"Hmph, of course. I am the 'class ruler' on the east side. Because in this east, no one in the community below four digits can keep pace with me, and I am the strongest organizer." White Yasha proudly road.

The words "the strongest organizer" made the eyes of Izayoi, Asuka, and Yō shine brightly.

On the other hand, Remy, Fulan, and Ye Kai are very self-aware. They can all see how strong each other is, so they didn't challenge rashly.

"The strongest sponsor? That's great." Izayoi said eagerly.

"Yes, please be sure to compete with us." Jiuyuan Asuka said.

Kasukabe didn't speak, but his eyes seemed to know that she wanted to fight.

"Huh? Wait...wait a minute, you three!" Hei Tu hurriedly dissuaded.

"It's okay, Black Rabbit, I've always been short of opponents who can play with me." Shiroyasha waved his fan and said with a smile.

"That's really a coincidence, and I am the same." Izayoi said excitedly: "Play with me, the strongest sponsor."

"Hmph, okay!" Bai Yasha pulled out his sleeves while laughing, and said calmly, "But before proceeding with the game, there is one thing to be confirmed. Are you expecting a 'challenge'?! Or a 'duel'? "

In an instant, everyone's vision changed explosively.

Their vision lost meaning, and all kinds of scenarios began to spin in their minds.

What flashed through my mind were grasslands with swaying golden ears of rice, hills with white horizons, and lakesides in forests.

Places that have never been seen in memory circulate repeatedly, engulfing everyone from the bottom of their feet.

The last few were thrown into a world of white snowfields and frozen lakes, and a world where the sun moved horizontally.

Ye Kai and the others were not surprised, as if this was a normal operation.

"This is...?" Due to the abnormal scene in front of them, Izayoi and the others gasped at the same time.

This feeling was completely different from when he was summoned to Hakoba, and it was a miracle that could no longer be described with pen and ink.

There is only one star in the distant twilight sky, the white sun slowly encircling the world in a horizontal orbit.

It seems that the miracle of creating a star and a world is concretely presented in front of everyone's eyes.

The three stood there speechless, and Bai Yasha asked them again: "I will declare my name here again and ask your wishes. I am the 'White Night Demon King', the protoss of the sun and white night, Shirayasha. Are you expecting a 'challenge' to the test? Or an equivalent 'duel'?"

Demon King: White Yaksha.

Facing the astonishing courage exuded by the girl's smile, the three of them gasped again.

The so-called "protoss" refers to the main elves that exist in stars above the star level.It is the highest-level species of concepts such as fairies, ghosts, and demons, and it is also an existence that can "give" gifts.

"This piece of land is just the arena?" Jiuyuan Asuka asked blankly.

Izayoi felt the cold sweat on his back. He stared at Shiroyasha and smiled: "Does that mean that the horizontally surrounding sun and this land are expressing yourself?"

"That's right. The lakeside and snowfields of this white night, and the sun that keeps the world forever at twilight, are just one of the game boards I own." White Yaksha opened his arms, and the sea of ​​clouds on the other side of the horizon immediately parted, letting the The faintly shining sun appeared.

Protoss of "White Night".The white night in Izayoyo's mouth refers to the phenomenon that the sun does not set in the west that can be seen in Finland or Norway and other Nordic countries at specific latitudes and longitudes.

The so-called "Yaksha", on the one hand, refers to the gods of water and the earth, and at the same time, they are also ghosts and gods with the side of evil gods.

In this little garden where infinite Shura gods and Buddhas are gathered, she is the "star spirit" and "spirit" who is famous all over the world as the strongest species.

White Yasha is just a powerful "devil king" who can be called the representative of Hakoniwa.

Asuka, Yō, and even Izayoi, who was full of confidence in himself, couldn't reply immediately, and were still hesitating how to respond.

They couldn't determine what kind of gift Shiraiyasha possessed, but the only thing that could be said to be clear at a glance was that there was no chance of winning.The problem is that it is difficult for their self-esteem to accept that they must take back their post in this form.

"If you have to fight." Ye Kai was originally sitting on the ground, but he stood up and stretched his hands into the void.

Seeing a sword hilt appear in the void, he slowly pulled out the sword, and said calmly, "Then I will take the move."

Facing such an existence, he didn't know if his Xuanyuan Sword could split it with one blow.

Xuanyuan Sword symbolizes the strongest power, theoretically everything can be cut under the sword.

No wonder, no wonder the grandpa gave himself this kind of big killer, so there will be a great existence here.

Even with the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, Ye Kai is not so sure.

Of course, if Kunlun's power is fully displayed, he may be shocked by the long-lasting memory in the Kunlun mirror. In that case, he doesn't know if he is still the current him.

He is not the only reincarnation of Kunlun Mirror.

Bai Yasha's eyes gradually became serious, she could see that the things in Ye Kai's hands were not something easy to get along with.

Chapter 601 Challenge

After a brief silence, Izayoi slowly raised his hand with a smile that seemed to reveal the intention of giving up.

"It's nerve-wracking, I've been generalized! I surrender, Shiroyasha." Izayoi smiled and said, "It's not my style to let others take care of things I provoke."

"Huh? It means that you don't ask for a duel, but accept the test?" Bai Yasha smiled.

Insignificantly, she and Ye Kai breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

If the two fight, they will definitely use all their cards, and it is unknown what the outcome of the fight will be.

The point is that this is not Ye Kai's business, but Ye Kai has to take care of it.

Before that, he and Shizaye had a good friendship, and he also joined the community. If he watched his companions charge and he hid behind himself, facing such a strong guy, his heart would collapse.

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