Although the monsters here don't eat people, they will never be soft when killing people. Some smart monsters even use corpses to make traps.

"Listen to my mother, you are not allowed to mess up whoever messes up, or you will let everyone die together." Lai Wei showed a bloodthirsty smile on her mouth, and her eyes were full of murderous intent.

When fighting, she is no longer the optimistic and hearty her, but a strong Amazon warrior.


Daqi blasted a zombie away with one sword, and then split the fallen demon in half with another sword.

Robert took a deep breath, nodded vigorously, and shouted: "Daqi, drink the stamina potion; Ada, drink the magic potion; Lavi, it's up to you!"


Robert blocked a fireball with a shield, and Levi ate two sticks from the Fallen Demon, and then stretched out the shield to block a bombardment from the huge beast.

Her hands were slightly numb.

Her shield is similar to Robert's, they are all ordinary leather shields, and they are not as hard as iron shields at all.

But they couldn't equip iron shields at all now, that would affect flexibility, and it was difficult for the blacksmiths in the camp to make small shields, so they could only make big iron shields.

Mobility is often more important than defense.

Unfortunately, this cognition was broken by the monsters in the cave.

Unlike in the game, as long as people can move, they can swing weapons endlessly. People here are not iron men, and they need to rely on physical strength, medicine or rest to recover.

Level 30 and above, and what is stronger than level 30, are battery life, mastery of skills, and strength and agility.

The reason why some equipment can only be worn at a high level is because many people use that kind of powerful equipment is a waste, not to mention not being able to use the original ability, and it is easy to be dragged down by the equipment.

Closer to home.

Lai Wei and the others are already scarred, although there are stamina potions, magic potions, and life potions to supplement their injuries.

But mental fatigue is irreversible.

On the battlefield, it is easy to lose the spirit of killing and killing, and can only rely on instinct to fight.

They are still too young to have experienced such a tragic battle, and the protracted war is too bad for them.

Their movements became slower and slower, and even the conductor Robert began to have scars on his body.

There is not much medicine in the entire camp, and they have already brought a fifth of the camp when they came out this time.

Those potions have already been drunk by them.

All that was left was the medicine bag that Ye Kai got from Akara and put it in the middle of them.

In fact, now is not the time when medicine can save the situation.

Their spirits were exhausted, but how could the monster be any better?About five hundred monsters have already been killed by more than half, and now it depends on who can persist until the end.

Or, wait for Ye Kai to solve the corpse and get angry.

Ye Kai killed three fallen demons with a single sword, and rushed towards a fallen demon wizard.

He found out now that his strategy just now was a bit wrong.

The angry corpse obviously has an IQ, at least not like in the game, rushing towards the player without fear of death.

It seemed to see Ye Kai's strength, backed up a little bit, and then let a lot of younger brothers step forward.

Not only Fallen, but also giant beasts and zombies.

This is to give Ye Kai the illusion that he is not suffering. Huge beasts and zombies are not regenerated like fallen demons.

As long as the time is slowly dragged to zero, the corpse can summon a large number of monsters again when it gets angry. At that time, it is the time for several people to die.

Fortunately, Ye Kai saw through this trick.

The guards around the fallen magician were not as angry as the corpse.


Silver light falls!

A fallen magician was nailed to the ground.


Ghost cut!

Another fallen witch was burned to ashes.

There were mana gold coins everywhere on the ground, Ye Kai didn't pick up any of them, now is not the time to be a money fan.

There was a trace of coldness in Ye Kai's eyes.

Unexpectedly, just by killing two more fallen magic wizards, the opponent's lineup began to become chaotic.

Sure enough, the Fallen Demon Sorcerer was the focus of everything.

The fallen demon wizards surrounding Ye Kai seldom fired fire bombs, and even if they did, they would fire them to change positions.

It's a real pleasure to fight these intelligent monsters.


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