"If you want to be funny, you should also know how to measure it!"

Heitu took out a special paper fan and complained vigorously. It seemed that the two of them were really too busy to panic.

"I think it's the big brother. The big brother got angry and yelled loudly!" Fran made a big gesture.

"Is it a ghost? By the way, the roar of a ghost is really similar to that of a tiger." Remy thought for a while.

"Hey, what exactly is Ye Kai in your hearts!" Hei Tu was speechless.

It's fine if Izayoi is unreliable, but why are the two lolis also unreliable?

Wait, why do you think the two lolis are more mature than Izayoi?Could it be that her intelligence has degenerated?

Izayoi broke off the wonderful branch that came out of the gate, and said with a smile: "Whether it's the roar just now or this stage, it seems to be a more interesting game than originally expected. There will be problems running to the sidelines." ?"

"Although there is a gift game that charges a fee to allow spectators to enter the venue, but it won't work unless the two sides have an agreement at the beginning." The black rabbit shook his head and said.

"What, it's so boring. Just treat it as the 'judgment authority' and the people who come with it, so that's it?" Izayoi glanced at his mouth and said.

"So people say no. The rabbit's wonderful ears can understand the general situation even from here. Unless it is an isolated space where people cannot grasp the situation, it is forbidden to invade." The black rabbit said helplessly.

Tsk!Izayoi smacked his tongue fiercely, tore apart the twitching branch in his hand lengthwise and muttered: "... Miss Rabbit, what kind of noble species, is really useless."

"Please at least complain at a volume that people can't hear! This will really make people depressed!" Kuroto slapped Izayoi.

However, Heitu, who could understand the situation, prayed that the four of them were safe and sound.

"Don't worry, I'm sure I'll win!" After yesterday's worries, Remy has recovered and turned back to her full of energy.

"Well, big brother is very strong." Fulan nodded and said, "I'm almost catching up with Fulan."

Izayoi cast a glance at Fran, but said nothing.

What is the origin of this brat?When she shook hands with the planet, she felt her heart beating hard a few times.

This brat is too strong.

The tiger-shaped monster launched a sprint attack at a speed too fast for people to see clearly, and the one who blocked it was Ye Kai who stood up to protect the bird.


Ye Kai's heavy fist collided with the opponent's tiger claw.

"Stay back, the story of the beauty and the beast is not like this. I prefer to watch the gorilla hug the beauty and climb the skyscraper to masturbate." Ye Kai said indifferently.

Ren seemed to know something, secretly said: Ghost!And it's a vampire!It really is her...

He glanced at the room, and suddenly saw a cross sword, and said to everyone: "That's it, I'm afraid that cross sword is the designated weapon!"

"Oh? Got it!" Ye Kai's eyes lit up, cross sword?

As long as it is a sword, it will not trouble him, even a spear can be folded into the shape of a sword.

I saw Ye Kai kicked the tiger's chin fiercely, and then flew up, grasping the hilt of the cross sword.

Several people only felt that Ye Kai's appearance had changed.

Although he is still the same him, but the one who got the sword has something more indescribable.

That is, self-confidence that looks down on everything!


Ye Kai flicked the blade of the sword and rushed towards the tiger.

"Roar!" Not to be outdone, the tiger rushed towards Ye Kai.

It seems that it knows that if it wants to eat the two girls and a child in front of it, it has to go through Ye Kai.

"Be careful!" Asuka yelled.

Although Ye Kai had the upper hand just now, who knows how much strength he used, and how much strength the tiger used?

In a duel, the competition is not about who has the upper hand at the beginning, but who has more cards.

There was a smile on the corner of Ye Kai's mouth.

You can't use other gifts to deal with a wild beast, it's easy to catch...

He is, the sword god!

Unbelievable, Ye Kai turned sideways, just in time to avoid the tiger's pounce, without breaking his own rhythm.


A silver light flashed, and the long sword poured from the tiger's chin into his brain.


Chapter 606 Vampire Attacks

Asuka Kazuhito's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe what he saw.

Where the hell is this Ye Kai?He is so strong...

Without using any ability, just leaning over and drawing out the sword, he killed several existences that no one could fight against.

Asuka said in disbelief, "Why do you look more like a monster?"

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