Little Loli held her head in her hands, curled up into a ball, with a terrified expression on her face.

She can't even handle one, now there are two...

Why is this world so chaotic? Are there no human rights in the deep sea?

"Eh... I came here specially to find Sister Youxiang." Ye Kai said with a serious face.

He is a standard man who cares about teasing, no matter who he is, he naturally speaks nicely.

But he also got used to it in Gensokyo, which gave Asuka the illusion that he likes me.

In Gensokyo, if a man speaks badly, he is really beaten...

"So that's the case. I saw this in the mission released by the ship's mother. It just so happens that your ship's mother has no resources. If I complete this task, I can get a lot of resources." Youxiang smiled.

Ye Kai glanced at Lolita and was stunned.

Sure enough, You Xiang was just talking, she must have come here for herself.

This loli is no other creature, but the legendary northern Qi Ji!

The expression pack of her holding a sign was very popular at that time.

As a deep sea, she can have extremely high popularity, which shows how cute she is.

Youxiang is a violent maniac and a standard lolicon, she likes children the most.

When she saw Qi Ji in the north, her first reaction was to fly over, maim her, and prepare to take her back to raise her.

It is estimated that the world government also made up for Moegirl Encyclopedia, right?Only then did he think of a way to make Youxiang take the initiative to attack.

"Be good, don't be afraid." You Xiang showed a gentle expression, and hugged Xiao Bei Bei.

But that gentleness is what she thinks, Ye Kai looked at Youxiang's smile, and only felt four words: murderous and awe-inspiring.

"Let's go back." Youxiang embraced the prisoner, who didn't dare to move in her arms, buried his little head in Queen Youxiang's chest, Ye Kai wanted to change places with her.

However, molesting others is fine, molesting You Xiang, even if Ye Kai had a hundred guts, he would not dare.

The two flew in the direction of the tutelary mansion.

Fortunately, I met Youxiang, otherwise Ye Kai would not know the way.

In less than an hour, the two returned to Gensokyo.

Seeing Youxiang, Ye Kai went directly to Bayi Yonglin, probably to perform surgery on the north?At least let her look like a normal ship girl.

And Ye Kai flew to his own tutelary mansion.

"It's Admiral Poi!" At this moment, Xili's voice sounded.

Ye Kai looked down and saw that Xili and other ship girls were patrolling the beach.

Ye Kai's eyes lit up, he flew in front of Xi Li, hugged her up, kissed her on the face, and said with a smile, "Admiral, have you thought about it?"

"I thought about poi!" Xi Li said shyly with her pretty face flushed.

"As expected, my Xili is the most obedient!" Ye Kai's face rubbed against Xili's.

Poi or something, isn't it cuter than the North?

As long as you can poi, it will be fine!

"Huh, Ye Kai?"

At this moment, Ye Kai heard a hearty voice.

"Sister Pao?" Ye Kai asked in surprise.



A super electromagnetic gun flew towards him.

Ye Kai flicked the coin and flew it out.

Before, he had to block with weapons, but now he is much stronger than before.

"Damn monster, uniform control, girl control, pervert!" Miqin's face flushed suddenly.

"Why are you here?" Ye Kai took Xili's little hand and walked in front of Meiqin.

His big hand covered Mikoto's head.

Meiqin wanted to escape, but she couldn't dodge no matter what, she had no choice but to accept her fate, secretly hating herself for being too stupid to call him.

"It was Yuyuko who brought me here, as well as Kamijou Touma, Index, and Kanzaki Kaori." Mikoto said bluntly, blushing.

"Huh? I understand." Ye Kai suddenly realized.

This should be because they are afraid that the war will spread to them, right?

By the way, Meiqin doesn't seem to be very repulsed by calling her Miss Pao?

How did he know that Meiqin has been played badly these days.

After she found out that she, like Ye Kai, was also a [-]D character, she lost her composure for a moment.

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