As a full-time baby daddy, he can be said to be very handy.

Remi didn't struggle, but put her little head on the ground, put her body in the water, and exposed her back to Ye Kai.

The strength of Ye Kai's hands increased slightly.

Fran also opened her eyes in a daze. Although they had played all day during the day, they were still very energetic at night.

She and Remi lay down together, and Ye Kai wiped their backs.

"Ye Kai, there are indeed many strong men in this world." Remy said with emotion.

"Yo, Miss has grown up?" Ye Kai smiled and said.

Remi was the former Remi, but she was always fearless.

It seems that there are many existences in this world that even Remy is afraid of.

Their strength is probably at the level of absolute crushing, otherwise Remy would not take it seriously.

"Want to die once?" Remy rolled Ye Kai's eyes, and said worriedly, "If these existences go to Gensokyo..."

"Don't worry, no, there are people above us." Ye Kai pointed to the sky and said: "Heaven will not watch us being bullied."

"It's really uncomfortable that fate is in the hands of others." Remi muttered.

"When the power of Arad's plane is integrated, and the power of the forbidden world is integrated, I am afraid that the existence of this world will not be able to do anything to us. Miss, I have been the guard of the Hongmeng Pavilion all my life, and I will never abandon you. Miss and Second Miss, if they want to invade Hongmeng Hall, they will also step over my dead body." A cold light flashed in Ye Kai's eyes.

Remy nodded, patted Ye Kai's head and said, "Well, loyalty is commendable."

"Huh? Why did the Scarlet Devil House become the Red Cute House?" Fran asked in confusion.

"Ahem, illusion, it's all illusion!" Ye Kai said righteously.

Immediately, there were slapstick sounds in the bathroom.

"It's really enviable."

In the bathroom next door, Heitu listened to the words from the bathroom next door with a look of emotion on his face.

"Are you talking about that lolicon?" Asuka said with a look of disdain.

"Your face is red." Kasukabe said indifferently.

"Who, who blushed?" Asuka retorted, "It's because of the hot water!"

Denying first, then admitting, is enough...

They haven't known each other for a long time, and today is the first day.

But Ye Kai stood up against Bai Yasha, and the shadow of confronting Bai Yasha was lingering.

That man is such a mysterious guy.

If she has known Ye Kai for a long time, she will find that Ye Kai is not fascinated at all.

When Shiliuye was taking a walk, he happened to meet Ren and instilled a lot of messy ideas in him.

He also sent out a message to ask Ren to challenge the Demon King, which scared the little devil enough.

But if you want to everbright the community, you have to say this is a shortcut.

He also got a piece of information, that is, their former partners are now ready to be treated as goods and trade with other communities, and they are still the original Demon King.

He promised Ren that as long as he wins tomorrow's game, he will help him regain his companion.

The next day, several people came to the venue of the competition.

The sky here is red, and the ordinary courtyard is full of tree branches and vine-like things.

All the trees seem to be alive, and when you put your hand on them, you will feel the beating like a heart.

Combined with this dim sky, it feels very ominous.

"This is..." Heitu looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

"Jungle?" Kasukabe asked suspiciously.

"Today's competition is different from the gift competition usually held in the stage area. It is planned in the residential area." Black Rabbit explained.


At this moment, Kasukabe's three-haired cat was entangled by a tree vine.


A flash of sword light flashed, Ye Kai cut off the tree vine casually, and saved it.

"Thank you." Kasukabe said to Ye Kai.

"It's okay." Ye Kai said indifferently.

"Huh? This is the power of the blood race." Remy narrowed her eyes and said.

"Is it very strong?" Ye Kai asked Remy.

"Very weak." Remi shook her head and said, "The opponent doesn't have any super mysterious abilities."

"Ren, here are the contract documents!" Hei Tu suddenly said to Ren.

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