"Yeah, isn't it cool to defeat the devil?" Izayoi said playfully.

He adjusted quickly, and was no longer affected by the previous performance of Ye Kai and others.

"This is not a problem that can be solved simply by being 'cool'...Really, is it because you are young? Should you say you are reckless or brave? Anyway, after you return to the community, you will understand what a demon king is. If that If you still want to fight the devil in the future, I won't stop you... But you two girls, you will definitely die." Shiroyasha looked at Asuka and Kasukabe and said.

Although the gifts of the two of them are not bad, compared with Ye Kai, Remy, Fulan, and Shizaiye, they are completely different.

Ye Kai's strength enough to threaten him might be able to defeat the Demon King.

However, things like games don’t just need power…

Shiroyasha made this determination as if prophesying.Although the two of them wanted to find something to refute for a moment, but the suggestion made by Shiroyasha, who had the same "host authority" as the devil king, carried a courage that made people unable to speak.

"Before challenging the devil, go to participate in various gift games and increase your strength. These guys can be ignored, the two of you can't survive the devil's game with your strength. It's like being trapped The appearance of a bug that fell into the storm and died after being miserably played with is always a sad scene." Bai Yasha said with a look of pity.

"...Thank you for your advice, I will keep it in my heart. Next time we will challenge you to play the game with all your strength, don't forget to be mentally prepared first." Jiuyuan Asuka said with a displeased expression.

"Hmph, it's just what I want. My base is outside the three-three-four-five gate, and you are welcome to come and play at any time... However, I think the bet is to use the black rabbit." Bai Yasha looked at Hei with a perverted expression. rabbit.

"I don't want it!" Hei Tu replied immediately.

Shiroyasha pouted angrily.

"Don't be so indifferent, as long as you belong to my community, I guarantee that you will eat, drink and have fun for a lifetime? I will also help you prepare a personal room with a collar for three meals." Bai Yasha tempted.

"At that time, please invite me to watch." Ye Kai said seriously.

"What a scumbag speech." Jiu Yuan Asuka looked at Ye Kai contemptuously.

"The collar with three meals is already treating someone as a pet! Also, I told you that H is not allowed!" Heitu said with a broken face.

After the game with Shirayasha was over, they walked across the fountain square for another fifteen minutes, and finally came to the gate of the "NoName" residential area.

When I looked up, I saw traces of flags hanging high on the door.

"This is our community. But you have to walk a while from the entrance to reach the headquarters, please forgive me. Because there are still traces of the battle around here..."

"The traces after the battle? It refers to the battle with the guy who has been mentioned many times with the wonderful name 'Devil King'?" Ye Kai said excitedly.

A White Yaksha is so strong, how strong will the Demon King be?I really want to try it.

If you can't beat it at that time, you will run away with people from this community.

Yakumo Zi should come over in a few days. Although it's too high-profile, it's not a big problem for people who steal some peripherals.

"Yes... yes." The black rabbit said timidly.

"Just right, let me see what the scars left by the so-called Hakoniwa's most terrifying natural disaster look like." Ye Kai narrowed his eyes.

Due to the previous incident, Asuka was in a bad mood.For her with superior self-esteem, the fact that she was looked down upon must have made her extremely dissatisfied.

Although the black rabbit hesitated, he still opened the door.A dry wind blew from the other side of the door.

Everyone covered their faces to avoid the sand and dust, only to see a whole piece of ruins in front of them.

Chapter 603 Responsibilities

"This... this is..." Seeing the scars left on the streetscape, Asuka and Yō gasped, while Izayoi narrowed his eyes.

Izayoi walked towards the wooden ruins and picked up the remains of the fence.

With just a little force, the wood made a crisp sound and disintegrated into pieces.

"...Hey, Black Rabbit. The Demon King's gift game happened hundreds of years ago?" Izayoi said solemnly.

"It was just three short years ago." Black Rabbit explained.

"Ha! This is interesting! It's really interesting! You mean it took only three years to become this completely weathered look?" Izayoi narrowed his eyes.

That's right.Their "NoName" community living area is like a ruined wall that has passed through hundreds of years.

The white-bottomed roads that should have been clean and flat were buried by sand and dust, and wooden buildings were decayed and collapsed.

The iron pillars and wires used to strengthen the key points have been corroded and twisted; the street trees are white and dry like stone monuments, and they are abandoned by the roadside.

This scene is completely unbelievable. Until three years ago, this place was still a lively place where people lived.

"I dare to conclude that no matter what kind of force is used to impact here, it is impossible to cause this kind of destruction. The decayed state of this wooden building, no matter how you look at it, makes people feel that it is a natural collapse after a long time." Ye Kai said with a half-smile.

This level of corrosion is like a hungry Yuyuko passing by a rich city.

Asuka and Yao also looked at the ruins and expressed mixed feelings: "There are even tea sets on the balcony table. From this point of view, it seems that the people who used to live here suddenly disappeared."

"There is no biological smell at all. This is an abandoned human residence, but no wild beasts are willing to approach. What is it..."

The feelings of the two were much heavier than the tone of Ye Kai and Shiliuye.

The black rabbit turned his eyes away from the ruins, and began to advance along the broken road.

"The game with the devil is such an unpredictable battle. The reason why they didn't take this land should be to show off their power as the devil, and it's also a way to scare chickens and monkeys. As long as there are powerful humans, they will He will provoke disputes based on fun, and make the opponent completely succumb to the point where he no longer dares to resist. The few remaining companions are also discouraged because of this...finally left the community and left Hakoniwa.”

That's why when holding a large-scale gift game, basically like Shiroyasha, the game board is prepared separately.

As long as a powerful community goes to war with the Demon King, ugly scars will be left behind.And the Demon Lord deliberately enjoys this.Kuro Usagi moved forward in the weathered area with eyes that erased all emotion, Asuka and Yao followed behind her with complicated expressions.

Izayoi's eyes shone brightly, and he smiled arrogantly and whispered, "The Demon King...? Ha! Very good, really great! It seems that it will be more interesting than I imagined..."

"You, it's really funny." Ye Kai narrowed his eyes and said.

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