"When you were racing with me, you didn't use your full strength?" Izayoi frowned.

"In a race, I'm really only that fast, unless I'm allowed to fly, or cut the space to move, but wouldn't that be a foul?" Ye Kai rolled his eyes.

"Cut." Sixteen nights curled his lips.

He was a little brooding about Ye Kai's Xuanyuan Sword.

Several people walked through the ruins, ready to see how the saplings called water trees were set in the reservoir.

It seems that there have been visitors on the other side of the reservoir. It turns out that the children in the Renhe Community are cleaning the waterway with cleaning tools.

"Ah! Everyone! The waterways and cisterns are ready!"

"Master Ren, you have worked hard. Did everyone help clean up?"

The noisy children gathered around the black rabbit.

"Sister Black Rabbit is back!"

"Although I'm sleepy, I also helped clean up!"

"That, who is the newcomer?"

"Is it strong? Is it handsome?"

"YES! They are some very strong and cute people! I will introduce them to everyone, so please line up."

The black rabbit snapped its fingers, and the children lined up in a row in unison.

There are about [-] people, including boys and girls with cat ears or fox ears.

Fran and Remy, since they are a little sleepy now, have already fallen asleep.

Otherwise, they should be very happy to see a lot of "peers", right?

uh-huh!Black Rabbit pretended to cough and then introduced several people: "From the right is Mr. Ye Kai, who is holding Ms. Fulan in his arms, and Ms. Remy riding on his shoulders, and then Reverse Izayoi Sir, Miss Kuwon Asuka, Miss Kasukabe Yao. Everyone knows that our community is supported by powerful game participants, so those who cannot participate in the gift game must support the participants in their private lives, encourage them, and sometimes even You have to die for them."

"Oh? There's no need to go to that level, it's okay to relax a little bit." Asuka said with some embarrassment.

"No, that would make it impossible to maintain the organization." Black Rabbit rejected Asuka's proposal with an extremely stern voice.

This is her most serious expression and tone throughout the day today.

I saw her continue: "The community relies on the participants to participate in the gift game and relies on the gifts they bring to survive. Since it is necessary to survive in the Hakoniwa world, this is an absolutely unavoidable rule. If it is because Spoiling children when they are young is not good for their future."

"Is a loving mother a loser? Very thoughtful." Ye Kai nodded and said.

Kuroto shut Asuka's mouth with an irrefutable momentum.This should be a harsh reality that can only be understood by the black rabbit who has been relying on himself to maintain the community for the past three years.

At the same time, Asuka also thought that... the responsibilities he had to shoulder might be much heavier than originally estimated.

"Don't worry, we are here." Ye Kai seemed to see what Asuka was thinking, and said something to her.

Asuka was stunned for a moment, her pretty face flushed suddenly, she turned her face away, and ignored Ye Kai.

Ye Kai rolled his eyes, he has subdued more than one of this kind of arrogant lady.

"Please teach me a lot!" About [-] children yelled at an extremely loud volume that made people's ears ring.

After that, several people went to the place where the water tree was placed.

As soon as the black rabbit untied the rope binding the saplings, a wave of water overflowed from the cloth towel covering the roots, turning into a torrent and filling the reservoir.

Chapter 604

It was already midnight when everyone arrived at the main building.Emerging from the outline illuminated by the moonlight, the headquarters looked as huge as a castle.

"Well, do you want to go on patrol?" Ye Kai said to Shiliuye.

"Why, don't you care after they finish talking during the day?" Shiliuye stared at Ye Kai and said.

"Don't worry, if someone invades, my fire will teach them to be human." Ye Kai narrowed his eyes and said.

"Is it the purple one, the flame that can crush stones?" Izayoi asked curiously.

"Well, that kind of ability comes from ghosts and gods. I have already arranged two layers of ghosts and gods. Even if Asuka and Kasukabe's level come in, they will be folded here." Ye Kai narrowed his eyes and said: "This kind of person, how many people will disappear? It should be fine, right?"

"In Little Garden, don't you have to obey the law?" Izayoi said with a half-smile.

"Law, will you take it seriously?" Ye Kai rolled his eyes.

Izayoi shrugged, both of them were lawless people, so naturally they would not regard the so-called rules as restrictions.

"I'm going for a walk." Sixteen nights turned around and walked outside.

"Are you cold-faced and warm-hearted? You really like to worry." Ye Kai shook his head and entered his private bathroom.

This is a small bathroom prepared for him alone. It used to be used by the leaders here, but it has been abandoned for a long time now, and the cheap leaves are open.

Although Ye Kai's ghost hand is not contagious, he still brought it up so as not to make people worry.

"Oh..." Remy opened her eyes in a daze.

She, Fran, has been submerged in the water.

The water is flowing and not afraid of getting dirty.

"Are you awake?" Ye Kai asked while wiping their bodies.

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