She is not the kind of person who sits in a well and looks at the sky, thinking that they are the only ones in the world who are authentic, and the others are all pirated copies.

"Are there many worlds?" Jiuyuan Asuka asked curiously.

Before that, she kept ignoring Ye Kai, as if she was having a fight.

Now it seems that she is also very curious about other worlds, otherwise she plans to have a cold war with Ye Kai.

No way, who let Ye Kai take her job?

These days, it's okay to fight all over the gang.

Ye Kai nodded when he heard the words: "Almost, except for time and space, there are differences in history, culture, and even the way of heaven."

Izayoi frowned slightly, lost in thought.

Jiuyuan Asuka took a look at Ye Kai, this guy, compared to a few people, is a bit too mysterious, what exactly does he do?

Judging by his appearance, it doesn't look like he is tired of the world.

"Is that it?" Kasukabe pointed to a shop.

"Yes, that is the one with Thousand Eyes..."

"Ah! Long time no see, Black Rabbit!"

At this time, a girl in Japanese costume with snow-white hair rushed out of the store and hugged (or should I say wrestling-style flying dash attack) Heitu.

The black rabbit and the girl spun around in mid-air four and a half times, and finally fell into the shallow water channel on the other side of the road.

"Yah ah ah..."

Plop!There were screams that got farther and farther away.

Ye Kai and the others were stunned.

The white-haired young girl who forcibly attacked Kuro Usagi with a wrestling-style dash attack buried her face in Kuro Usagi's chest and rubbed back and forth.

Ye Kai looked very envious, wishing to replace it.

Who told everyone to be a girl, so they can mess around?Don't come envious, don't come envious!

"Shiro... Shiroyasha-sama! Why are you here in the lower area?"

"Of course it's because I have a hunch that the black rabbit is about to come! Hehe, hehehehehe, the rabbit feels different to the touch! Is it comfortable here?"

Drums, grinds, grinds.

"Shiro... Shiroyasha-sama! Please...please let me go!"

Kuro Usagi forcibly pulled the girl named Shiroyasha away from him, then grabbed her head and threw her towards the shop.

The girl circled vertically in the air, and finally Ye Kai caught it and picked it up.

Ye Kai's face was very solemn, including Remy and Fulan, they were all staring at this little loli.

Very strong, the energy on his body is not weaker than that of Kazami Yuka.

If Ye Kai is not mistaken, she has not returned to her full state.

Fran shook her little hand slightly, and shook her head gently.

Although it won't be ineffective, it's certain that she won't be able to crush it.

Even so, Lei Mi felt that if Ye Kai really used all his strength, he could beat this guy.

That full strength is not a ghost, Ye Kai, who is a ghost, is not this guy's opponent.

When Ye Kai looked at her, she also looked at Ye Kai curiously.

Suddenly, Ye Kai did something that made everyone feel ashamed, that is, like hugging Fulan, he hugged her with one hand, rubbed her face, and said while rubbing: "It's so cute!"

"Hey! You! Get up, get up, and rub your face against the beautiful girl you just met for the first time, who do you think you are!" Bai Yasha's small hand seemed to push Ye Kai hard, but in fact she didn't How much effort is used.

"Well, Ye Kai!" After Ye Kai reported his name, he didn't stop and continued to rub.

Sure enough, Lolita is the most beautiful creature in the world.

Chapter 600 White Yaksha

Although it is a personal room, this Japanese room is a bit too spacious.Bai Yasha came to the seat and sat down, stretched a lot before facing Ye Kai and the others again.Taking a closer look, I don't know when her clothes were completely dry.

"I'll introduce myself again. I'm the cadre of Qianyan who established bases in the four-digit gate, the three-three-four-five outer gate, White Yaksha, and this black rabbit is a little friendly. In short, I know that I am a member of your community After the collapse, I also helped out several times, and a beautiful girl with extraordinary stamina is right." Shiroyasha smiled.

"What does the 'outer door' refer to?" Kasukabe asked curiously.

"It is to distinguish the door on the outer wall of the Hakoniwa floor. The smaller the number, the closer it is to the urban center, and there are also residents with powerful power." Black Rabbit explained.

This Little Garden City is divided into seven dominant floors from the upper floor to the lower floor, and the doors separating each floor are marked with numbers.

Starting from the outer wall, there are seven-digit outer doors and six-digit outer doors, and the numbers get smaller as you go inward, and they also have stronger abilities.

As long as you come to the four-digit outer door in Little Garden, you will already be divided and occupied by the famous Shura gods and Buddhas, completely inhuman and demonic.

Kuroto drew a top view of the box garden seen from above, and it can be seen that it is divided into several levels by the outer door.

"And those above the fourth floor where we are are called the upper floor. The godhead possessed by the white snake holding the water tree is also a favor from us." Bai Yasha explained.

"Oh? Then you are very strong?" Izayoi suddenly became eager to try.

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