiye seemed to have not seen the black rabbit, and rushed up with a flying kick.

"Ah!" The black rabbit quickly avoided.


Izayoi stepped on the ground and made a big hole.

"What's that?" Asuka asked suspiciously.

"Cosplay?" Kasukabe asked uncertainly.

"It's so cute!" Ye Kai's eyes sparkled.

The girl has blue hair and red pupils, giant R, rabbit ears, suspenders, so cute!

"Hmph, you're in heat again, my servant." Remy said disdainfully.

"What a cute rabbit, is this the rabbitman?" Fran asked curiously.

"No, Black Rabbit doesn't have cosplay, and it's not a rabbit man, it's Moon Rabbit!" Hei Tu just finished explaining, but found that Izayoi kicked towards her again.



She dodges quickly and jumps up a tree.

But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, Kasukabe chased after her like a cat.

The two kept moving around in the tree, Hei Tu couldn't escape, and Kasukabe couldn't catch up.

"Birds, block her actions!" Asuka said with open hands.

I saw countless birds rushing towards the black rabbit.

No matter how she escaped, she would be pecked by birds, and could only fall down helplessly.

"Words follow? Well, it shouldn't be, is it a kind of command? Interesting and interesting." Ye Kai murmured.

He stretched out his right hand that wasn't holding Fran, and a red light flashed in his eyes.


Uncontrollably, Heitu flew towards Ye Kai, and his neck automatically entered into his palm.

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