And the setting even says that she likes Kamijou Touma?is it possible?

But when watching anime, it is really possible to think about what Kamijou Touma might do for himself.

Those who come to the amusement park will naturally say the nickname of Miss Pao when they see Mikoto.

At first Mikoto was furious, but now she is used to it.

"It's so lively over there, what are you doing?" Ye Kai pointed in the direction of the restaurant street.

"Oh, it's nothing, someone is holding a big eater competition." Meiqin said casually.

"Who is so brave?" Ye Kai was taken aback, who is impatient?

"I don't know, it seems to be just ordinary residents, but don't worry, only humans can participate in this. The winner should be between Mordred, Artoria, and Index." Miqin smiled. the way.

She had heard about Youyouzi's achievements and ability to pay debts, and she couldn't help feeling sorry for Ye Kai.

It is said that Ye Kai is heavily in debt because of Youyouzi, and often goes to other worlds to earn money to pay off debts.

Looking at Ye Kai's work in the Forbidden World, he is not the kind of person who would do bad things.

In this case, one can imagine how difficult it is to raise You Youzi.

"Ye Kaisang!"

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived.

Youyouzi saw Ye Kai from a distance, sprinted all the way, and threw himself into Ye Kai's arms.

She has no weight, Ye Kai can't feel the impact, only feels that his chest is soft.

Thinking about it, it's been a long time since I've eaten meat, who will be lucky tonight?

But Youyouzi's next words made his heart go cold.

"We don't allow people to participate in the Big Eater Competition, when will Ye Kaisang make one for people to participate in!" Youyouzi pouted.

Ye Kai was covered in cold sweat, touched his wallet, and looked up at the admiral's room of his town guard's mansion in the distance.

Lexington turned around decisively, ignoring himself...

Sure enough, is the money not enough?

Chapter 618 Gensokyo Forever

In the evening, Yakumo Zi generously held a bonfire party.

Originally, this was the swearing-in meeting, but Ye Kai found out that he couldn't be serious with these monsters.

Ye Kai sat by the campfire, surrounded by Youyouzi and Cuixiang.

Youyouzi came to eat after finishing what was on his table, and Cuixiang came to persuade him to drink.

"Come, drink!" Cuixiang handed the bowl to Ye Kai.

Ye Kai had no choice but to drink the wine in the bowl in one gulp.

Cuixiang's drinking capacity seems to be bottomless, isn't it too strong?

"By the way, who have you fought with in the Forbidden World?" Ye Kai asked Cuixiang.

He was still a little curious about that battle.

"Yongyi and I fought in Russia, and we fought for wine with them. If they refused, we beat them all to the ground, and fought for wine one by one. The losers would be handed over to a guy named Aleister." Cui Xiang laughed.

"That guy made a lot of money." Ye Kai said with emotion.

The cooperation between him and Yakumo Zi must be a win-win situation in the end, but Ye Kai has nothing to do with it.

"Ye Kaisang, I want a food festival." Youyouzi finished eating another table, and began to shake Ye Kai's arm.

She thought for a while, and put her whole body into Ye Kai's arms, grabbed Ye Kai's hand that was not holding the wine, put it on her chest, and said while shaking, "Is that okay?"

"Tch, a big man, come and have a drink with me. I want to win, so you can hold a food festival!" Cuixiang said with contempt.

"Come on, no one is afraid of anyone. My strength is much stronger now, and my drinking capacity is naturally much stronger! If you win, we will hold a food festival after the Arad fight!" Ye Kai was decisively recruited.

I don't know whether Yuyuko's seduction succeeded, or Cuixiang's provocation succeeded.

"Tifa, don't you care about your husband?" Xiandai looked at Ye Kai's direction and rolled his eyes.

Sitting with her, Tifa said helplessly, "I want to take care of it too, but I can't take care of the problem. This guy really makes people love and hate."

"You also like this kind of person, you really have one." Xiandai laughed.

"Aren't you too? Don't pretend I don't know." Tifa said with a mysterious face: "There are many people who like this guy. Although he is usually unreliable and exaggerated, he is really needed. He was always so reliable."

"You're drunk, why would I like this guy?" Xian Dai shook his head decisively.

"I know, when Ye Kai fed Rumia's arm back then, you had the idea of ​​finding a father for Lingmeng, and I only found out a while ago." Tifa said softly, "Do you remember that time?" The banquet, Gu Mingjue is here?"

"It's her again, one of the most unpopular people in Gensokyo..." Xiandai said with some emotion.

This time, she didn't deny it anymore.

"She is also a poor person. She can choose to close her eyes, but with her eyes closed, what can she do to protect her sister and hell?" Tifa shook her head lightly and said, "I'm afraid it's hard for him to tolerate it in his heart." Let someone else go. But if you really want to compete, I won't stop you."

There was a bitter smile on Xiandai's face, and he said helplessly: "I can only feel that the time of acquaintance is not right. He first met Youyouzi, and then you. He has been through the past and the present, and he has completed the relationship with Youyouzi. He brought Kaguya with him. At that time, how could he have someone else in his heart? When he encountered the Shura field, he was also the first reaction to take you away."

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