"Wait, what do you mean?" Heitu didn't care that his tail was being played by Yakumozi, and suddenly stood up.

"I'm going to another world to fight a war." Ye Kai said seriously: "During my absence, remember not to cause trouble. When I come back, I will definitely come back within a month at the shortest, or a year at the most. Continue to help you."

"This, this is too sudden." The black rabbit's face changed.

She summoned Ye Kai and others, never thought that they would leave. Now that Ye Kai has something to go out, it can be said that she was almost scared out of her wits.

"Well, it's not like I won't be back." Ye Kai patted Heitu's head and said, "Don't worry, the guy I'm going to deal with this time, in theory, I can beat him single-handed."

With top-notch equipment and the Xuanyuan Sword, he is almost capable of fighting.

Together with the people of Gensokyo, it is enough.

Speaking so grandly is just to reassure the black rabbit.

Heitu opened his mouth slightly, but he didn't know what to say. Although she really wanted to help, the community couldn't do without her.


"I am coming too!"

The bird that went out came in again.

Yakumo Zi had an expression of complete control, it seemed that she knew that Asuka hadn't left.

"Forget it, this is war, and it's very dangerous." Ye Kai said in a deep voice, "At least, only with my current strength can I barely protect myself. The people who went this time are all in the three-digit and four-digit numbers. Top-ranked combat power."

"Do you despise me for being weak?" Asuka pointed to herself and said in disbelief.

"No, I'm worried about your safety. I'm an immortal species, that is to say, I will never die, but for you, there is only one life." Ye Kai walked up to Asuka and put his hand on her On the head, said softly: "I can solve it, trust your companion."

"Do you believe...?" Asuka murmured.

It was only now that she and Kasukabe realized how weak they were.

If it were Shizaye, Ye Kai would let him go without worry, right?

At least Ye Kai's combat power is required, so what kind of existence is the opponent?

"Well, believe me, I will definitely come back." Ye Kai smiled and said: "Okay, then I will go first, and I will lend you the vampire maid of the Scarlet Devil Mansion first, take this."

Saying that, Ye Kai took out a... stone?

"This is... Godhead?" Hei Tu's eyes widened, looking at the thing in Ye Kai's hand.

"Is it? One of my sisters gave it to me. She said that after killing three demon gods, three pieces of such things fell out. A friend washed away the hostility and put them together. This is the purest. My maid should It can be used." Ye Kai said with a smile.

The black rabbit silently took over the godhead.

She suddenly realized that she was useless, these few times, Ye Kai and Shiliuye had been contributing.

Now that Ye Kai is in trouble, he wants to leave, but he has not forgotten to leave behind a godhead to help them.

"In any case, she is also a member of my Scarlet Devil Mansion. I can't let her remain weak like this. Don't overthink it." Ye Kai rubbed Heitu's rabbit ears.

"You, don't lie to me, you must come back, you know?" Asuka still chose to trust Ye Kai.

If not, are there other options?

There was a self-deprecating smile on her face. Being weak was really an original sin.

She has never felt as much as she does now, what a wonderful thing it is to become stronger.

Ye Kai thought for a while, took out the Heart of the Ocean from his backpack, and wrapped it around Asuka's neck before she could react.

Ye Kai said sincerely: "This is the most valuable thing on me, please don't wear this necklace without clothes and ask someone to draw a sketch for you. I'm not the rich second generation of SB."

When Asuka heard the first sentence, she was still sweet in her heart, but who knew that Ye Kai's change of painting style was unexpected. Like an angry kitten, she yelled at Ye Kai: "Go to hell!" what!"

Then, before Ye Kai could react, Yakumo Zi led him and Remi Fran into the gap.

Chapter 617

The walk through the gap this time was not smooth at all, because Yakumo Zi kicked Ye Kai down halfway.

In Yakumo Zi's words, this is a punishment for his fickleness.

Ye Kai flew out of the gap with a depressed expression on his face, but when he saw the artillery fire directly below him, he immediately understood that he was cheated by Yakumo Zi again.


He spread his fluctuating wings, intending to go down to see what's going on.


"Don't, don't come here..." A loli with white hair and red eyes was looking at the woman in front of her with an aggrieved expression.

"Hehe, keep going, keep firing!" There was a smile on the corner of the woman's mouth.

This smile can completely scare children.

The kid in front of me looks terrified...

"Sister Youxiang?" Ye Kai landed slowly and stopped beside Youxiang.

Here is Dutch Harbor in the Aleutian Islands, where a mighty deep sea lies.

"Why are you here?" Fengjian Youxiang glanced at Ye Kai who had just landed and said: "I heard that you are going to fight in two days, I will come out to warm up first."

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