Another sword flashed.

The heads of two zombies soared into the sky.

The angry figure of the corpse was also exposed in the air.

Seeing the fighting spirit under his feet, Ye Kai smiled charmingly.

Brush, brush!

Even thrust!

A zombie was pierced by him, and the sword qi hurt the corpse again and burst into flames.

Now it has half of its neck cut off by Ye Kai, and there are scars all over its body.

If it was like that in the game, its blood bar would have been empty long ago.

But even so, it doesn't matter, the matter of two swords!

After all, Ye Kai's attacks on it were all scratches, and there was no such fatal injury as cutting off the head.

hum, hum...

Another two swords of Ghost Slash, Ye Kai found that since he recovered from his weakness, the cooldown time of Ghost Slash has become almost the same as that of the game.

It turns out that these skills also have proficiency.

The more you use it, the faster the cooling time will recover naturally.

He always thought that just like in the game, as long as the skills are full, you don't need to worry about it. This time, the Ghost Slash taught him a good lesson.


"go to hell!"

Ye Kai yelled, he had already cleaned up the fallen demon and the fallen demon wizard near the burning corpse, and the mobility of huge beasts and zombies couldn't stop Ye Kai at all.

Although those fallen demons are weak, they are clingy.

Zombies and giant beasts don't go to that level.


Collapsing mountain strike.

How can the head of a mere corpse with a burning body be able to stop it when it has been practiced to the limit?

It slowly fell to the ground, a burst of blue fire erupted from its body, and then slowly condensed into...a shield?

[Kill a rare elite: the body is angry, and the experience value is 50%]

There was no upgrade, but it was enough to cheer Ye Kai up!

It turns out that there is experience in killing this special monster!

In the first act of Diablo 2, there seem to be many such monsters...

"Hold on!" Robert shouted loudly!

Chapter 68 Swear

Shit, I forgot about those brats when I got excited.

Ye Kai turned around and killed back, this time with him joining, the rest of the monsters were like chopping melons and vegetables, until the last monster fell down, everyone's eyes were still shining with disbelief.

they won...

It stands to reason that if Ye Kai plays games in this copy, he can enter it at the first level, and can be swept away after two or three levels.

Unfortunately, this is reality.

Using game characters and bugs in the game, as long as the skills are good, he can torture and kill Hell Mephisto on the map of the third act, but try it in reality?So many high-level professionals can only die one after another.

People don't care about the restrictions of the map, they just fly over and kill them.

Click, click, click...

Ye Kai frowned slightly. The entire cave seemed to have... a black mist, which had dissipated now.

Wisps of sunlight came in from the outside. It turned out that the cave was not completely closed, but was covered by the breath of the monster.


Ada sat down on the ground, gulping down her clothes, the sweat on her head was mixed with dust, and her entire face turned gray.

Lai Wei also knelt down on the ground without any image. The shield had been burnt a lot, and it seemed unusable.

Only the last of her javelins remained, and all the rest were thrown out.

There was a large area of ​​bare skin on her body, which was caused by the fire bombs burning her clothes.

The reality is not like the game, clothes can not be burned, unless it is a special armor.

There were bloodstains everywhere on Dach's sword, and the whole sword was almost stained red with blood.

There were scorched marks all over his body, and he could still smell the aroma of barbecue when he got close.

Robert's shield has long been useless, and now it is thrown on the ground. His hand has long been replaced with a sword to resist the opponent's attack.

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