Rabbits can have 'judgment authority' which is also privileged like 'sponsor authority'.

When a character with 'judgment authority' acts as the referee of the game, both participating parties will absolutely not be able to violate the rules of the gifted game.No, the correct statement is that violators will be judged to lose on the spot. "

"Isn't this a great condition? In other words, as long as you collude with the rabbit, you can remain undefeated in the gift game?" Izayoi immediately found a loophole in the rules.

"That's why it's not like that, but breaking the rules = losing. The rabbit's ears and eyes are connected to the center of Hakoniwa, that is to say, it can determine the loser and choose the chips regardless of the will of the rabbits. If so If you want to forcibly affect the judgment, the rabbit will be killed." The black rabbit said: "To have the 'judgment authority', the price is to be subject to several 'restrictions'. First, counting from the day when you serve as the judge of the gift game, within [-] days No one can participate in the game. Second, you must first obtain the permission of the "sponsor" before you can participate. Third, you cannot participate in the game held outside Hakoba. Although there are other reasons, the main reason why people cannot challenge the Zombie-sama is that These three points. Moreover, their trial work is the community's only source of income, so there are naturally not many opportunities to participate in community games."

"So that's the case. It turns out that it's a card that can't be played in the game despite its strength, so there's nothing you can do about it." Ye Kai said thoughtfully.

"Well, I also have one thing I want to ask Mr. Ye Kai." Hei Tu thought for a while and said, "Mr. Izayoi helped us because it was interesting, but why did Mr. Ye Kai help us? Besides, Mrs. Remy and Fu Lord Lan, you are clearly a blood race, why aren't you afraid of the sun?"

Remy hated vampires, she'd heard it before.

"Hmph, because Master Remy and Fran have completed the evolution, and are now the top blood race! Even stronger than the so-called godhead blood races in this world! We can wear silver jewelry, and we are not afraid of the sun!" Remy is proud the way.

The corner of Ye Kai's mouth twitched, it's all due to his blood, okay?

"As for why I want to help you..." Ye Kai said thoughtfully: "The main reason is that I don't know what to do if I don't help you, and where should I go!"

Although there is no task reward, since Taigong gave him the sword, it means that this world is the world that Hongjun likes, and the Xuanyuan Sword should be regarded as a reward.

Since the grandfather didn't say what to do, then just do what you encounter.

"Flan follows big brother." Fulan rubbed Ye Kai's chest, almost melting Ye Kai's heart.

Even if you have nothing to do, isn't it good to play with two lolis?

"Really, thank you very much..." Hei Tu bowed to Ye Kai and the others.

Looking at her swaying breasts, Ye Kai was thinking, it seemed like a mistake not to mention the conditions before...

Chapter 599 Kimono Lolita

When Ye Kai and the others were away, something happened quietly, that is, the other two girls were not idle and took over a game.

At dusk, he went back to the Water Fountain Square to meet up with the three of them. After learning what had happened, Heitu, as expected, raised his rabbit ears and went into a rage.

Faced with this abrupt development, she raised a storm of sermons and questions: "Why...why can you contact the other party's leader in such a short period of time and create such a situation of declaring war on the other party? And The game date is tomorrow? You still have to fight in the enemy's territory! There is no time or money to prepare! What are you thinking to make this happen! Are you three listening?"

"Because I was angry, I found fault without thinking about the consequences, and I didn't reflect on it at all." The two girls said in unison.

"You idiots, you idiots!" Hei Tu took a dozen of papers and slapped the tops of the two girls' heads.

Immediately, she said to Ren: "How did it become like this?"

It can be seen that this guy is a Zhengtai control, otherwise he wouldn't have made a [-]-degree turn.

"Ah, ah, ah." Ye Kai pinched her ears and said with a smile: "It's just a fight, I'll be fine when the time comes. No matter how you charge, you can't let a woman do it."

When she heard Ye Kai's words, she breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately opened Ye Kai's hand.

Why does this guy touch his ears whenever he has the time?

"Hmph, meaningless gentlemanly demeanor." Jiuyuan Asuka said disdainfully.

"I can solve it." Kasukabe said indifferently.

"Well, you guys should take another shot next time." Ye Kai said with a bloodthirsty face: "I hope he doesn't let me down."

"It might not suit you." Jiuyuan Asuka looked at the sky and said, "What an ignorant fellow."

"I'm used to it." Ye Kai touched Remy's little head on his head, and said with a smile: "I am a nosy person, I believe you can solve this kind of thing, but if I don't kill it myself I would be very unhappy with that guy. When I am unhappy, I am very aggressive."

"Really, whatever you like."

Hei Tu, who had been played around all day and was half-tired to death, had no energy left to argue with them.

Anyway, it's a game in which nothing is lost, whatever it is, she said in a low voice, drooping her shoulders dejectedly.

"Because it's tomorrow's competition, let's go to Thousand Eyes to do a gift appraisal for everyone today." Ren suggested.

"Thousand eyes?" Jiuyuan Asuka asked suspiciously.

"YES. It is a super-huge commercial community proficient in Hakoniwa, the upper and lower levels."

Black Rabbit explained.

At this time, several people have been walking for a while, and it is estimated that they are not far from their destination.

"Sakura, is it spring in this world? I was in midsummer." Kuyuan Asuka said.

"It's autumn where I am," Kasukabe said.

"Er...Miss, what season is it?" Ye Kai patted Remy's calf.

"It's almost winter." Remi put her hands on Ye Kai's head and said weakly, "You don't even know the seasons."

"Anyway, I don't suffer from cold and heat now, and I often go to other worlds." Ye Kai shrugged.

"Another world?" Izayoi heard a very strange term, wondering if he heard it wrong.

"Yes, other worlds, there are many worlds, I believe you are not from the same world, our world is trying to be the center of the world, just like Hakoniwa, but my world should not be connected to Hakoniwa, this world is very Strong." Ye Kai nodded.

Heitu looked at Ye Kai curiously, she knew they came from different worlds, after all, that's how they were summoned.

But Ye Kai can actually connect to other worlds?

The world is full of wonders, and being able to pull people from other planes doesn't seem to be Hakoniwa's privilege.

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