"Ha, as long as you like it." The weapon in Ye Kai's hand was thrown to Asuka.

"What do you mean?" Asuka froze for a moment.

"Give it to you, spoils of war." Ye Kai said with a smile: "My eldest lady and second lady are both vampires, although they wear silver ornaments to show their strength, but vampires still hate this kind of thing, so I can't let me bring it to you. Are they annoying? If you don’t like it, sell two bracelets.”

"Cut." Asuka reluctantly accepted the explanation and accepted the bloody gift.

She didn't ask why she didn't give it to Kasukabe, after all, Kasukabe's gift is more used to fighting with bare hands.

As for Jen, he is a child.

Asuka found various reasons to convince himself that Ye Kai had no idea about him...

"This is winning? It's too soon..." Ren murmured.

"If you like to watch exhibition games, I will too." Ye Kai shrugged and said, "It's just not used to it."

As if to announce the end of the game, all the trees disappeared together.After hearing the sound of the abandoned houses supported by trees collapsing one by one, Izayoi and Kuroto ran forward.

Seeing that Ye Kai and the others had nothing to do, Shiliuye couldn't help shouting that he was bored.

Heitu already knew about it, so he wasn't surprised.

Not long after the game ended, the disbandment order for "ForesGaro" was issued.

People who left the residential area to evacuate gathered in front of the gate after learning that the ghostly trees had disappeared.

Afterwards, Ren did not force them to join his own community, but gave them back the flag of his own community.


"Miss, ah!" There was pudding in Ye Kai's spoon.

"Ah!" The eldest lady opened her mouth obediently.


The pudding was stuffed into the young lady's mouth, and it was the same for Fran.

Feeding like this every day is Ye Kai's favorite thing to do.

Remy swallowed the pudding, and said to the window on one side: "The humble blood outside, do you want to look up at the glory of Lord Remy?"

Click click.

Some branches climbed up the windows and opened them.

A figure appeared.

This is a blonde loli with no expression, wearing a long skirt and a red leather jacket.

"It's astonishing that you can detect my breath." Loli said indifferently.

"My servant, didn't you notice?" Remy asked suspiciously.

"I noticed it, but it's just a weak chicken, why bother with her?" Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.

"Fran was thinking just now, should I spoil her." Fran said softly.

"Unexpectedly, there are two such powerful vampires. Even I dare not say that I can win." Luoli said indifferently.

She's not talking about her now, but about her in her prime.

Originally possessed purebred ghosts and godheads at the same time, because they wanted to see their current "No Name" companions, they abandoned the godheads and became ghosts without godheads, with less than one-tenth of their previous strength.

Her name is Leticia de Creia In the era of Hakoniwa development, the blood-sucking princess Leticia was only [-] years old and reached the position of Dragon Knight, leading the Hakoniwa knights to protect Hakoniwa City, and successfully established an organization to protect the lower level. Hierarchy ruler system, and gained the thirteenth zodiac Ophiuchus sun sovereignty.

However, the opposition within the vampires, in order to gain control of the demon star that has tortured them for a long time, launched a civil strife when Leticia went to defeat the demon king, opened the curtain of the Little Garden, and killed the vampire royal family with sunlight.

In order to keep the class ruler system, he voluntarily assumed all the crimes, and with the help of the storyteller, he used the authority of the sponsor to take revenge and became the devil who killed the conspirators.

Hundreds of years later, under the guidance of Canary, she realized the depth of the crime of falling into the devil. In the end, Canary separated Leticia from the game by fulfilling the condition that the game would be interrupted indefinitely. Leticia thus joins the community Arcadia.

"Hmph, Lord Remy is the strongest!" Remy pinched her waist with both hands and said proudly.

Hearing the other party's praise, Remy forgot the unhappiness brought about by the word vampire.


Numerous branches were entangled together and blasted towards Ye Kai and the others.

Fran's little hand shook lightly, and the branches collapsed, making it impossible to advance an inch.

"Sure enough, it's very strong." Leticia said indifferently.

"Big brother, can I spoil her?" Fran asked softly.


At this moment, the door was violently pushed open from the outside.

Hei Tu and others all rushed in.

"This..." Heitu froze for a moment.

"Hey, the enemy is coming." Ye Kai squeezed his fist and said, "Heitu, how do you think I should deal with her? Let me tell you, I know a woman who just needs a test drug."

"Wait, Lord Ye Kai, she is our former companion, Lord Leticia!" Hei Tu hurriedly said.

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