If the sword can't block it, use your body to block it. Fortunately, he is wearing leather armor.

Daqi, on the other hand, didn't have this awareness, he still wasn't used to the shirt.

Ye Kai was not much better, his whole body was covered with blood and the minced meat of monsters, but his sword was still brand new.

This is the power of the artifact, killing without blood.

He also tried this sword on Robert, and Robert didn't have any bonus when he picked it up, but he felt a little unable to hold it.

Sure enough, only ghost swordsmen can use the weapons of ghost swordsmen.

If the dark warrior can also use it... there's nothing wrong with it.

And Ye Kai's clothes are also in pieces, the jacket can no longer be worn, and the trousers are broken from the knee, just like the big trousers, which looks very funny.

They were all disheveled, Ye Kai had the most blood on his face, and the blood, dust, sweat, and tattoos on the faces of Lai Wei and Daqi were almost unreadable.

Ada, on the contrary, is the best one.

After all, he is Fa Ye and the youngest, so it is better to be protected.

Ye Kai lay on the ground in a disfigured manner, not caring about the blood on the ground, let's go back and talk about taking a bath...

"we won?"

Robert murmured.

"That's right, we won. I didn't expect these bastards to be so smart that they would besiege and even command. Okay, Ye Kai." Lai Wei laughed a few times.

This time, if Ye Kai hadn't killed the corpse and got angry, and then turned around to help them kill all the monsters, everyone would have stayed here.

It seems that to have a clearer understanding of monsters, at least they are not completely without IQ.

It's just that the monsters in the wild are too stupid.

In the bloody wasteland, the monsters are basically disorganized and undisciplined, but if you go outside, you will find that there are already camps for fallen demons in some places.

Those high-level monsters can naturally command the low-level monsters under them.

"Hey, boss, I'm convinced." Dach laughed loudly.

He took out a cloth and wiped his sword.

Among the four, the most tenacious one is not Lai Wei, who is the highest rank, but this simple and honest Dach.

Ye Kai smiled casually, sat up, and picked up the gold coins on the ground. With so many monster gold coins, how do we spend them?

More than two thousand pieces!

Ye Kai took half of it, and the other half was handed over to four people, two hundred and five per person...

This was agreed at the beginning, Ye Kai originally wanted to share equally, after all he is still very loyal to his friends.

At that time, in order to entertain him, Dach and Lai Wei took out their treasured wine and had a hearty meal with roast beef.

Sure enough, Ye Kai was settled by a barbecue, and he insisted on splitting it equally.

But the other party can't do it, Ye Kai takes them to upgrade, they are enough to take advantage of it, and they don't need money.

In the end, Ye Kai talked about everything, so they accepted half of it.

Kaxia shook her head when she saw this matter, and these few children did not look at the pros and cons when doing things, only right or wrong.

If a mature professional encounters them, it is estimated that there will be no bones left for them to be eaten.

This world is a dark world. Those civilians can fight for food. Fortunately, they are separated from the civilians. Not bad.

Even after two lifetimes and two worlds, Ye Kai has always maintained his innocence and his bottom line.

He believed in his friends, and his friends believed in him.

If one day he is betrayed by a friend, he will definitely make the other party pay in blood.

However, in the first scene where he only has five occupations, it is estimated that he will not be able to keep up.

The rest is the small shield, Ye Kai looked at it, the small shield is an unidentified magic item.

The four of them had to discuss how to use this kind of thing, but he couldn't use it.

After resting, they explored the cave again and found some boxes used by monsters to hide their treasures. Inside were some magic potions and life potions, which should have been left by Rogue who died here before.

In the cave, there were a total of 23 Rogue's corpses, and several were impaled on sharp wooden sticks.

Ye Kai gathered them together one by one and put them on the ground.

Several people divided the labor to find firewood, which had to go outside.

In the end, countless firewood covered their bodies.

This is the sorrow of Rogge, among them, men can't fight at all, and only these female Rogge can exert the greatest power of bows and arrows.

Although men can use swords, they lack resources, so they can only break iron into farm tools and arrows.

The rest, at most, can arm these few professionals.

Rogue, as well as the Amazons, are women in charge, while the barbarians are machismo.

This continent, so many strange people, gathered together.

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